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Auto AK47 Seed Run Question


I'm on day 33, have 3 ladies doing well so far and I need a bit of advice on when, exactly or approximately I should apply the pollen. I have the information on HOW to do it, but everything I've read was related to normal plants, not autos.

Three weeks into flowering seems to be the norm but with the autos shorter cycle, I'm just not sure. If you know, I'd appreciate the help. Last update in my grow journal has close-ups of plants if that helps.

Thank you in advance for your time.


I had a DR growlog last year which accidently got open pollinated around day 20-23, ended up giving ~150 seeds from preflowers whilst giving non seeded bud!

So my novice advice to you would be to pollinate as early as you can if you want a lower amount of seeds while still getting to smoke "sensi".
Or pollinate 2-3 times during its 25-35 day stage for a larger amount of seeds but downside would be close to no unseeded buds(unless you're doing controlled bud/branch pollinating ofcourse)

Looked at your pics and they are perfectly ready to get it on ;)

good luck.


I am planning on pollenating specific buds on ONE of the ladies in the hopes of getting about 30-40 seeds but still harvesting some sweet bud off the top.


I am planning on pollenating specific buds on ONE of the ladies in the hopes of getting about 30-40 seeds but still harvesting some sweet bud off the top.

That's exactly what's just finishing in my cab, 'cept mine's LR2..
I pollenated the lower 'popcorn' flowers using a q-tip. It's got seeds on the lower buds, and what appears to be a seed free main cola. I pollenated at about 4 weeks or so, when the flowers looked like they really wanted it. Be careful when applying the pollen, as it's a very fine powder, and a sneeze or a bump to the arm while pollinating will send the pollen dust everywhere. Here's a pic of the plant I'm harvesting. I've been 'flushing' it for about 12 days now, as you can tell from the leaves. And I've included a pic of some frosty bud porn too.


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That's exactly what's just finishing in my cab, 'cept mine's LR2..
I pollenated the lower 'popcorn' flowers using a q-tip. It's got seeds on the lower buds, and what appears to be a seed free main cola. I pollenated at about 4 weeks or so, when the flowers looked like they really wanted it. Be careful when applying the pollen, as it's a very fine powder, and a sneeze or a bump to the arm while pollinating will send the pollen dust everywhere. Here's a pic of the plant I'm harvesting. I've been 'flushing' it for about 12 days now, as you can tell from the leaves. And I've included a pic of some frosty bud porn too.

Thanks rebo...Ill be double careful when i pollenate, was gonna remove her, apply pollen, let her go a day under my other flower lights in my master closet, make sure all the excess pollen is cleaned off and get her back in the big house.

I waited until I saw the first hair turn brown on a bud to pollinate... was about 3 weeks into flower, then have given the seeds 4 weeks minimum to mature, I took one plant which just had 3 seeds on a lower bud at 10 weeks 2 days, and the other has surpassed 11 weeks but i've taken about 15 seeds off it with a few still on it (from one little bud).

My seeds look a fair bit bigger than the originals I bought though.

Solid, appreciate the input pimp. I figure I'm about 12 days into flower so I'll probably give it a try in about 9 days. Thanks.


It does, I'm also taking her out of the cab for about 48 hours as I have some T5 bloom lights set up in my master closet. Figure I cant be too safe and I can make sure that pollen doesn't end up where it shouldn't be.


Wow pimp, I like your method of misting with a baggie, to make sure the only viable pollen on the plant is where you want it.. great idea! I think I've just learned a better way of doing it..


Active member
No probs buddy.

I think i'm going to pollinate one of my lowberrys tomorrow with some diesel ryder pollen (hope its still viable!)

good luck with your seed run :)

the method i use is similar to rebo's.... place a baggy over the bud i wish to pollinate, spray/mist the rest of the plant with water, remove baggy from bud then use a fine paint brush to apply the pollen to the pistils...place baggy over bud again and mist the rest of the plant again.
allow the plant to dry then put back into cab. I leave the baggy over the bud for the next 24 hours or so. within a few days the pistils will look burnt/die off and job's a goodun, just wait for the seeded calyx to swell and split open and the visible bit of the seed is brown.

hope that helps some more.

that's pimpin,pimp grow.

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