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All musicians should stay on drugs


Mr. Nevermind

Not sure if this thread will get binned since it reallly isnt about MJ but i have an opinion to get off my chest. I was watching An old Red hot chili peppers video and it made me realize they were better on drugs. when they just said fuck it , got high and played they were much better, after navarro left band they went on this big recovery thing and sucked ever since. Look at Metalicca, they suck now that they admitted their drinking problems and went to rehab. Outkast, the rap group, were great until andre stopped drinking and smokinng. I think that is why people think hendrix music is timeless. His whole career he was on drugs andnever realy faught it and made great music.

I think musicians should stick with the drugs, sorry



if Bradley from "Sublime" would have stopped taking heroin then maybe Sublime would still be around.

I do sort of agree w/ ya tho...a lot of artists are better "under the influence"

maybe there could be some sort of "middle ground"...something like "recreational drug therapy" but different than re-hab...something where artists....(regardless of their art) COULD use recreational drugs under supervised conditions when they are creating music, art, etc...to include counseling and such to get the best results from their choice if intoxicant.

...probably not very realistic, but it something that may prevent overdoses and suicides like kurt cobain blowing his brains out.

just a thought

...or just smoke weed and make the best music in the world....Bob Marley had that one figured out.

Mr. Nevermind

Yes you are right. kobain and the sublime guy are valid points. However it kind of furthers my point. Nirvana were always high and the music was good. Sublime was always high or drunk and the music was good. Not alot of Sublime fans moved over to the long beach all stars.

The grateful dead also . They always stayed high and true and the music reflected it. Bob Marley, same.



Active member
Well it's almost like once they have a formula it doesn't work when they try and change it.

Kinda like if it ain't broke don't fix it.

There are plenty of sober artists out there whose art is awesome, but if they were to get high there art would probably suffer.

Whereas someone who gets high and creates art gets used to the method/mind state and when they go sober their art suffers.

This is not always the case though of course. There are always exceptions.


Active member
yah Jerry liked that super refined persian heroin.

When he couldn't get it he'd be up there nodding off on crappy heroin or pills.


It's kind of a double edged sword, is it better to burn out or is it better to die? Agreed, a lot of Artists work has suffered whenever they "clean up," but the ones that don't drop the drugs (cause it's usually hard drugs) usually don't make it long enough to get to a point where they'd burn out. Personally, almost all my writing is done under the influence of our wonderful plant marijuana, but that's also how I live my life.


Active member
trying to mix creativity and drug use....it takes its toll eventually.its a shame some people need drugs/weed to get there creative juices flowin...but, thats what it takes
sometimes..human nature balances it out imo.


Active member
meduser180056 said:
Well it's almost like once they have a formula it doesn't work when they try and change it.

we all have a formula....its really too bad that for some it has to be drugs and alc.

I'm stickin w/ weed



New member
RHCP Navaro era shows musicians are great when they quit and then go back on it. Give me a relapsed musician anyday.

Anyone ever see the video where Ozzy hits some wall while in the recording studio. He retreats to a back room, sucks down a bong and then says "heaven". Recording session proceeds beautifully.


honey oil addict
lets just draw the line somewhere. none of those chemical drugs that fuck you up so bad. just weed n shrooms, and maybe you wont burn up and die.


Old School Cottonmouth
was certainly true for stone temple pilots. they were great

I see his stupid ass shirtless wearing leather pants doing the Creed "pray to god on your knees hands extended to the air move" in his video. was really sad.

I've had great times to Tiny Music. shame to see him like that now.