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Making Bubble Hash with Bubbleator


lines per inch = lpi mesh size.

put the 2 screens on top of each other on a table. make sure the lower screen with the 86 mesh doesn't get vibrated by you working the trim on the top 61 lpi screen. this lets the round heads roll and find the holes in the 86 screen to land on the table. as long as you don't stay in one place too long on the screen you will get amazing results.


Active member
Here is some liamba bubble i made yesterday and one night by the wood stove when it is put through a metal strainer with a spoon on cardboard at the right time and it drys fast which is what we want{after i am done pulling the bags 3 times @ 6 min washes new ice every wash, the bubble has sit on the pressing screen with a towel under it,timing for this is important to wet and does not work well, to dry and it will not go through the strainer}. You can not get water/bubble to dry if it is in bigger chunks. After some time it starts to smell like ammonia/fish rotting. So for long term storage and usage drying is SO important. Other than that i use all 8 bags{20 gal} cause every strain gives different heads of value. Some sativas make killer 45 and other not so much. dry hash is usually hard to the touch. Generally i use 6 min wash times but i have played with 2 or 3 min washes. Resin is so strain dependent some make blonder bubs some make darker and other color bubs. nice thread. Lots to learn here as always.
ps i always look under microscope to look at heads. the metal strainer does not do damage on any level that is significant, the drying is the uber part after separation


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what are your mix times? The right amount of ice and water{cold cold cold, so you take your hand out and run for the hot water in the sink cause your hand feel like it is going to drop off}, use the machine on soft setting, never hard. As well ice inside the work bag inside the bubble machine 3 layers with trim in between}..... Long mix time will give you green matter, clean your big leaves out of your trim too.....


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I've only done a few runs and never followed a protocol. I don't have a machine either. This is done with a paint mixer attached to a my drill. I clearly have lessons to learn!


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mixing is mixing. it is about finding the right amount of time to do it/ softness.... The machine makes it easy


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Looks like I'm best off investing in the bubbleator. Just found out my local shop has them at £129 :)


looks good, if i was you i'd check the seals along the top of the tub as mine leaked a bit till i duct taped it. apart from that it's convenient little machine.


Active member
Thanks fella. As I've not really checked it over, do you mean the seals where the lid closes? I don't think I'll get the chance to run it until the weekend, but I'm looking forward to it nonetheless.


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Was making some Colombian black bubs yesterday and a lady bug stopped by to check it out....


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Quick question, does anyone use the same water for each wash? Or is it best to use fresh water and ice each wash with the same material?


i use the same water, but i add more ice every wash to keep it cold as pos. by the end the water can be quite dark and very smelly lol. have wondered if you could use it as a tea for the plants. after the first wash it generally looks golden, then as you use it again it gets darker and darker. the worst water is from runs where you had to spray neem, lol. that will make black water after a few washes. the nice thing about bubble making is that you can really wash your bubble if needed while it's on the screen in the bag you can take it to the shower or tap and run lots of fresh cold water through the hash on the screen rinsing any crap off. one thing about making the best possible bubble hash means not spraying your plants during flowering imo.


Active member
Thanks gaiusmarius. When I've done it by hand (and drill!), I've used the same water and added fresh ice too. Someone suggested putting ice in the work bag with the trim, do you do this too? I've got Monday off work and I'm going to take my bubbleator for a spin :)


yes i do add some ice to the bag with the trim. but most ofthe ice is outside the bag as i want to leave as much room as possible for the trim.
I wouldnt even use the zip bag in the washer just mix your ice herb and h20 directly in the machine and drain into bags obviously you will include your work bag. Makes it easier to fit more trim and ice.


I never change my water and I always do at least three runs and I can't imagine any argument for changing it (bubble water) that would even change my mind to the organic tea aspect of it, i have always used the water as a tea for my gardens (12+ years), they (my cannabis) love it, always perking up and stretching for the light even more than they normally do immediately after watering, I also take the used material and spread it out, dry it, then I add it back to my garden soils as an organic amendment, so I get 100% re-use of my bubble run material, you can do that with organic solvents, as butane in non-toxic to humans and I'm sure used oil material would also be ok for my garden, actually I'm pretty sure of it, I just don't make enough oil (yet) to have enough material to try it but I know I'm right, all the (true) info about butane is out there and it says the material in safe to eat, cook with. etc etc after use.


I wouldnt even use the zip bag in the washer just mix your ice herb and h20 directly in the machine and drain into bags obviously you will include your work bag. Makes it easier to fit more trim and ice.

been thinking about doing this myself, would allow me to work more material in 1 go, but i worry about blocking up the insides of the washer? theoretically it shouldn't be a problem though. might try it next time. although it will be more work cleaning the machine out after if you don't use the net bag, you will have to scoop out hand fulls of ice and used trim.

Maximo said:
I never change my water and I always do at least three runs and I can't imagine any argument for changing it (bubble water) that would even change my mind to the organic tea aspect of it, i have always used the water as a tea for my gardens (12+ years), they (my cannabis) love it, always perking up and stretching for the light even more than they normally do immediately after watering, I also take the used material and spread it out, dry it, then I add it back to my garden soils as an organic amendment, so I get 100% re-use of my bubble run material, you can do that with organic solvents, as butane in non-toxic to humans and I'm sure used oil material would also be ok for my garden, actually I'm pretty sure of it, I just don't make enough oil (yet) to have enough material to try it but I know I'm right, all the (true) info about butane is out there and it says the material in safe to eat, cook with. etc etc after use.

who needs bho when you can make such clean bubble hash, not that i'm against it in principle, but over the years all the fools blowing themselves up have kind of put me off. we managed to go thousands of years with cannabis known to be ultra benign and now we have all that history being changed and people putting it in the same category of danger to the neighborhood as a meth lab, now that i find truly depressing.

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