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fort's urban deck container garden


Hey all! This subforum idea is great! I live in a pretty large city but am fortunate enough to live in a secluded little cut, a little privacy right here in the city. even better, we have a deck!

I have a planter box of nasturtium. These plants will ward off cucurbit (cucumber,squash) pests. and it also attracts black fly aphids, which eat brassicas (cabbage), the nasturtium being used as a trap crop in this way. very pretty great growing plant.

One large pot with marigolds, convolvulus and a sunflower.

Some smaller pots each with red/green mesclun, cucumbers and convolvulus. I hope to grow the cucumbers up the sunflowers.

More pics soon! Most of the sunflowers are in bloom. these are from a week or so ago. enjoy



ICMag Donor
very pretty fort!!.. I love that sunflower, the color is very unique, I havent seen one like that, all the flowers are nice, thanks for sharing :)


nice wee plot you have there, you've given me some inspiration to try and grow some flowers and veg in my wee plot


very, very nice. i bet sitting on the deck is much more enjoyable than it was with no plants. i like that sunflower, too. i didnt grow any this year - your pic makes me regret that. nice work