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Donkey Kong


Good show MrTea! You are training that girl something proper! Node city on that plant Sir. Your gonna have sticky nugs everywhere come flower time!


some guy
Glue and Kong hanging out....I've been growing nearly 5 years now and have never used more than 400w in flower....startingSaturday that 400w is becoming 2000w. Quite excited, the Glue and Kong (in a couple weeks) will be the first to experience my newfound glory. Really excited for a 'proper' setup, finally. As you can see, my tent is overgrown as all hell.


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some guy
Looks like you will settle into the extra light quickly! Your plants are looking great as always MrTea!

Too kind as always. I appreciate the compliment, this is my first time running completely my own soil mix. Been running organics for 2 years now and have always used some kind of "premixed" something whether it be compost, amendments, trace minerals, or just straight up premade soil. These plants are in my own first official mix (44 ingredients to be exact not to mention the several dozen random plants that I've picked in the park and topdressed the soil and also the half dozen I have growing in the pots). It's nice knowing my first time making soil piece-mealed I didn't kill everything, lol.

Will start finding out in a few weeks what I have created from scratch. Thanks for the opportunity! I hope my first mix produces something decent.

It's one thing seeing journals and smoke reports and it's another getting to smoke the breeder's own product....knowing the capabilities of this gal I hope I can do something with her.


Pagan Extremist
Its funny how fluid a soil mix can be.. and provided a good CEC theres a lot of room for error... my next mix will trade off and add calcitic lime as opposed to dolomite, but i'll still keep the oyster and crab shells.... but the cal/mag ratios will be better... so I STILL haven't finalized my base soil mix.... combine that with my whimsical nature in adding things to my pots and I dont think I'll ever have one single set in stone mix....

Heres the DK today...




I do a training method that I call the "bent-over betty" its similar to the "catch and release" method, only harder... I repeatedly bend the top over this way and that... I make it turn its head up to the light... then I bend it the other way... making the tops face the floor... then I let it stretch back up before doing it over again in a few days... I no longer top my girls, special case aside... I just keep fucking with the apically dominant shoot... and the sides blow out....

heres a lower branch thats taller than the top....




some guy
I do a training method that I call the "bent-over betty"

combine that with my whimsical nature in adding things to my pots and I dont think I'll ever have one single set in stone mix....

I've been realizing that that is the case of organics lol. I make sure the trace minerals, liming agents, aeration, compost, and humus are good to go and that's all that matters....I mix all my amendments into a bucket and dump some of that into the soil and it's ready to go...not to mention all the organic plant matter that will eventually be added as topdress.


lol definitely looks sexy. Lovin your "bent-over Betty" technique Sea! Sound logic behind your method as well. Dk does not seem to care how she is manipulated. Always a star in my garden and you fellas are making her shine!


Pagan Extremist
well, my clone showed roots already... I dont count shit, but I think it was like 5-6 days for roots to be hangin from a rapid rooter, so thats a good sign. I dont use heat either...

Kant C Shyt

Active member
Those DKs are looking nice and healthy everyone. Can't wait to see ya'll all flower em out and throw up some more sick pics in this thread. Sounds like she roots fast too. Ya'll take care 1


some guy
The rewards of a proper LST job.....I think there are a few things that need to be said here....This plant seems to love LST. It's lower nodes had no problem catching up to the taller ones, maybe that's just how the plant is anyway, idk. Regardless, this girl is only 7" from soil and as you can see from underneath has more branches thanjust about any other plant I've seen her height. I had to move her in black garbage bags half a week ago and half my girls got major heat stress on the top of the canopies after only 15 minutes in my car in the bags......this one didn't. She's green as can be and lovin' life, as I love her.


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Pagan Extremist
Fast roots on this one... I just TP'd that clone rapid rooter not long ago.... according to this thread... the 30th... I already have 5 or 6 lil roots pokin out the bottom of the solo cup tryin to drink air....
Trying that DK as we speak. Nice head and body to the effect. The smell and flavor are strong with this one.

Have a Death star clone as well. Post up later. She yields well. 10 weeks on the last run.


Pagan Extremist
Whatup y'all... Heres a MCD doin the bent over...

Bent over before:

Bent over after:

As for my Donkey Kong....

Its clone is rather vigorous as well.

Poudre Farms

I'm happy to bring this strain up to the north country. Her buds are very pungent and this is an excellent example of an indica hybrid that brings together a deep stone, flavor, yield and solid plant structure. It's definitely a winner. We very much appreciate these breeding efforts up here and I look forward to growing this strain to its maximum potential.