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Can clones have TOO MUCH humidity?


New member
I have this mister that I am playing around with. I am wondering if it would actually hurt the clone to have too much mist, i.e. humidity well beyond the point of condensation. Maybe the pores in the plant would get blocked with water and it couldn't breath. Will something like this happen?


Humidity or mist?I heard to much water on the dome is not good.I think they said if u have water running down the dome u have to much humidity.All i do is spray the dome once and that well do it for a few days atleast.Good luck;)


Bazeado is right.If u feed them threw the leafs no need for them to grow roots.Biggest lesson i have learned is the kiss method.
Good luck fellow ICMAG'er



My cloning Methods:
Using this method I hardly ever loose a cutting, maybe 5 out of 100. First off I make sure the mom is healthy,and recently watered, healthy turgid cuttings will take better. I choose limbs whose cuttings leave me with about 1 1/2 inches of stem and two or three leaves + a growing tip. I then scrape one side for about 1/4 of an inch, and place the stem in a soak of tap water and superthrive (or another stimulator containing NAA naptheleneacetic acid) at tripple the recomended dilution for 30 minutes. Next, I dip in rooting powder or gel containing indolebutric acid, and place into my wick system, which has the advantage of inherently balancing the moisture and oxygen in the 'rooting zone'. The wick system I use was developed at the same time ooglebird on OG was designing his wick system, and is built as follows. Two nesting plastic bins 9 inches by 16 inches by 4 inches deep, which nest together leaving about 1 inch of space below the top container. The top container has four holes in the bottom with a 4 inch length of nylon tiki torch wick extending through the holes to the bottom container. The top container is filled with pure pearlite, and the rez with distilled water. Once damp, and as long as the wick is in water in the rez, the cuttings will have enuff humidity to root. I usually see roots and transplant within eleven or so days. I use no humidity dome, as the evaporation at the pearlite provides plenty of humidity.
Hope this helps,


New member
Joe it's a mister, solid visible particles of water that float in the air. Absolutely drench everything. Well beyond humidty, which is what I thought it would be good for.

Even after I put it on a timer, 20s on, 2.5minutes off, drenches everything.

Bazeado no misting at all?!?!?...but still in a dome, occasionally ventillated? OK I'll try that. I think like you I am guilty of trying too hard. I am worried about them drying out but judging by the way they are now its time to take some different advice. Have tried twice a day misting the dome but they always die. Not sure if it's too hot or too cold or too wet or too dry or wrong rooting hormone or whatever....

Gratefulhead those chemicals are a bit advanced for me but the wick is an interesting idea, no dome, simple setup, hmmm..

Thankyou all.




Grat3fulH3ad nice roots you got there. I'm also having problems with rooting clones. I worry to much about drying them, out too. I got a bunch of Bog's LSD#1 going and they are about 7 day and no signs of roots, but their color is the same as the day i took them, so i know they aren't dieing. I think alot of people worry about taking clones, but the quickest and easiest way for me is So Quick way of doing it. You got to have them look for water, if you baby them, they take forever. Nova, I hope your clones make it and do well. I think i'm going to take the lid of my tray and let some of the water out, so they dry some and make them look for water. I hope the best for you, did mean to Hi Jack your thread. Just felt the same way as you when it comes to clones. I worry to much with them.
Good Luck


The Herbal Gerbil
Gratefulhead has hit on a good point. Most cloning solutions dont work for one simple fact. People do three things wrong.

1) Dipping the cutting into the pot of cloning gel. This contaminates the gel. Always use a plastic cup or other container and only use enough to do the current round of clones.

2) This is the most important. Leave the clone in the gel for a decent period of time, 10 seconds minimum, more is best. You also need to get the cutting in the gel ASAP. As soon as it's off the plant it has to be straight to the gel, no flicking your ash first.

3) Clones taken from different area's of the plant will react differently but above all. LEARN how to 'take' a proper clone, it's not just a scalpel, a leaf and some stem. There is a structure required for good clones.

Hope it helps.......


I probably cut and root 60 cuttings/month. No prob... I don't really put too much effort into it as the wick system pretty much maintains itself... Check out this thread with more pics...


Also shultz starter plus root stimulator, and superthrive contain NAA. Most gels and powders contain indole-butyric acid.



Grat3fulH3ad- One question. I have never used a method similar to the one you described, but am very interested in trying it. How long were those clones you showed in there? Those were some impressive root systems. Also, how do you transplant? Do you just dig the clones out of the perlite? Ive always either used rockwool, a soil mix or an aero cloner.




Teddy, If by how long you mean time, about 11 days... yeah, the pearlite is loose and airy, sometimes I loosen a little with a toothpick, then pull 'em out and put 'em in dirt/hydro/whatever...