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How to grind large amounts of dry herb?


New member
After I have harvested my outdoor plants, I now want to sieve the dried flower material. When I crush the flowers shortly before consumption, I see how useful and effective grinders can be. The resin collected in the collection chamber meets my requirements. Now I'm wondering how I can grind larger quantities of around 300g without having to use my small grinder 300 times. Large drysift screens are available to buy, but what does the industry offer to grind large quantities of flower material?


Well-known member
I scored an ice cube crusher from the local rag. You have seen the crushers where they feed scrap in a hopper, where two interlocking wheels revolve around. It's a bit like that..

TBH I have not used it, but had my outdoor in mind to
I guess it depends on your spending limit. The thing cvh posted looks good, with its choice of cutters. I bet the return would be higher. I paid a few quid though, and having not used it, I'm fairly happy I did :)


Well-known member
The one I posted is a German design one. It's truely high quality. And not that expensive. I paid 80€ for it.
The chomper looks good to. I like that it's battery, so you can keep feeding it. It seems a bit specific though. Buds of a certain dryness. Where three different inserts, a presume have different uses, or is it just a favourite?
My ice cube thing also has a handle, and while not German quality, will probably take twigs that a battery powered device gets stuck on.
It's tough.. $40 item or $100 item. Mine would of been about $10, if it were new. Mine has certainly been outranked here.


Well-known member
That mill is something. It's a big grading machine.

I have put buds in the coffee grinding attachment for my high speed blender. I don't recommend it. I made fluff out of my weed, and the resin stuck to the thing wasn't useful.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
the storz and bickel grinder XL is pretty good. i reckon you could grind a quarter at a time in it pretty quickly
Screenshot 2023-11-03 at 16.32.01.png


New member
It was the right decision to ask my question here, thank you for your helpful answers. I had no idea these drum vegetable cutters even existed. You guys have put me on the right path.
I'll get one of these.
I hope that the commercial grinders suggested by Hammerhead will be available for rent at some point, very impressive.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
that machine posted by hammerhead looks pretty cool.
I have known several people over the years that have used both the hand crank meat grinders and the cuisinart counter top electric meat grinders. They used dremel tools to modify the dies that come with the grinders. The dies are flat disks that determine the size of the grind when doing meat.... you cut them out with the dremel so they look like 3 triangles instead of the holes they come with. Not sure if that makes sense or not LOL keeping the parts of the grinder in the freezer between uses and also freezing the weed before grinding gives the best result and all the parts can be cleaned up with alcohol between uses.
The cuisinart is about a 100 bucks or so in canadian funds and if you have a bench vise and a dremel, it's super easy to make the weed cutting die.

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