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Motherlode Gardens 2014


thanks pono, y4p, gcg, byf...

We like to let the soil dry out a bit in between waterings so we don't drown plants but after reading what y4P said maybe we will try more frequent waterings. GCG i think we are using a very similar soil mix, we copied boobs' recipe pretty closely, but we have no mulch.

I am more afraid of overwatering than underwatering because it takes longer to show symptoms and longer to return to full health

Might go buy a couple of those moisture sensors for peace of mind. science ftw. i need to spend less time second-guessing shit.


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
A trick from a guy that gorilla'd in some dry rough country back when you dared not plant on your own land.

I used a piece of 1" steel electrical conduit as deep as my containers/holes, 18-24" whatever.
I angle cut, and sharpened the outer edge.

Insert into soil and it collects a core sample.
Inserts easily, slices any roots hit, cleanly.
A slight twist as you insert helps out.

Grab a stick, push the soil out, use your eyes, seeing is believing.
The hole fills in with watering and adds needed O2 down deep.
If the plant needs any added ferts, fill it with some good meals like a fertilizer spike.

This is quick, cheap, accurate, and the fastest tool I've ever made.
Seeing how far down your heavy watering are reaching, will most deff surprise you.

Just a tip from an old fart:tiphat:

Backyard Farmer

Active member
The probes are to track water usage so you can be as efficient as possible with your water.

They track the uptake of water from the soil in real time and record the data to a cloud network so that you can later use the info to see if the plants could use more or less water, when they're using the most water,and when the best time to apply is.

Does the finger probe do that?

Also how far down are you guys probing with your fingers?

I can't see the finger probe method showing anything of value as most of,our beds are over a ft deep, and roots move water via capillary action....sooo... Yeah keep poking away


Active member
Schrews- mulch is your friend for water retention. If you could do one that way
you'd wish they were all that way.(water wise)

grow nerd

Active member
I was just making a silly joke.

According to Google, you're talking about buttholes falling out.

I don't understand. :confused:


$$ ALONE $$
She moans and grow nerd jumps off with a quite satisfied look on his face and is like "Thanx bitch, that was some good pussy."
She lays there confused...."What you talking bout grow nerd" ?

Finger probing for moisture? Sheiiiiit....I fist the bitch....elbow deep.


Byf why narrow your options , rock the slimy hand and the lab coat. Chicks dig the sophisticated look hahaaa

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