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_ross_'s Grow Diary


Hello everyone.

This is the start of my perpetual grow journal.

I am starting 6 Selected Siberian and 3 Nanda Devi from Kwik Seeds.


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Well-known member
Hello everyone.

This is the start of my perpetual grow journal.

I am starting 6 Selected Siberian and 3 Nanda Devi from Kwik Seeds.
Ok friend glad to see you. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to ride with you and learn from you. What kind of soil and water are you starting with?


Ok friend glad to see you. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to ride with you and learn from you. What kind of soil and water are you starting with?

For this run I started these seeds in some old FF Happy Frog. It had been sitting in the corner of my basement for a few years... and I didn't want to go purchase anything new. The last time I used soil from this bag, all the seeds were eaten by something. So, I tried something new and sterilized it in the oven -- 2 hours at 190F -- to kill any bugs or other nasties. I then reinoculated with something called "Fish Brew". I have only used Fish Brew on a few house plants but they seem to like it. And, I seem to have a large bloom of microbes so the inoculation seems to be working well.

Then I added, rice hulls, some dried alfalfa, and some granular humates.... I think that's it.

The water I use is usually the waste water from my RO drinking water system. It's filtered enough but still have some carbonates and gives me a low enough ppm.


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After about 6 days I have two of the Nanda Devi seeds sprouted and one of the Selected Siberian.

They will be hanging out under a t-5 fixture for the next couple of weeks.


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Day 11

A second Selected Siberian has sprouted, as of this morning.

The Nanda Devi in the red solo cup seem to be doing well.

All things considered, I think they are doing well. They are in a basement that is around 61-65. They are on a heat mat to keep them a little warmer. They also have a humidity dome on them. I took them outside for 15 or so minutes today to let them get some real sunshine. It's going to be warm and sunny here so they will get a few field trips outside over the next week.

I do think it would of been better to sterilize the soil, inoculate, wait a few weeks, and then plant into the soil. They did seem a little sluggish post sprouting.


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Some very unique sounding genetics. Very interested to see what you pull out of them

I am excited too.

The Selected Siberian are autos and I will be growing them on my deck and bringing them inside on cold nights. I have grown a few autos from Flash seeds(Blue Himalaya and Strawberry Jam, maybe one or two more...) and I am curious mess around with them.... I am hoping to get a male and female, make some seeds, and then have a few hundred to try out. I think they will be good for window sills and scattered around my garden outdoor.... if nothing else they can provide some pollen for the bees and also some seeds for the wildlife to eat.

The Nanda Devi will likely be grown behind my garage all year. I am going to baby them in pots until I know the probability of frost is low.

Also, Kwik is a great place to try new things! 25 seeds for around 21 dollars once you convert fro Euros..... I've got about 10 other things from them in queue at the moment.



Dear Diary....

Well it seems that I have learned a few things while sprouting this batch of seeds.

The soil sterilization turned out to be a terrible idea. 190F for 2 hours seems to have made any problem worse and made it completely unusable.

Only two of the Siberian sprouted and when they did the roots only grew a few inches. There was no apparent tap root when I investigated what was going on.

In addition, I had sprinkled some clover seeds over the soil, as well as some containers that did not have the sterile soil. The non-sterile soil had full germination of the clover. Not one single clover seed germinated in the sterile soil.

8 days ago I started a new batch of the Nanda Devi, and I started another 10 this morning.

I will likely continue to companion plant some clover along with the cannabis seeds to help me identify any issues I may be having.

I will be back in a week or two for another update!


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Dear Diary,

It has been 20 days(as of taking these photos) since germination of the Nanda Devi seeds, and they are still emerging . These are easily the slowest germinating seeds I've ever grown. Even after they sprout they are very very slow growing. I don't think I can correlate their growth to any environmental factors this time. I also sprouted a bag seed(made in the past 2 years so I know its fresh and vigorous) and it's growing well and does not seem to have it's growth impeded by anything. Maybe it's a actually a blessing. Where I am on the globe I really shouldn't take anything outside until May 1st to make sure its not killed by the frost.


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Dear Diary,

It has been 8 days of new growth on the Nanda Devi. They are a slow grower. They seem to have gotten established enough that I needed to up-pot them into 1 gallon containers. I currently have a total of 5 sprouted and I have culled the rest that had not sprouted. I had one sprout at about day 30 from planting(not the one from the previous post) but it lacked enough vigor to jettison it's seed shell. They seemed to have perked up after I left them outside overnight. It was in the mid to low 50s.... I did not cold stratify the ND, and the last sprout came up the morning after the cold exposure.... I have never included a cold stratification in my germination protocol, however the next time I sprout these I will likely place them in the freezer for at minimum 24 hours and see if that helps the very low germination rate(I think I was less than 30% with the ones I tried out.) They are from the Himalayan Mountains so it makes sense they might be expecting cold.

About a week -- or so -- ago I also germinated 30ish seeds in little solo cups. These germinated with an 80% percent rate. They are an F2 of a TGA Plushberry(female) and Gypy's Luang Prang Bao Laos(Male) that was sold on seedbay a while ago. the Laos male was a complete herm.... it was a full male until and started shooting white hairs everywhere. It was around the same time that the pollen sacs opened. I made 5-7 crosses with it.

The most mature plant is 1/2 Plushberry 1/3 Laos, and 1/6 Ace Malawi(fruit pheno). I documanted it on the last post.

1. Plushberry x Laos F2 seedlings
2. Nanda Devi before transplant
3. a picture of the two together showing how little stretch the Nanda Devi have. The ND are about half the height I would expect from a seedling. Absoltely no stretch. It's already making leaves with 7 leaflets and the entire plant isn't even 3 inches from the soil.
4. ND after transplant. They do not look very happy in this picture.
5. PL F2 seedlings I transplanted to the backside of my house. They will get lots of morning sun and full shade in the afternoon.
6. A closeup shot. I did 3 seeds per solo cup... If they all survive I will likely cull the less vigorous ones.
7. The large PL x Malawi Laos I transplanted by the fenceline at another place on my property. It will get direct sunlight only through the fence slats but it will be continuous throuughout the day.


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Dear Diary,

It has been about 2 weeks since the last update. Things are looking good.

1 & 2 - Nanda Devi pre-transplant. I would have liked to get them in the ground 3-5 earlier but it rained all last week, so yesterday was the first dry and sunny day.

3 - Post transplant behind the garage. I dug out a 2-3 gallon hole for each and then filled in the rest of the space with some good potting soil. The native ground is high in clay. Each shovelful had worms in it, so it seems to be healthy enough.

4 - This lady has been in-ground for over 2 weeks now. It's gained another 1/3 of its height and the interior branches are filling out nicely. This spot gets much more afternoon sun than I was expecting. It should still do quite well in this spot.

5 - This morning all of the Nanda Devi seem to have bounced back from their transplant and seem perky and happy.


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Dear Diary,

It's been about a month since my last entry and everything is looking good.

The Nanda Devi are about 4 feet tall now. Their leaves are massive. The stems seem to be very hollow and weak on the new growth. I snapped the one on the far left accidentally, which is why its so small in the pictures. For how weak the stems are, everything is nice and green, and is not showing any type of deficiency.

It seems that at least 2 are male and the other two are not showing yet.

The other plant, in the flower bed, is a little over 3 feet now, and seems to be in good shape. There is some yellowing on the older leaves. I have not fed it any nutrients and it has only received rain water.

I did mow down everything else growing in the bed. I then mulched with fresh grass clippings.

I do plan on culling the males eventually, I have some more seedlings in the basement to replace them which are about a week old(not pictured)

1 and 2 - Side view and front view of the Nanda Devi.
3 - Massive Nanda Devi leaf.
4 and 5 - Side and top view of the Plushberry hybrid.


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Dear Diary,

It has been 19 days since my last update.

I have culled 2 of the 4 Nanda Devi due to them being male. I also severely cut back one female ND as it was growing right on top of another, and it had already been topped and beat up. Once the cool weather comes, and I order some more seeds, I will likely stock up on a lot of these seeds.

I scattered some chicken manure(chicken poo brand from Mendard's) around the base of all the plants. This is the first feeding I have given them. They have been surviving off only rainwater to this point.

1 - The best Nanda Devi female is about 6.5 feet tall now. The leaves are still coming out in massive proportions. I am really excited to see this one through.

2 - In place of the Male ND that I culled I planted 4 Malawi 2020 bagseed. They seem to be doing ok. I will eventually cull the males from this group as well.

3 - I planted 6 seeds that I made which are ((Black Cherry Soda X SpaceDawg)) X Seedsman Sugar Haze) I randomly threw the Sugar Haze pollen onto the female as the Black Cherry Soda really came though one female in the pack I grew.... and it was very unique and enjoyable. I have grown out 2 females from this batch of seed indoors and they have a similar scent. If I would like to get around to taking these to an F2 or F3 eventually.

4 - The fence lady is also a (Black Cherry Soda X SpaceDawg) which I thought was a Plushberry as I am somewhat confused by the individual who gave me the seeds. It's going well and there are no signs of deficiency.


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Well-known member
Dear Diary,

It has been 19 days since my last update.

I have culled 2 of the 4 Nanda Devi due to them being male. I also severely cut back one female ND as it was growing right on top of another, and it had already been topped and beat up. Once the cool weather comes, and I order some more seeds, I will likely stock up on a lot of these seeds.

I scattered some chicken manure(chicken poo brand from Mendard's) around the base of all the plants. This is the first feeding I have given them. They have been surviving off only rainwater to this point.

1 - The best Nanda Devi female is about 6.5 feet tall now. The leaves are still coming out in massive proportions. I am really excited to see this one through.

2 - In place of the Male ND that I culled I planted 4 Malawi 2020 bagseed. They seem to be doing ok. I will eventually cull the males from this group as well.

3 - I planted 6 seeds that I made which are ((Black Cherry Soda X SpaceDawg)) X Seedsman Sugar Haze) I randomly threw the Sugar Haze pollen onto the female as the Black Cherry Soda really came though one female in the pack I grew.... and it was very unique and enjoyable. I have grown out 2 females from this batch of seed indoors and they have a similar scent. If I would like to get around to taking these to an F2 or F3 eventually.

4 - The fence lady is also a (Black Cherry Soda X SpaceDawg) which I thought was a Plushberry as I am somewhat confused by the individual who gave me the seeds. It's going well and there are no signs of deficiency.
Everything looks awesome friend. You are doing a good job. I love how you use hay mulch to keep the roots moist and cool. I use a hand cultivator to aerate the topsoil around my plants. Aerating the soil will allow better water penetration and help the roots get plenty of environmental oxygen between waterings. I experimented once with aeration and found that aerated plants will outgrow plants that are not aerated every time. Plus it keeps the top dressing amendments soluble under the hay. Thanks for sharing.


I experimented once with aeration and found that aerated plants will outgrow plants that are not aerated every time.

One thing I did not document was doing exactly that.

My land is very clay dominant. There is not much organic matter on the top layer of the soil.

I have an old 55 gallon drum I use for this. The 'recipe' is 1 shovel full of earth from the spot I am planting to 1 shovel full of coco coir. I then roll the drum around the yard to mix it all up, and then fill in the hole, and then transplant into it.

I had tried a few spots without doing this and they hardly grew it all. The dense clay definitely is not ideal to grow in.


Well-known member
Dear Diary,

It has been 19 days since my last update.

I have culled 2 of the 4 Nanda Devi due to them being male. I also severely cut back one female ND as it was growing right on top of another, and it had already been topped and beat up. Once the cool weather comes, and I order some more seeds, I will likely stock up on a lot of these seeds.

I scattered some chicken manure(chicken poo brand from Mendard's) around the base of all the plants. This is the first feeding I have given them. They have been surviving off only rainwater to this point.

1 - The best Nanda Devi female is about 6.5 feet tall now. The leaves are still coming out in massive proportions. I am really excited to see this one through.

2 - In place of the Male ND that I culled I planted 4 Malawi 2020 bagseed. They seem to be doing ok. I will eventually cull the males from this group as well.

3 - I planted 6 seeds that I made which are ((Black Cherry Soda X SpaceDawg)) X Seedsman Sugar Haze) I randomly threw the Sugar Haze pollen onto the female as the Black Cherry Soda really came though one female in the pack I grew.... and it was very unique and enjoyable. I have grown out 2 females from this batch of seed indoors and they have a similar scent. If I would like to get around to taking these to an F2 or F3 eventually.

4 - The fence lady is also a (Black Cherry Soda X SpaceDawg) which I thought was a Plushberry as I am somewhat confused by the individual who gave me the seeds. It's going well and there are no signs of deficiency.
Everything looks awesome friend. You are doing a good job. I love how you use hay mulch to keep the roots moist and cool. I use a hand cultivator to aerate the topsoil around my plants. Aerating the soil will allow better water penetration and help the roots get plenty of environmental oxygen between waterings. I experimented once with aeration and found that aerated plants will outgrow plants that are not aerated every time. Plus it keeps the top dressing amendments soluble under the hay. Thanks for sharing.
One thing I did not document was doing exactly that.

My land is very clay dominant. There is not much organic matter on the top layer of the soil.

I have an old 55 gallon drum I use for this. The 'recipe' is 1 shovel full of earth from the spot I am planting to 1 shovel full of coco coir. I then roll the drum around the yard to mix it all up, and then fill in the hole, and then transplant into it.

I had tried a few spots without doing this and they hardly grew it all. The dense clay definitely is not ideal to grow in.
When I grew in clay I amended it with peat moss and it kicked ass.