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The Dank's 6k Bloom Room



Hello everybody and how are ya!?

I'm hyped to be back at this. After my first round came out so-so, and i completely blew it with the fire og, I've learned a lot since then, partnered up with a buddy who knows what he's doin, gained bit of patience and remembered cleanliness is key.

I cleaned out the entire garage i've got to work with (11' W x 20' L x 10' H) hung a few parabolic reflectors, got some clones from my buddy, cleaned a lot more (I'll get into that) and been veggin ever since.

Made some mistakes along the way this time with nutes and stuff as this is my first time running 3-part jungle juice with some other goodies i mix in as well. This time i'll be including my feeding schedule as to keep track of it better for my own notes. No advanced nutrient bashing or praise here as I'm flying by the seat of my pants, so maybe i can give you an honest review of how they work after this round. Enough of me blabbering, heres some pics

Blackberry Clones after 2 days under 1k


A month or so later before repotting into 5 gal. aeropots


Raped and tomato caged up before the flip


Side view, i thought this was a cool pic


So as you can see, I only have 4 lights hung at the moment, this is because i've literally been building the room while vegging. Trying to figure out heat issues and airflow in the dead of summer is not easy, but should make the rest of the year a breeze. Basically i've piped into the central a/c with no need to bust down any walls, just opened a door hehe. Grabbed a 10" Q-max fan after meeting the rep and this thing pushes a lot of air
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Took a trip down the hill to the SF cup last month, only made it down on sunday cause I had to work but I grabbed everything i really wanted... and I had a hell of a time.

Met some fellow IC members by accident haha, y'all were awesome, thanks for the big ol' vape bag. Bog and his wife were all smiles, thanks for passin me your joint, that sour bubble is top notch.

So all of these seeds were put into dirt 7/2 except the two still in solo cups, those were popped about a week later or so cause there was a huge moon and i was feeling lucky. Theres 4 Sour boggles, 3 GG#4 S1's, 2 Bayliens (solo cups)


Heres a better view of one of the bayliens


And this Glue s1 turned into an absolute beast, it popped as a trifoliate, then it has completely outgrown any of the other beans I popped. Stem rubs from her already giving me strong chem,sour notes with a hint of chocolate. I had my wife smell it just to make sure i wasn't just toasted.


Well thats all for now, All these seeds will be moved to veg spot this week and will be selected for mothers, theres an obvious keeper, but for the most part the next round will include all of these and maybe a few more.

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Hey Dank demon, thanks for stoppin in!

Hey Marlo, I hope so, its been quite a headache so far but i think once I get this first round under my belt it should be smooth sailing.

Quick Update

So the plan was to plug into an unused 50 amp line the old owners of the house use to have hooked up to a hot tub. Well, my partner and I attempted to plug into the fuse box ourselves and it should have worked, but it didnt. Now we have his electrician stoppin in to hook it up for us. Thank god the house didnt burn down, never again.

Things are still veggin for now under 1k, but we should have it rockin this week. I won't bore ya with any lame veg shots as its not that much to see.

All the beans i started are doin good. Gorilla Glue#4 S1's and Baylien S1's (Animal cookies X Fire Alien OG)? are from UnknownProphet by the way.

Here's a shot of that same Glue s1 that's towering over the others, seems like this one may be leaning towards the diesel in overall structure, I'm seeing some similarities of the Sour bubble in the leaves, as I have some Sour Boggle right next to it for comparison. But if my memory serves correct Diesels are fast veggers? Feel free to hop in as I'd love to learn some more about the parents of this lovely lady.

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Another quick update

Another quick update

Another rainy day here, which means nice cool weather here. plugged another 1k hps in last night, had to run it into my house because we still don't have the 50 amp line ready to go. Electrician comin in tomorrow to save the day. :moon:

On a good note, I'll be setting up a new clone/veg/mother room in about a month. I'll be able to fill my room better as well as stop worrying about outside pests bringing clones over. Thank god this summer heat wave up here is over too, and even after pluggin in another light, my temps stayed at 73f all night long! Its only gettin cooler at night so running more lights should be a breeze with all the airflow in my room, which goes somethin light this..

10" Q-max can fan This puppy pushes a LOT of air, ~1024cfm, it basically cools my entire room. Hooked up to my Central A/C fresh air duct (10") for the house. Pulls in cold clean air as well as circulates it all around the top of my room

Two 16" multispeed lasko fans, these things ran me about 50 a piece and they're pretty sweet, even come with remotes, and the LED lights on them are green so no trouble while they're runnin at night. I get real stoned and tinker with them all the time to get the timing and the position right so they don't create and hot/cool spots. Although that would be cool to play with if i was running a half indica, half sativa room... hmmm...


Lil pano-rama i took last night after doin some work in there and cleaning up a little. Doing a bunch more cleaning tonight to get everything off the floor, Wires out of the way, neatly fastened and hung, mostly everything concentrated in the left side of the room. I should be setting up a little mixing/workspace over there too.

This will be the last of the veg pics for this round. Everything was flipped this morning to 12/12. All seed starts were moved over to other spot for selection and mothering, I can't wait to go perpetual, I have a lot of cleaning and planning to do! Oh Ya, forgot to mention, im a Prop 215 patient, under my legal limit, and I smoke a lot :biggrin:

Have a great day yo
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Here's a few pics, I've been under the weather lately so i've been super lazy. Feelin better now though, back to work!

Got the 50 amp line hooked up and dedicated to the lights, Now were just scrambling to figure out airflow and whether or not we'll need an A/C. Winter should be fine but summer time, forget it. Its been pretty hot up here lately and the room temps get up to 86F which is a little high for my liking, even with Co2


Side view


As you can see, the girls are pretty happy. But I didn't get into this to be just "ok".. I have a long way to go before this room is dialed in, and I'm not stoppin till it is.

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ICMag Donor
Summertime growing is ruff. I just can't do it over here.

Your girls look really happy tho. They must like whatever you're doing.
How long before you flip em?



Hey Marlo, sorry I must have forgotten to mention.

They were flipped on 8/5 So that would put us on about day 5-6 of flowering

Thanks for stoppin in, i'm paging through your wow thread... and wow indeed!

Thanks Chief!

I counted the tops last night and I have about 54 main shoots and about 10 side shoots that looked too good to take off.

Hope to see you back at it soon, you've got some serious skills! :headbange


So i'm still battling the summer heat over here, girls are doing well. No co2 this round as i can't keep temps under control without A/C. Everyones throwin out lots of pistils! They've been getting their transition to bloom feed from the side of the bottle of Jungle Juice. With some with an extra gallon of water or two the mix comes out pretty good.

They are drinking ~45 gallons a week now, i water every two days and shoot for a feed-feed-pure h20 schedule. But being somewhat of a beginner we all know that doesn't always happen. So tonight i'll be mixing up about 15 gallons with the rates of:

50 Ml
100 ml
150 ml

The side of the bottle calls for 5,10,15 mls per gallon for flowering, but i've been finding that if i mix it up just like it says on the bottle my ppms are through the roof, too much for the plants is my guess. So i mix for about 3-4 gallons less than what im usually using and it comes out with a nice 6.2-6.5 ph and a reasonable ppm.

I'm trying to keep things as simple as possible this round, I work almost everyday during the summer, but winter only a few days a week. So I'll have more time to focus in there and on here.

Heres a quick pic I snagged last night


Gettin the good camera out this week when things get a little more interesting
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Dank Demon

Growing herb is a way of life!
Looking good mate same nutes I used to use the GHE they are fantastic, but I used to have to keep the vegging schedule 2 weeks into flowering or I found they yellow with the lack of Nitrogen way to early. Also they take some getting used to in RO water.



Looking good mate same nutes I used to use the GHE they are fantastic, but I used to have to keep the vegging schedule 2 weeks into flowering or I found they yellow with the lack of Nitrogen way to early. Also they take some getting used to in RO water.


Huh, maybe this depends on the strain? What were you running? How long did you take her?

This blackberry finishes up in about 55-60 days, I cut the Nitrogen pretty early and usually comes out looking something like this (before final trim)


But definitely something I will keep in mind! Also, No R/O water, my tap comes out to 0 ppm on my blue lab pen, I'm fortunate to live where the tap water is some of the best in the world. Maybe its something inbetween 0-100 but thats good enough for me. I do have a buddy with R/O system i may borrow for flushing... Thanks for the tip!
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Dank Demon

Growing herb is a way of life!
Huh, maybe this depends on the strain? What were you running? How long did you take her?

This blackberry finishes up in about 55-60 days, I cut the Nitrogen pretty early and usually comes out looking something like this (before final trim)

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=51221&pictureid=1226136&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

But definitely something I will keep in mind! thanks for the tip

All my runs are of multiple strains normally, hence why I have a few problems trying to cater for all of them, but I prefer selection over yield, I am sure if I only ran Killer Queen for example which I have run for years then I will do better, but even she did not like the drastic "bottle" recommended drop in Nitrogen on the first week of flower, but maybe like you say its strain dependent. :tiphat:

Peace :ying:


Here's a quick picture i snapped last night just as the lights came on, theres about 50 something of these main colas that are about a foot long, some longer with buds all the way down. I'll try to grab some more pictures later tonight.

Day 18


Hey can someone tell me how to insert the full sized images in my posts instead of these tiny little thumbnails?
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Day 25 flowering

Day 25 flowering

Sup peeps?

Came into the room at lights on today to find several branches floppin over, nothing broke tho.. Not bad for week 3. Haven't been able to run Co2 yet cause the temps get to high without exhaust fan runnin.

On a good note though, I'm getting much better bud development this round, things are stacking nicely. Not as frosty as last round (yet!) but certainly much bigger, healthier, and not as leafy. Not too much smell to her yet, but its still early. One of the larger girls has a slight grape/skunk funk beginning to come on.

Lower nug shot


Here's a quick shot of the room, I can't wait to fire up all 6 lights, its gonna be a jungle! In the lower part of the picture you can see a main branch floppin over i hadn't tied up yet (sorry about the shitty pics i'll try harder i promise!)


Time to zone out...I got so focused on finishin this post my spliff went out, priorities.... :joint:
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