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starting again with hydro - canna or gh nutes??


Well-known member
re-starting in hydro after some years in soil - i have a shit-load of fox farms nutes , the 12 bottle system ... i'd luv to use up these nutes, but i see some of em are diff for hydro n soil, so figure i will use either canna or gh, both i have used years ago, and didn't see any diff in either - so i guess i'm asking if there is a new/greatest nute ... or are they still the standard... thanks


Active member
Canna Aqua in DWC (bubbleponic without recirculation). 6-7 years ago~
I got very mixed feeling about this company. But we were stupid bums and just did not invested into RO water, which should be done in first case. But water was very soft there, tons of chlorine in it, stinks like hell (UK)... And it still worked tho..
Canna Aqua tends to drift in PH quite aggresively.
Starting 5.5 ending up to 6.5 in couple of days
Was a bit hard to catch right EC, as with PH, EC was increasing up to 3.0 + +, lowering starting EC partly solved the problem, but unused salts still accumulated and made significant impact on flowering plants.
Even this was very sturdy, hardy feeder variety which likes to drink A LOT...

Some root rot set inside at some point, but I cant blame nutrients for that, too much things were going on in small house..
Adding some beneficial bacterias for hydro was a NO NO with Canna Aqua... Also, reason is unknown, but plants did not liked it. It was hard to add anything that is not coming from Canna. So sticking to 1 company line would be a good starting advice.
And the point that theeese nutes should behave differently in RO water, because who the hell knows what iron, mn,zn,b and etc content was in tap water.. Maybe this is the reason plant could not utilize nutrient solution properly. . .
Anyway, other grows after where much more succesful and not far away from perfect.
So thats why I have 50/50 opinion about canna.
My eyes cought on GHE (current Terra Aquatica) tripack. It looks more manageable and dumbproof for me. That is what I would choose now. But you must know your water or again, use RO water with "micro" bottle designed for soft water and using LED +calmag is a must.


Well-known member
Definitely check your quarterly water analysis first..before buying anything. That's were all the evil comes from usually.
If worst comes to worst...ro water.
I'm sure the issues you had came from polluted tab water @GF-Z
There are calculators now where you just add your water results and then your product..they calculate how much of what to use.
If anyone remembers "mineral magic" of general hydroponics...one spoon into your tank and the pH stays stabil a lot longer than without
canna superior imo
it has the red chelated iron
and its specific for hydro, and more designed for mj
not the case for gh
still needs a pk for second half of bloom in my opinion, even if canna do not recommend it this way