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Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Embracing the Suck.


Well-known member
What an ASSHOLE!

What an ASSHOLE!

What I should do is pull a blackout. Let you guys think that I was absolutly devistated. MIA for a couple of weeks. Then come back like nothing happened.


I see not much is thought of my idea. Oh fuckin' well. So you'll get this.

I was in the Weezer and Casper camp. No damage done. The windward sides took a pounding in this event. On Maui it was the "edges", the places where the land switches directions. Just down the road in Ulupalukua there are trees and power lines down all over the place. That area had a sustained sixty mile an hour winds most of the morning. I awoke to the sound of the big wind being lifted over us by the volcano at our backs. But at plant level? Nuthin.

I can say I will know what happens when we indeed do get hit by an Eastern Pacific hurricane. Just like I thought. Big Island takes a beating, and the rest of the state hides behind her and skates clear. Speaking for the rest of the state I can say I'm ok with that.

If you want to take this further out, the BI grows most of the Hawaii's local product. Bet a good percentage of this years crop was totaled. How will that effect the big picture?

But I don't want to go there. Not yet. This is not a gloat. Not yet.

When the magnitude of this miss and the aftereffects, The game has undoubtedly shifted again. Julio looks to miss North. Green Harvest has been modified. They'll need those choppers, and all the officers that go with them elsewhere.

I will throw a longer post up later. This is just to let all know that all is well.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
"Green Harvest has been modified. They'll need those choppers, and all the officers that go with them elsewhere."

So it seems.
Just saw a white and a grey chopper, low and fast over Kona, headed SE.

I think Dirtboy got through it but probably lost power and internet. There were a lot of trees/poles down over there.
How about it DB? You still kickin'?



The Dude
What I should do is pull a blackout. Let you guys think that I was absolutly devistated. MIA for a couple of weeks. Then come back like nothing happened.


I see not much is thought of my idea. Oh fuckin' well. So you'll get this.

I was in the Weezer and Casper camp. No damage done. The windward sides took a pounding in this event. On Maui it was the "edges", the places where the land switches directions. Just down the road in Ulupalukua there are trees and power lines down all over the place. That area had a sustained sixty mile an hour winds most of the morning. I awoke to the sound of the big wind being lifted over us by the volcano at our backs. But at plant level? Nuthin.

I can say I will know what happens when we indeed do get hit by an Eastern Pacific hurricane. Just like I thought. Big Island takes a beating, and the rest of the state hides behind her and skates clear. Speaking for the rest of the state I can say I'm ok with that.

If you want to take this further out, the BI grows most of the Hawaii's local product. Bet a good percentage of this years crop was totaled. How will that effect the big picture?

But I don't want to go there. Not yet. This is not a gloat. Not yet.

When the magnitude of this miss and the aftereffects, The game has undoubtedly shifted again. Julio looks to miss North. Green Harvest has been modified. They'll need those choppers, and all the officers that go with them elsewhere.

I will throw a longer post up later. This is just to let all know that all is well.
Glad to hear ya alright OH.


Well-known member
Yeah, lots of choppers going in Puna..,should be Helco guys. Just went to Pohoikis, damn albizias like matchsticks. Dirt good, just no power or www. Parts of Puna gonna be weeks for sure without power. National Guard looks to be a big help.


Well-known member


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Luther Burbank

Hoping for a quick cleanup and not too much damage for y'all on the islands. One love from the mainland.


:tiphat:Great bushes, bro! It's you for smoking-recreation or medical purposes such plantations? I am appalled by your skill! Cool likely to live on the islands!: Раста:

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Glad to hear most of ya made it through with no major issues. Be well and grow on!!


Active member
ICMag Donor
loaned out my gererator to a friend in nanawale...he said at least a week w/out power


Active member
Shitty deals puna side.and ulupalakua side ovah hea.speedy recovery.is green harvest gonna fly dis week?what u guys tink?


Active member
Just got power and net. No more veg room lol If GH fly's here anytime soon they will get a ear full and more. In my green house all was good but outside got a wind whipping. I have to go to Oahu in a few hours so have a great weekend Aloha


The Dude
Just got power and net. No more veg room lol If GH fly's here anytime soon they will get a ear full and more. In my green house all was good but outside got a wind whipping. I have to go to Oahu in a few hours so have a great weekend Aloha
Give em hell DB. Have fun over here.:tiphat:


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
lost a part of my fence where the garden sits...

neighbor comes out and says "I see your yard".
I'm like :yeah, I know..."
And she takes me by the hand to her property and points.
"I see your yard"


Well-known member
Wish in One Hand, Shit in the Other. Which Hand Fills up Faster?

Wish in One Hand, Shit in the Other. Which Hand Fills up Faster?

ok... this ain't an easy one.

griffonRus's Google translator is gonna explode.

You have a choice really. We can go for the clasic overeach. You know, try to bite off and chew up far more than we can swallow. Try to do it all, and thus do nothing. Or, we can take the other tack. Just dig into one thing, and act like the whole rest of the trip never even happened. Whatever or whoever brought us to this place is unimportant. we are here, deal with it.


See, there was a fuckin' hurricane. Well, now they are calling it a tropical storm, but whatever, It fucked a lot of good people up. Even if they wern't physicicaly hurt, the storm stole time that they could be doing other stuff. And frankly, like it or not, there will be winners and losers because that storm did not fall on everyone equally. The way it works is; Yes it is a zero sum game. Someone loses. Someone gains.

Change gears.....

Might as well tell you now.

If you haven't noticed by now, let me tell you something that in real life everyone already knows.. I'm kinda an asshole. Take some things as fact, your not telling me anything I haven't heard. But as I have been writing this, we have been leaving loose threads behind in each post. Call 'em hints, clues, whatever. You didn't see it unless you read between the lines. It was all gonna get tied up neatly in one epic gloat.

The Mother Of All Gloats.

Trust me. It would have been good. But now it ain't gonna happen. No way. Will not fly. The only way for a gloat this big to survive, is if everyone wins, and it's looked at like excentric obcession. Everyone can say;

"We did good. Allow the fool to make his noise."

Before Iselle, that is what would have happened. After Iselle the same gloat would have got a slightly different reaction. A reaction more along the lines of;

"We got crushed. Fuckin' Haole did good. And he's rubbing it in. Find him. Kill him."

So, long story ...well...long... The central premise of this grow log just got blown away with Iselle. What's a moron, granted, a moron with all his plants still where they should be, and looking fine, to do?

You think about that. Now a word from our sponsors.

You gotta be crazy, you gotta have a real need
You gotta sleep on your toes, and when you're on the street
You gotta be able to pick out the easy meat with your eyes closed
And then moving in silently, down wind and out of sight
You gotta strike when the moment is right without thinking.
And after a while, you can work on points for style
Like the club tie, and the firm handshake
A certain look in the eye, and an easy smile
You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to.
So that when they turn their backs on you
You'll get the chance to put the knife in.

See? Told ya. Over reaching. Try it. If it don't fit? Make it!

So where were we before the abortion named Iselle came and busted our little party up? Last week looked bleak. Last week was three days of sitting on a bucket under the hot sun, franticly tying up branches, to survive the unsurvivable. This week looks a little better. I saw the first Plover of the Winter yesterday while golfing on O'ahu. Living where Winter barely sneaks up on you, it is best to know the little signs that are out there. Just that one little sign. A dumb bird, triggers a whole list of crap that needs to get done.

And when you loose control, you'll reap the harvest you have sown
And as the fear grows, the bad blood slows and turns to stone
And it's too late to loose the weight you used to need to throw around
So have a good drown, as you go down, all alone
Dragged down by the stone.

O.K. You don't want to drop the ball here. Not now. This is the two foot tap in for bird. DON'T FUCK IT UP!!!!!

Upclose you have to get the garden ready for the final run. Everything should be sprayed, fertilized, weeded, and in full bondage. Once all this crap is done, you can, and believe me, the temptation is there, stare at the plants as they all fall into place.

But, if you have done your job correctly, you don't have to. You don't want to. Right now you have two weeks to worry about crap you can actually change, before the tsunami that it a harvest breaks square on top of your head. Those nice plants you want to waste time staring at? Plenty of time to look while you are trimming.

One simple question. What's next?


Work it out. Hang on, I'll draw you a map. Look at your harvest schedule. Kinda front loaded? The joys of Indica. I suppose after the plants are gone, your just gonna let all that perfect dirt just sit vacant and unproductive? Let those three month just tick away and do nothing?

I gotta admit that I'm a little bit confused
Sometimes it seems to me as if I'm just being used
Gotta stay awake, gotta try and shake off this creeping malaise
If I don't stand my own ground, how can I find my way out of this maze?


That would kinda be a waste. This ain't the mainland, where everything outside grinds to a halt. This is Hawaii where the sun keeps shining, Winter be damned. So, once Green Harvest tips it's hand, or I start the big pull, this garden we're gonna need a lot more replacements to do it all over again. Another full take of pure gravy can be had. Just a little preplanning is all it takes.

Deaf, dumb, and blind, you just keep on pretending
That everyone's expendable and no-one has a real friend
And it seems to you the thing to do would be to isolate the winner
And everythings done under the sun
And you believe at heart, everyone's a killer.

No, the big harvest will come off with or without my coaching. There is nothing more to do. Any factors that will effect the trip are out of my hands. Move on. Work on the next thing.

And with that I have no more.

Rather than a small answer to everyone, let me just say thanx from all of us here for your concern and good wishes. The big thing is nobody was hurt and everything broken can be replaced. Now let's dig up a few shitty pics, scatter them about, and call it a nite.

The Scogi's so far.



And DB. Here is a Blurkle. Does real good in Summer. Yields heavy. Not top 10, but the yield makes it wash.


And before I forget. One last thing to kill.

Who was born in a house full of pain?
Who was trained not to spit in the fan?
Who was told what to do by the man?
Who was broken by trained personnel?
Who was fitted with collar and chain?
Who was given a pat on the back?
Who was breaking away from the pack?
Who was only a stranger at home?
Who was ground down in the end?
Who was found dead on the phone?
Who was dragged down by the stone?
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