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POssibly a green light district in South Africa


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It’s already an alcohol zone, tobacco zone, sugar zone and meat zone. All of those legal industries create more harm than all the marijuana in the world.

Modeling itself as a “green zone”, the precinct is hoping to be transformed into a dagga smokers’ paradise within a number of years.

Dagga has never got a lot of good press, depicted as nothing more than a gateway drug and pastime for the feeble minded.

However the precinct is following in the footsteps of long standing decriminalisation in the Netherlands and newly adopted legality in Uruguay, and is looking at becoming a pilot project for the decriminalisation of marijuana in South Africa.

Hayleigh Evan, Maboneng brand manager said, “What we are doing right now is not necessarily just creating spaces for people to smoke a joint whenever they want. It is more about creating a controlled environment where we can test the parameters of use.”
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I thought this was crushed by the provincial governments rejection once and for all.
What are the current state of affairs? please update?

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Not much has changed at all in SA with regards to law. Really its only getting worse, as stoners.growers are soft targets. But the government is talking about cannabis, only with thier greed I am not to sure of the legalisation. On a positive note, there is 300% more activism, loads of people seeing the value and coming to the party. There are also big actvism movements spreading the word. So we can only hope and support.
I think if ever any sort of legalization it will be done provincially.. And off-course either Western Cape Or Eastern Cape will get the stamp. Else am simply hoping for discrimination of sorts. You're correct in that, stoners and growers are soft targets, and specially that GYO is becoming quiet common in S.A, everybody will have a cousin or friend with a tree and more than often they'd be loud mouth about it and end saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing to their arrest.

How do you feel about legalization? IMHO i think S.A would regret legalization on a large scale and be able to cope much more if they were to decriminalize instead.

Give thanks LR.ca.za