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A PPK for a 12 Plant Limit

Mr. Stinky

I'm coming back to this thread Daily to dump all my available rep on you dude :trampoline:

My last decade very nearly mirrored yours. Lots of trips to monroe and back. 17 was a rough year for me, but thankfully I had some plausible answers to those questions and didnt end up with time...but that paper trail is a sentence of it's own.

Keep pushing on. Eventually we will be on the right side of history and that's all the really matters in the end.

:plant grow:

Now that is a good question. Unfortunately, I didn't take pictures of the process, but in a nutshell - follow these steps.

Learn the basics of horticulture. There is no magic in a bottle. The magic is in knowing what a plant wants. Here's a story that brings the point home.

The Chinese government was trying to grow rice indoors. They had studied the plant and knew how to meet every need. The right nutrient formula, media, container, water temp, everything. But the rice wouldn't grow. Nothing worked.

Desperate, the government called in a real rice farmer. Not a scientist, but someone who had worked the fields his whole life. The gave him a tour of the facility and asked him why the rice wouldn't grow. Within minutes, he had an answer.

"There is no rain."

The rice needs to receive some of it's nutrients and water uptake through the leaves as the fields are often flooded.

We run into this all the time. There are growers out there who are going against God and all plant science and are still doing well. I'm not gonna lie, I don't know everything. But I bet I have forgotten more than most will ever bother learning.

Cannabis is C3. That means there are environmental optimums, which according to science, we can use to force the genome expression we like the most. Learn how to use technology to control these environmental variables, and you are a master. No pebble snatching needed. I just saved you 15 years and a whole lot of hassle.

Co2 PPM: 1200 ppm(greenhouse best practices seems to be 900-1000) Seems to be the point at which plants first evolved.

Par: 1100-1200 umol seems to be about right. I defer to Spurr and Delta9 on this. I have double checked their math against other data I have researched, and they are on point.

PH: depending on medium, 6.0-6.4 has given me amazing results from veg to flower.

Watering Schedule: DWC works. However, cannabis didn't evolve in lots of water like rice did. I think the best weed comes out of coco. I don't like using a medium, anymore than the next guy, but coco has too many positives. As long as it stays perfectly moist (PPK does this), coco is the perfect medium for air/water holding capacity and root growth. IMHO. Pulse irrigation is at this point, the superior way to water, scientifically. More often, just till runoff.

Fert PPM: Less is better. PERIOD. If the plant doesn't show a deficiency, run at 600 ppm. Drain to waste. No need to recirculate. I can see the attraction, but it's more moving parts. Success is simplicity. I'm running 130ppm TDS in a U.C. and the plants look amazing. Unless you can do leaf assays, less is more.

Canopy temperature: To fully take advantage of the increased CO2 levels, the leaf temperature should be 86f.

Air velocity: I think a lot of growers have it wrong. They have fans blowing so hard that the plants show wind damage. There is no need for this when you manage your canopy. Period. I used two floor fans for laminar-type flow, blowing the co2 back up. The tropics don't tear your skin off. NO MOLD EVER.

Root Zone Temperature: Tomato grows best when the root zone temperature is 86f. At the time of this show, I set my water temp to 70f. In the future, I am going to continue running a zone type product and run my feed water at 78-86 and see what happens. In DWC, this would not work. I think this is one of the long-term disadvantages of growing in water.

RH/VPD I try to stay to the dry side of the VPD charts. The plants have a wide range of tolerances. So about 50-60 in veg and between 60-70 in flower. Right till the end. I don't want my plants to stop generative growth. I dont lower the temps and humidity at the end of the cycle. I want as much weight as I can get. Let someone else lose money to make their bud purple. Smoke mine. Smoke theirs. You'll be back. Every time. Because unless the cops come, these systems are pretty foolproof.

If you want to get good at just the canopy part:

1. Research NugBucket's Mainline method. Get good at it. Study bonsai and espalier, after you get good at it. It won't take long. Just do as much as you can do to build between 16 and 32 heads for a 1kw light, as early in the plant's life as possible. I make my first mainline top, not at 3 nodes, but when I take the cutting. I want the plant to be a little bonsai tree as soon as possible. It makes life easier, later.

2. Know the strain. Use cannastats to calculate your stretch.

3. Veg the bush until it is high enough to reach the tips of your canopy screen, when the branches are laid down.

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As she grows up the cage, prune back the suckers, like tomato or grapes. You want your branches to grow nuggets, not branches. IF that makes sense So, I like to top each side branch, as if I were mainlining the branch. Keeping only the nuggets closest to the branch, thus making a huge cola. This picture is an example of what not to do. Too many side branches growing up, crowding the cola.

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Your veg time will depend on the strain, but with some work, you can calculate it down to the day with certain strains.

I love Dosatron, but I used the wrong units. I would call them and ask what they recommend for Jacks. I use a zone product called UpTake by Pace 49 chemicals. I built this grow with no money. I only had two portable 14,000btu ac's tied into the houses main ac. My temps and humidity was all over the place. Still killed it, because for the majority of the time, the environmental variables were dialed in. Imagine what I will be able to do, when I can control everything. 4lb, 5lb? :dance013:

If you are trying to build a show, exactly like this, with the same number of plants and lights, hit me up with a pm.

Can someone tell me why I'm still broke?

Edit - I ramble. I will put together a grow journal. I will have to draw some pictures and steal pics from other sites. But I will put together a user manual, so to speak.

Double Edit - how does one go about finding investors? I'm ready to take this method to way more than 42 lights.


I'm coming back to this thread Daily to dump all my available rep on you dude :trampoline:

My last decade very nearly mirrored yours. Lots of trips to monroe and back. 17 was a rough year for me, but thankfully I had some plausible answers to those questions and didnt end up with time...but that paper trail is a sentence of it's own.

Keep pushing on. Eventually we will be on the right side of history and that's all the really matters in the end.

:plant grow:

Thank you for the kind words my friend. I hope you are pushing.

As to the quote, some of my data is outdated.


Superweed, your more than back on track. Major props! Hows the Masters going?


Thank you for the props my friend.

I've learned more psychology reading Freud, Adler, Jung, Peterson and Moore than in the first year of my Masters. Therefore, I have stopped wasting the money for now.


New member
Hello! I do the same hobby as you. Please share your opinion about the ratio of elements N-P-K-Ca-Mg in the solution that you have arrived at at the moment? Thank you!
High Super Weed i am trying to improve upon my Single plant system. My Modified RDWC Power Growers are hard for me to shake. Even though I am pretty sure I would do much better with a Drain to Waste multiplant set-up. I think my main issue besides VPD in the winter is my Hope that my higher temperature Reservoirs without Chillers are just fine running high amounts of Beneficials and air surface area. I have a big differential from Day to night of over 15 degrees so I am not too hot in my home. But also to cool my reservoir down enough so that it does not go above 72 degrees.


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