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help me get this fungus or pest off my plants


New member
I am new to all this growing stuff and I think I have a problem. I put some seeds in dirt about 2 months ago and changed my lights down to a 12/12 lighting cycle. All of a sudden I find I have all these shiny dots all over my plants. They are somewhat visible to the naked eye. I looked at them under a microscope and some of them have turned an amber color but most are white or clear. is this some kind of pest that is about to hatch? I tried wiping these sticky little things off of my plants. They look like some kind of a pest, but they seem to keep growing back like a fungus. They look kind of like a frost forming on my buds. Like I said I keep wiping them off, but they keep coming back. Please help.

Wacky Tobacky

Active member
lol i hope this is a joke if not then its really sad for someone to be this mis informed about cannabis. if you really dont know then look up on what "trichomes" are


I'm pretty sure I saw the same thing back at OG....maybe even on April fools last year? Sorry....don't mean to be a funhater....

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