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Uncle Hughie

I would like to through this thread convey my sinscere condolencies to those killed ,mamed,injured or who had relatives involved in the Madrid Bombings!

I can relate to what you are going through,as i have been a victim in the past.

No-one has the right to take a life!

Our Planet Needs to learn to respect and tolerate .....
im sorry for your loss....and my lack of Spanish!


elmo quist

I must echo these sentiments. To anyone who has been affected by this terrible tragedy in Spain, lo mucho siento.....


Active member
It has been so hard here, I am sure that mosts of you have already seen the images in the news.
For those who still want war look at what happen when it arrives home.
Just want to say that USA is the most terrorist Nation in the World, similar to people who made the massacre in Madrid. That's what I think.
Peace and Love


Active member
i too fell bad for what has happened in spain as well as other parts of the world. something is wrong when people spend thier time doing evil things. they should be working on bettering their lives and helping their familes.people in the governments should try to make peace with other nations and cultures.why is there such anger?kids nowadays have to inherit problems that were caused before they were even born.i didn't vote for george bush and i don't like the policies that are put forth by the people in power. however the people from the u.s. are not terrorists.

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