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Competitive Serious Six vs. Automazar LED grow


New member
Hy all together!

This is my very first grow report and I hope I´m doing it right. So please be tolerantly with me.

Right away I´ll give you some informations about the grow:

I´m growing a Serious 6 from Serious Seeds in the left cabin and an Automazar from Dutch Passion ini the right cabin
Grow Medium: Soil – Plagron Grow Mix

Box: It´s a self constructed box (basically a modified old cupboard). The box is covered with a reflecting grow film from Orca.
Size of one cabin: 35 x 70 cm
Light: 4 x Culturelux Power LED M 30 (27,5 W each) per cabin –> so I get 110 W for one plantVentilation: Ventilution Mixed In-Line 100 mm
Water: I give the plants rain water from my rain-barrel in the garden

I´m now in week four of the grow and I added some pics.

Hope I mentioned everything interesting, just tell me if not and I´ll add it asap.

Cheers Stonytoon


New member
Forgot to put some pictures of the Automazar. It´s always the one with the green background, the S6 has the silver background (heating mats).


Hi stoneytoon and welcome! Thats a nice grow you've got going there I hope it turns out good! Also very nice cab. Best of luck.


Just saw in your last picture some odd curls on some of the leaves. They also look a bit yellow. What kind of nutes/fertilizer are you giving them?


New member
Hy hestah, thank you very much! The cabin was quite some work, so thank you again! I hope that as well :)

Yeah I know, these strange curls. I use fertilizer from CANNA - in the first week I gave them just water cause the soil itself is full enough with fertilizer, then I started to give 25ml/10L Cannazym from Canna. I thought about the curls myself and searched for it in forums, the opinion of most people is, that such curls are a sign of overfeeding. I grew this plant before with the same soil, light and fertilizer and didn´t have this curls.
What I did different this time is, that I bought some special (and quite expensive) soil for breeding herbs in the local garden store. I saw the soil there and thought this must be perfect for my plants as well, as they are more or less also "herbs". The second thing which is different this time is the temperature, I have something about 27° - 30° C in the cabin this time, which is a little high I think.


New member
Forgot to say something about the yellow colour - actually the colour is a nice quite strong green, I looked at the pics again, there they really look a little yellow there. Must be the camera, it´s not the best. I will try to make some pics with the better one of my GF, then you should see what I mean.


Ok so maybe it's the soil then. Maybe you should go a bit easy when feeding just in case. As long as it doesn't get worse I think it should be ok. Ok glad to hear yeag it looks like the lights are making it look more yellow than it really is.

I will follow this thread with anticipation!


New member
Yes I think you are right. I will be carefull with feeding. The new leafs they built don´t have this curls, hope they wont appear later. I will keep you informed.

Wish you a nice day


New member
Week 4

Week 4

Hy again,

it´s a week since i posted the last pics, so here some actual photos of the plants (by the way their names are Adam & Eva :tongue:)

As you can see I managed to get rid of the heavy curls, just at the very edge of some leafes they lift a bit. I interpret this as a sign, that the overfed soil is ok again.

What do you think?

Looking forward on your comments.



They definitely look healthier now, good to see. You got some beautiful plants and a nice grow setup going so hopefully it will turn out great for you. Will keep watching and maybe learn a thing or two.
Keep it up and good luck!


Well-known member
Hi stony nice job, are these pics taken with white balance or that's the real spectrum of the lights

forgive my bad english


New member
Hi stony nice job, are these pics taken with white balance or that's the real spectrum of the lights

forgive my bad english

Hey scarecrow! First of all thank you! Second - no I´m not using any white balancer or filter, that´s just how the light is, I take the photo with my normal little digital camera.


Active member
The reason why you were getting leaf curl upwards is to high of humidity the plants are transpiring to much. That means most likely your RH was way to low.

Also 25mil of plant food did I read that right?? That seems like a awful lot of food I mean I run advanced nutes and they reccomend that you use 4mil per QAURT so 16mil per gallon of a&b but I rarely run it that high. I usually do about 10mils of each a&b. I also saw where you said you have food in the soil already chances are your issues where a combo of humidity and over ferted. I have never used canna nutes but that seems awfully high.

Well your grow looks nice anyways as it is coming along keep up the good work.


New member
Week 5 - Update

Week 5 - Update

Hello guys!

Another week, another update. Plants are doing well so far, the AutoMazar is already building some buds. I built a little grid for the plants to separate the strands a little bit so that everyone is getting more light. I hope in combination with the reflecting grow film this will maximize the light every bud gets.





New member
The reason why you were getting leaf curl upwards is to high of humidity the plants are transpiring to much. That means most likely your RH was way to low.

Also 25mil of plant food did I read that right?? That seems like a awful lot of food I mean I run advanced nutes and they reccomend that you use 4mil per QAURT so 16mil per gallon of a&b but I rarely run it that high. I usually do about 10mils of each a&b. I also saw where you said you have food in the soil already chances are your issues where a combo of humidity and over ferted. I have never used canna nutes but that seems awfully high.

Well your grow looks nice anyways as it is coming along keep up the good work.

Hey Mike,

I´m awefully sorry that I answer so late, I didn´t get that there is already a second page on the thread... :hide: so dumb. But anyway, thx for your comment!

The humidity sounds like a good hint. I can tell you how high it was, cause I note the temperature and the humidity (next to some other facts) every time I water the plants. The humidity in this early stadium (when the curls occured) was:

05.05.14 --> 36%
09.05.14 --> 36%
17.05.14 --> 32%
21.05.14 --> 35%
26.05.14 --> 37%
30.05.14 --> 37%
02.06.14 --> 43%

Maybe you can tell me if this was too high/low. Temperature was about 28° C.

About the nutes I can promise you that the amount is correct. I used this fertilizer in this amount for my last three plants and they all did well, the amounts are more or less exactly what CANNA tells to use (a little less most of the time). I know there are other nutes where the mix ratio is a different one (for example the nutrients from ABTUS). It must have something to do with the concentration of the ingredients and stuff like that.

Thank in advance for your answer


New member
Week 8

Week 8

Hy all together!

I´m a week late with the news about the grow, sorry for that. But I had some stuff to do so I was running out of time. :)

Here are the pics, both plants are doing well, the Automazar is already building some nice buds, the serious 6 is now at day 25 since I switched to 12/12.



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