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So.should I.just toss them....or is there any hope ...I just pullled another one.that had dampened off....really sad since this is medicine for my sick wife...and makes me feel worthless especially since I havr had successful soil grows...

lol no. i'm saying water them less till they get bigger. here do this. take 2 cups right now, those same party cups you're using. fill both with coco straight from your bag or wherever you keep it. water one till it's as wet as your plants when you water em.

when the wet cup feels like the cup you didn't water. that's when you should water your plants again.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
If they aren't dead u can get them going. Start using 1/2 strength coco nutrients at 5.8ph and water only to wet them, and let them dry to the point where the coco is almost as light as before u ever gave it water. If ur spraying them with anything stop. It is not needed and can cause problems.

what stihg just wrote about the dry cup is a good idea. Obviously u don't want them 100% dry to the point they wilt, but real close to the same dry weight.
hey guys thanks for putting up with all my ranting...ya its really frustrating...about 12 plants look decent...i think there is hope for them...the others...the first set of leaves...is all curled up and pointing straight up...but they havent keeled over yet...so if they are not better in another day or so i feel like i should pull them...i lucked out today and got 91 really nice seeds...fat brown and covered in black stripes....this time though...i only germed 40 of them....i went out and bought my soil stuff...seed starting mix...worm castings...perlite...and im gonna wash the coco i used and mix that in as well...thats what i did with my soil grows and it worked great....we will see how my plants are in the am...they are in the dark right now...having a break...thanks again everyone...for everything...
also i gave them a very mild dosage of canna a and b...the ones that are decent looking are going to be my learning experience for coco...i really wanna get it down! everyone who is growing in coco...well their grows look amazing !


Chk it out dewd...do your soil thing but put like 5 in coco. I had prob with a str8 clone in coco..it rooted but died quick like. Start the coco seeds in rapid rooters or even in a towel til it sprouts then fill your beer cups of whatt ever with coco and feed that coco with run off a 1.2 ec feed..1 time with 20 percent runn off..no less! Then when rapid rooter seeds sprout and grow roots slap that bitch in the set coco u just did prier to transplanting and watch those 5 take over those soil 1s.when u tsansplant water til a touch of run off with .5 ec and then just bump up when it dries if you need 2 youll see lightr green start or water witb the ec you used last to keep em happy. I sware this will work. Try it out. If i did it you can to man. Get your soil harvest n still dabble in coco till u get it down. Kepp your head up ..keep trying..do NOT give up or wasted time is all for nothing and thats worse than failing. Head up, chin down is what we say in mma.


Active member
hey guys thanks for putting up with all my ranting...ya its really frustrating...about 12 plants look decent...i think there is hope for them...the others...the first set of leaves...is all curled up and pointing straight up...but they havent keeled over yet...so if they are not better in another day or so i feel like i should pull them...i lucked out today and got 91 really nice seeds...fat brown and covered in black stripes....this time though...i only germed 40 of them....i went out and bought my soil stuff...seed starting mix...worm castings...perlite...and im gonna wash the coco i used and mix that in as well...thats what i did with my soil grows and it worked great....we will see how my plants are in the am...they are in the dark right now...having a break...thanks again everyone...for everything...
don't give up man. i've never grown plants from seed under a big light but i did some outside once. and even under the natural sun they only have those 2 little leaves the first week or so while the roots spread out and anchor the plant.

it's the old as above analogy. they roots have to be big and expansive enough to support whatevers gonna be up top. it'll be alright.


somewhere (most likely day 8) in week 2 from seed


Active member
Forget about the cation exchange capacity of coco. Every media has a cation exchange, including compost. There's no need to pay specific attention other than to know how to hydrate your dry blocks.

Buffered coco is flushed with calcium nitrate to remove excess salts. It means that if you hydrated with plain water you should have a medium that measures roughly 0.2ec in an extraction test.

Hydrate a good quality coco bale with 1.0ec of balanced NPK nutrient and you have a potting media that is perfect and ready to use. Otherwise use B'cuzz bagged coco which is pre-fertilised and more like compost for the initial stages.

As a beginner, you do not need to know any more than that. Focusing on it will be to the detriment of your grow.

Once your babies put out their first leaves, you should start feeding a balanced base veg feed at 1.0ec.

In seed cups, feed every couple of days. Not too wet not too dry.

Make sure the root temps are not too hot or cold.

Do your pots have drainage holes?

There's absolutely no reason why the plants you have there shouldn't be more than enough to fill two tents if you treat them right from this point, but you need to follow the basics. Coir is as easy as compost once you apply some basic simple rules. It's the difference between driving manual vs automatic. You have to engage the gears yourself in terms of the feed, but once you're comfortable doing that,every other aspect is the same.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
don't give up man. i've never grown plants from seed under a big light but i did some outside once. and even under the natural sun they only have those 2 little leaves the first week or so while the roots spread out and anchor the plant.

it's the old as above analogy. they roots have to be big and expansive enough to support whatevers gonna be up top. it'll be alright.

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somewhere (most likely day 8) in week 2 from seed

Where'd ya get the little gay-er than aids sandwich swords? Aren't you worried about hermies?
hey guys thanks so much for the advice....im still trying to get the coco right...i pulled all but the 12 strongest of the remaining coco plants...they looked like shit anyways...its finally the end of a very busy work week so i have a chance to update...so here it is....wed i fed the coco plants rhyzotonic and cana a and b....i had 1 more seedling that i planted in coco before i bought soil and i let it dry out and gave it just a few drops of plain water last night...next time ill give it some rhyzotnic....the biggest issue is that when i turned off my ballast flames and smoke started coming out of it so it was cooked! luckily the company i bought it from is great to deal with....and long story short they sent me out a brand new 1000 watt ballast and pigtail socket...since im going to run this vertically...completely for free...until i receive it sometime next wk...ive been putting them out back in the sun from the time it goes up to the time it goes down...they get about 13-14 hrs of light...and when i bring them in...i put them under a bunch of CFLs...just to keep light on them...the coco plants have def grown...however the tips on some are a little yellow which i think is some mild nute burn so next time ill give them just plain water...next...i ended up getting some beautiful seeds...most germinated within 24-48 hrs...and all broke the surface within 24 hrs or so....after a day of sunlight and CFLs they are already looking better than my coco plants did after day one...the soil is a very light airy mix of perlite...worm castins....some organic seed starter...and yes...COCO...which i made sure to rinse the hell out of since i didnt want to have any coco nutes get into my soil...it cooked for a good day in the sun and by night time was nice and warm and moist and perfect for planting my seeds...a whole bunch more popped tonight and i have a few left that im thinking will be up by tomorrow or the next day...pics are posted below!


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those light colored cups in your second picture. you could water those a little . when they're that small i give like a shotglass worth of water every day or 2. but that light color is what i look for visually to let me know to moisten the top part again. i use the weight of the cup to let me know if that's enough or if it needs more than just 1 shotglass worth. the dark colored ones wait till they get light like the rest before watering again.

i think that was you i said i would take pics of my seedlings for?
alright...so here are more pics the plants are loving the sun...new light should be here by the end of the week...hopefully it doesnt catch on fire this time!...as for my one baby seedling...i gave it just a little water today after letting it nearly dry out and it doesnt look nearly as good as my soil plants which are younger and twice the size...ill be giving it a mild dose of food tomorrow or the next day...the first set of leaves are doing the same thing that my other coco plants did...pointing up and getting dry on the ends...all it has had is just plain water...i am convinced that plants in coco cannot go with out food for the first few wks like soil plants can...anyways...they are under an over hanging roof so they get partial sunlight...and had a nice breeze today..the 12 bigger ones in coco i put in direct sunlight and they are starting to look better...they will be getting just plain water tomorrow....my soil plants each got 1 ml of water this am....measured out and just enough to keep the tops slightly moist...i will keep giving them small amts until they get a bit bigger....only 2 of the soil plants tipped over and got pulled...the rest are all looking great!


Active member
are there roots poking out of the bottom yet? when that happens you can start watering a little more often. the burnt tips is from the concentration of nutes/molecules in the coco going up as the water runs out. it's a delicate balance between over and under water. gotta make sure it's not too wet for oxygen to get to the roots, and also make sure it doesn't get so dry that the EC goes up. another reason you shouldn't be giving food before the cotyledons fall off. coco starts with a pretty high EC/ppms whatever you wanna call it.
so heres the update...soil plants look great!....my little coco seedling that i have given nothing but minimal amts of water too...well its dying...not sure what u guys are growing for strains or if you are using not seeds but clones...but those plants def need food/root simulator from the get go! my 12 coco plants that are finally growing did not grow until i started giving them food...the leaves reaching up was not because of the light but bc they were hungry...i gave my experimental coco seedling a mild dosage of food/root stim to see if it will perk up...the plant def cannot live off of the nutes in the cots as proven by the fact that many of mine died after being fed plain water and this one is no exception...i think next time i try coco i will start with the root stim/mild dose of food as soon as it pops and dries up a bit...my little 1 ml syringe works great for giving food...in terms of the soil plants they are growing bigger every day...gonna give them a little water probably in the next day or so...anyways enjoy the pics!


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are there roots poking out of the bottom yet? when that happens you can start watering a little more often. the burnt tips is from the concentration of nutes/molecules in the coco going up as the water runs out. it's a delicate balance between over and under water. gotta make sure it's not too wet for oxygen to get to the roots, and also make sure it doesn't get so dry that the EC goes up. another reason you shouldn't be giving food before the cotyledons fall off. coco starts with a pretty high EC/ppms whatever you wanna call it.

i just re read this post so here is where i am confused....it will be a few weeks before roots poke out the bottom of the cup....soil or coco...the first batch of coco seedlings i started did the same thing but i fed them sooner and they grew...this one i followed the advice from the previous posts...and just gave it minimal water as to make sure the plant didnt die from over watering...im sure there are minimal nutes in the coco....but little in compared to what is in soil...unless nutes are given right away i honestly cannot see how a seedling can survive..the 12 that are much bigger now...didn not start to grow until i gave them food...which was maybe 3-4 days in...this one has been over a wk...banking on the fact that the cots will feed it...but it is just so turning out to be true....can you please elaborate...


Ripped since 1965
No straight water ever unless you want to mess up the cocos cation balance and cause problems or a quicker death. Minimum 1/4-1/3 strength base nutes. Never let all the coco on top turn all light brown for very long- hours. Never go more than every other day without some water/feed. No need to flood the cup, I use a syringe and shoot 5-7 ml right on the stalk so it goes to whatever roots it has. Flood the cup as soon as you see leaf growth.

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