
  1. G

    Biotabs Starterkit + Megaworm and a bunch of other organic stuff

    Hello everybody! I'm planning to setup my first organic grow, and i've got a bunch of organic products home. My plan was to mix with the 'plagron light mix' some coco, megaworm and bat guano, adding a couple of biotabs for every pot (18L). In the starter kit you also find a bunch of ther...
  2. lowridersa

    Inside America’s Top Organic Cannabis Farm: Oregon’s Yerba Buena

    🚀 We went inside America’s top organic cannabis farm to answer your questions. Is organic cannabis better? What is organic cannabis? What is living soil? How do you grow organic cannabis? Get the answers to these organic cannabis questions and more as Canna Cribs takes you inside Yerba Buena’s...