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Guess whats coming to Colorado “Non-Licensed Marijuana Grows Inspection Team.”


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There is no 'our' money and 'their' money. There's MONEY, period. And, EVERYBODY wants it. Not just the suits. There's only so much money printed and that's all there is. Every time I get a little richer, someone else gets a little poorer. That's simply the way it works. When I get richer, I don't look at it as stealing someone else's money. And, I don't 'feel sorry' for the person who got poorer. It's called capitalism.

And, being free to do as you please is called anarchy. LOL Unless only YOU should be able to do as you please and EVERYONE ELSE has to do as you please. LOL

We live in a civilized society and it is a system. Not a great one. But, it is what it is.

I just never understood your outlook of others who are successful in the system. No offense to you. You are free to hate anyone you want. I just don't understand that attitude at all.

And... you are dead wrong on your last statement bud. I spent 10 months in state prison for possession of 2 joints. So, don't tell me you don't go to prison for possession.

Don't get me wrong, I hate the laws in my state. And, I disagree with most laws. But, to hate the people who prosper because they can fit into the system and you can't, just doesn't make sense to me.

Like I said, God bless you and hate anyone you want. I just don't get it.


Kiss My Ring
that is dead wrong.
i hate theft.
lying is theft of truth.

i am so blessed that i am able to do pretty much anything i desire.
i am poor also, so when someone takes what monies i have without anything in return for that money, it is theft.

i also believe in capitalism, but not the sort where laws enable someone to take my money through monopoly...uh, say the government or big business in league with same.

jealousy is low self esteem, and it's obvious that description doesn't fit my case. i wish everyone could enrich themselves without the theft as you described it being some get richer / some poorer.

a good example would be government giving benefits to immigrants and indigents that do nothing for the government or myself.

an extreme example would be bill gates theft of DARPA technology from bell labs and using it to develop gui interface from which most of his wealth resulted, and which is being used to enslave and repress.

have a good year, it'll be a long one.

Wendull C.

Active member
For one, the economy isn't a zero sum game. Two, it is not suits making more money that pisses me off, it is the fact that the same fucks that would have been for kicking in my door, shooting my dog, and ripping my family out of their beds over four lights are now using an industry they disdained as a fucking investment portfolio accessory.

The coyote has been let in the hen house. Our collective votes let him in when our fence was holding up just fine.


Active member
For one, the economy isn't a zero sum game. Two, it is not suits making more money that pisses me off, it is the fact that the same fucks that would have been for kicking in my door, shooting my dog, and ripping my family out of their beds over four lights are now using an industry they disdained as a fucking investment portfolio accessory.

The coyote has been let in the hen house. Our collective votes let him in when our fence was holding up just fine.

This guy has a good point:
The same people that sent you to prison for pot, will now sell pot to you!

Lets make a list of all the ex-cops, judges and such making money from Cannabis.

It is hard to argue with cold hard facts!


Well-known member
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Wah wah, poor people. LMAO

Always crying about the successful people who worked hard and made all the right decisions and made all the sacrifices having all the money while you cry about not being given enough for your failures. LMAO

That's today's world.... everybody is a winner and everybody gets a blue ribbon and everybody is the same and no one is better. LMAO..yeah, how cum I have a Rolls Royce and you don't. LMAO

Poor people will always cry while they take (not steal) the tax dollars right out of my pocket for your bullshit programs. Keep in mind buffy, it's people in my tax bracket that pay for you. Sure as hell ain't coming out of the lousy couple hundred bucks a year you poor people pay (if any at all) LMAO I must admit, I don't like paying a 6 figure tax bill every year but... you know what, it's the United fucking States of America. I didn't make the rules. I may not even agree with most of them. But, when I play by the rules and all I win and all I get from the losers is wah wah wah, it's bullshit. It's like the loosing team at the Super Bowl beating up the winning team and screaming cheater cheater cheater. After a fair win.

I didn't make the rules. It's called capitalism. And, I don't really give a fuck if the same people sell me pot who put me in jail. If the pot is the right price and right quality, I'm buying it. WTF.. who cares who gets the money. I don't make my current decisions based on the hatreds of my past. You're probably a WalMart hater as well. LMAO Anything successful.... you hate.

You need to find a nice socialist country and enjoy yourself. LMAO

Also... this is not directed at any one person here or in this thread. Just all you poor fuckers who cry about rich and successful people. LMAO


Well-known member
"this isn't directed to anyone in here.... just all you poor fucks"



Well-known member
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"this isn't directed to anyone in here.... just all you poor fucks"

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LMAO... what? I thought that was clear. Poor people. The people I buy and sell and pay to serve me. You know... the middle class. The people who would kill their own mother for my money but hate me for having it. LMAO Greed is definitely the worst sin.

Incredibly handsome dog, by the way. Is that yours?


I am still of the opinion that any system is better than it being illegal. Did you people not live under laws that sent you to jail for a joint? Sure it sorta sucks, but compared to the alternative...its easy street. By all means, fight against it, but it is foolhardy to think legalization sucks because it isn't exactly as one would wish.


Well-known member
LMAO... what? I thought that was clear. Poor people. The people I buy and sell and pay to serve me. You know... the middle class. The people who would kill their own mother for my money but hate me for having it. LMAO Greed is definitely the worst sin.

Incredibly handsome dog, by the way. Is that yours?

Somehow I think MJ wasnt meaning "suits" as run of the mill business men. . . but to the type of guys that will destroy an existing market, just so they can dominate it. . .

kinda like what the Wolf of Wall St was paid to do.


There is no 'our' money and 'their' money. There's MONEY, period. And, EVERYBODY wants it. Not just the suits. There's only so much money printed and that's all there is. Every time I get a little richer, someone else gets a little poorer.

You are so far out of touch with reality its painful. They print more money every day what are you even talking about here. You definitely don't drive a rolls and you definitely aren't in any income tax bracket, I don't think you're even out of high school judging by your ridiculous posts. Go troll somewhere else.


Well-known member
Premium user
You are so far out of touch with reality its painful. They print more money every day what are you even talking about here. You definitely don't drive a rolls and you definitely aren't in any income tax bracket, I don't think you're even out of high school judging by your ridiculous posts. Go troll somewhere else.

My Dad can beat up your Dad.

And yo mama is a ho.

Work on those for a while. LMAO


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
I think the point for all or most of us is, we want to grow and sale without fear of prosecution. Now that we are gaining a foothold into legalized cannabis. The people that took it from us as a whole. Are the same people trying to monopolize it for their benefits, not ours. I'm butt hurt myself and cry foul. My only satisfactions are the laws are changing, slowly. I'm a better grower of fine cannabis than any state agency, licensed grow will ever be.... until I'm licensed to legally grow and sale. Anything gained to easily is esteemed to lightly. When you get your chance to do it legally, don't screw it up. Anger and arrogance being ungrateful is the fastest way to be removed from the kings table. He who has the gold makes the rules. Peace


Active member
Who cares

Who cares

I used to have a license. Went to a dispensary to buy flo I know flo this shit was different. Used my license more for clones which in the early days were varied. The clone store has the same clones it had years ago. My daughters friends used to call them about the smell I ignore it all. The politicans are cowards 75% in the city voted to legalize now the worthless pols are just going after those on the west side.

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