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Anybody vaped sensimilla hemp for CBD needs?


Interested to know if anyone is vaping (sensimilla grown?) hemp as opposed to medicinal cannabis strains to obtain their CBD needs? It might sound strange but there are still many parts of the world where hemp is legal and cannabis not, and for medicinal demands people have to be adaptable. Thanks in advance.

Also does anybody have any idea on what CBD yields might be possible for some of the better hemp varieties if grown as a sensimilla? Once again thanks in advance


Active member
I know a lot of ppl who smoked wild hemp buds back in the '70's. talking about nearly every young 'un including me. total # who tried smoking hemp buds ( some sensi, some lightly seeded, some fully seeded) in Lawrence ks. (including 20,000 college students every year at ku) was in the hundreds at least every year. fields and fields of the stuff. so prolific they (leo, farmers) could not eradicate it.

not one person got anything but a headache. headache weed.

yes, there was occasionally some bagseed from the colombo grown in the hemp fields that did get ppl high. yes, there was some Colombo/hemp hybrid seeds grown in the hemp fields and smoked.

hemp there is dominant and anything with hemp in its genetics smoked like hemp. pure Colombo seed grown in a hemp field did smoke fine first generation.


I don't doubt the experimentation capacity of students from the 70s. But smoking is not vaping so really just curious to see if anyone with CBD needs is utilising ditchweed, commercially grown hemp, hemp juice etc to vape. Wouldn't have thought you'd get a headache from vaping?

CBD prices at the moment are very high assuming you can get what you need. How are people adapting particularly where hemp is legal and cannabis not?


The Finnish hemp variety "Finola" (mostly grown for oil rich seeds) is 'quite' high in CBD. My colleague made some extracts with distilled spirit (alcohol) and send samples to USA where they where tested at ~1-3% THC and around 7%CBD (should be higher with sensimilla "Finola"). Not that much when compared with Charlotte's Web or Avidekel, but still better than nothing or plain old bushweed.
However, another friend of mine told me that Glycerol is a great substance for making edible concentrated cannabinoid extracts.
I'm a bit woozy at the moment so my speech might be a bit hard to understand, but let me tell you this thing.. Hemp is legal only with certitificates, meaning, that you yourself have to be a farmer, get a special permit from your local agriculture ministry to grow industrial cannabis (hemp) varieties for whatever purposes.
BTW, hemp is the same old cannabis plant, the same old "marihuana". The plant itself is completely the same, only the characteristics (toughness of fibers, oilyness of seeds, cannabinoid profiles, etc.) are different.


Hi GZAK, Thanks for your feedback. 7% CBD sounds quite high for a hemp variety? Are you sure your friends sample wasn't a sensimilla grow?


Active member
I think there must be different hemp strains. some ppl use the term hemp to denote different attributes/genetics than others.

I gave my perspective on Midwest usa ditch weed.

my perspective might not be applicable to other hemp genetics.

back in '70's a guy working at the kmart distribution warehouse while I was working there picked some Missouri hemp? from a wild cannabis field and it had a small buzz. I think it was a hemp/import genetic mix personally. still shit weed, but no headache.

the Lawrence ks. up to manhattan ks. hemp fields had a lot of out of state buyers coming in to buy hemp bud at $20/# and used to mix with the Colombo's coming in going for $400/#.. the big operations used clean concrete mixers and then re-baled.

this was an industry. ppl mde oils out of this hemp. ppl picked hemp for the commercial out of state buyers. noobs had to try smoking it at least once.


Well.. 7 is not the highest % of CBD that is possible to extract from industrial varieties of cannabis (hemp). The flowers themselves contain 1-3% CBD as much as I've heard. But in the end product, everything depends on the technique of extraction. There are companies in Europe that claim that their hemp extracts go up to 30% CBD.

Here's a company from Denmark: http://www.endoca.com/Products1
Another one from the UK: http://hemp.co.uk/
One more from UK: http://www.lovecbd.org/
And here's a shop from the Netherlands: http://www.apollyon.nl/cbd-oil/

But to be honest, I don't really trust hemp CBD businesses :biggrin: Though I don't have a solid reason for not trusting them... I'm just very sceptical cause their products are so damn expensive, and there has been this "CBD craze train" flying around in the cannabis industry since Charlotte's web and Avidekel and I think that many people just want to make a lot of money by selling products of questionable origin :biggrin:

Personally, if I'd be looking to get me some CBD, I'd grow my own hemp and make my own extracts. I wouldn't bother smoking hemp flowers for the CBD, cause the smoke would probably do more damage to my lungs than that little amount of CBD could benefit. Or I'd just get some pretty sweet genetics from the Spanish CBD Crew (http://cbdcrew.org/) and also make my own extracts or simply smoke the shit, cause CBD Crew's stuff is trully 100% legit, no bullcrap and they offer marijuana strains that have close to 1:1 or even 1:2 ratios of THC:CBD. Some strains even contain up to 10% CBD in the raw flowers(!), so those should make pretty badass and, of course, nutritional extracts.

But if you're looking for a straight hemp variety to get your CBD's, I'd suggest looking for the Finnish strain 'Finola'.

By the way, this paper:
and this one right here:

, I think, should be quite interesting for you :tiphat:

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