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male or female ?



Some plants become hermophrodites, displaying male and female flowers. This is not a desired trait (as hermies often produce hermie seeds) etc. I´ve read that removing all male flowers is the way to go -you get your smoke and the hermie genes are deleted.


Well-known member
i would take shim out of your garden before shim pollinates your other plants and that will make hermie seeds also .JM2C


Take Five...
what they said ^^^

Sometimes due to genetics, or sometimes because of stress like light leaks, temps, light cycle interruptions, etc. the female marijuana plant will produce a male branch(es) to try to produce seed to continue the species. Good for plant in the wild, bad for you in your garden. You can cut those branches off before the male pollen sacs open and turn all your bud to seed, but if it is not stressed from environment then that plant will hermie again. Unless it is super spectacular (wait till you smoke it) I would cut that plant from my garden.

Another phenomenon is "nanners", or "bananas" which usually come out at the end of flowering due to stress. These are little yellow male pollen sacs that come from female flowers. These are smaller and harder to find then the male branch, and usually they are sterile or it is too late in the cycle to produce seed. Some people use this pollen to make seed.
okej thanks guys, cant deside what to do i have cut down 2 and i have 2 left... on the 2 who still in the grow space i dont know what they are.... i dont see any balls yet.... peace and thanks i see one thing. look at this picture the same but i just have brown pistils on that

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