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Will they find the plane?


ICMag Donor
my beliefs are of little concern

As you are so keen to post them all over the forum they must mean something to you , you seem so desperate to inflict them on everyone else with an almost religious zeal.


ICMag Donor
Best of luck in putting forward a sensible view with this small but vocal clique , there is no reasoning with them as they mostly repost pages of conspiracy drivel that is readily debunked , constantly change the subject , cause many potentially interesting threads to be binned and gain a false sense of self esteem by repping each others posts.

Regardless of the original post they soon bring in 911 and gun control , anyone with more rational views is soon branded a sheep or some kind of illuminati familiar or disinfo.

it's free...

You provide free entertainment , and not much else.

Now for some concise and readable cut and pastes , for a change.

Most theorists go with one or the other group , some just pick and mix whatever suits them.
Mostly right wing on this forum , often with an undertone of racism and anti semitism.

Right-Wing Conspiracy-Thinking

The paranoid far-right sees Tyranny, Globalization, NWO, Illuminati, Jewish-Bankers, Marxists, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Atheism everywhere. Additionally, the UN, Gun Control, Hollywood, Paying Taxes, Bureaucracy are some of the symptoms of this "Totalitarian NWO". Some in this mindset also see the world as governed by demonic forces. More recently Western Right-Wingers have added "Islamization" into the mix.
Far-right Muslims on the other hand see "The Great Satan", "Freemasons" and "Zionist Bankers" as the enemy.

Left-Wing Conspiracy Thinking

The paranoid far-left will use words such as "The Military Industrial Complex", to describe a vast conspiracy of Corporations, Military, Nazis, The Ruling Class, The Vatican, Christians, The Elite, The Powers that Be, "The Fourth Reich", the Oligarchs, Capitalism, "Big Business", Fascists, Wall Street, The Establishment, The Old White Man and "Ruling Bloodlines and Families". The far-left will go on about Oppression, Exploitation, Revolution.
More recently the far-left has included words such as "Messianic Zionism" and "Fascist America/Israel" into the conspiracy mix.

David would be bankrupt without the internet.

A man standing on a street corner with a sign reading "the lizard people rule you all," or, "my neighbours are spying on me for the government" isn't likely to get many supporters.

But give that man a Web site , internet forum , or let him produce some slick videos on YouTube and, lo and behold, he may have thousands of people across the world supporting him.

Such is the story of several extraordinarily popular conspiracy theorists and theories online today.

Apply this one to 911 , MH370 and most of the others.

A Good Theory can be distinguished from a Conspiracy Theory as follows: When repeatedly exposed to scrutiny, the Conspiracy Theory requires more and more people involved, and more and more extraordinary events in order to prevent self-contradiction. A Good Theory, in contrast, remains approximately static in complexity as it is refined."

Within hours of the Korean ferry disaster the nutters are already claiming it was sunk by a North Korean submarine , without the slightest evidence.


Kiss My Ring
Samples collected from oil slick not from plane

Samples collected from oil slick not from plane: China's People's Liberation Army Air Force Illyushin Il-76 prepares to land at Perth International Airport, Australia, after a search mission trying to locate the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Wednesday, April 16, 2014. A robotic submarine has completed its first full 16-hour mission scanning the floor of the Indian Ocean for wreckage of the missing Malaysian airliner after two previous missions were cut short by technical problems and deep water, authorities said on Thursday.

PERTH, Australia (AP) — Investigators were analyzing data collected by a robotic submarine that completed its first successful scan of the seabed Thursday in the hunt for the missing Malaysian plane, but say tests have ruled out that a nearby oil slick came from the aircraft.

The unmanned sub's first two missions were cut short by technical problems and deep water, but the Bluefin 21 finally managed to complete a full 16-hour scan of the silt-covered seabed far off Australia's west coast, the search coordination center said. While data collected during the mission, which ended overnight, were still being analyzed, nothing of note had yet been discovered, the center said. The sub has now covered 90 square kilometers (35 square miles) of seafloor.

Photos: Missing Malaysia Airlines jet

Related: Robot sub finishes 1st full seabed search for jet

Separately, the center said the oil analysis done in the western city of Perth came up empty when the samples tested negative for aircraft oil or hydraulic fluid. The oil was collected earlier this week from a slick about 5.5 kilometers (3.4 miles) from the area where equipment picked up underwater sounds consistent with an aircraft black box.

It was hoped that the oil would be evidence that officials are looking in the right place for Flight 370, which vanished March 8 while en route from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing. Searchers have yet to find any physical proof that the sounds that led them to the ocean floor where the Bluefin has been deployed were from the ill-fated jet.

Twelve planes and 11 ships were scouring a 40,300-square-kilometer (15,600-square-mile) patch of sea for any debris that may be floating on the ocean surface, about 2,200 kilometers (1,400 miles) northwest of Perth.

Despite weeks of searching, no debris related to the jet has been found and earlier this week, search effort leader Angus Houston said the surface hunt would be ending within days. But the search coordination center on Thursday said crews would continue searching the ocean surface into next week.

Malaysia's defense minister, Hishamuddin Hussein, confirmed that the search would continue through Easter weekend, but acknowledged that officials would have to rethink their strategy at some point if nothing is found.

"There will come a time when we need to regroup and reconsider, but in any event, the search will always continue. It's just a matter of approach," he said at a news conference Thursday.

Radar and satellite data show the Boeing 777 flew far off-course for an unknown reason and would have run out of fuel in a desolate patch of the Indian Ocean west of Australia.

Related: If filed, plane lawsuits might not get heard in US

A ship-towed device detected four underwater signals that are believed to have come from the plane's black boxes shortly before the batteries powering the devices' beacons likely died. The sounds helped narrow the search area to the waters where the Bluefin is now operating.

Samples collected from oil slick not from plane: P8 PoseidonAP Photo: Theron Kirkman, Pool

A U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon takes off from Perth International Airport on the way to rejoin the ongoing search operations for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in Perth, Australia, Thursday, April 17, 2014.

The U.S. Navy's unmanned sub cut short its first mission on Monday because it exceeded its maximum operating depth of 4,500 meters (15,000 feet). Searchers moved it away from the deepest waters before redeploying the sub to scan the seabed with sonar to map a potential debris field.

But the center said Thursday that officials are now confident that the sub can safely go deeper than was thought, allowing it to cover the entire search area, which has been narrowed based on further analysis of the four underwater signals.

In addition to finding the plane itself, investigators want to recover the black boxes in hopes the cockpit voice and flight data recorders can explain why the plane lost communications and flew so far off-course before disappearing.

from msm.

Space Toker

Active member
This is really getting freaky, well at least I have never seen a plane remain gone without a trace this long! And I am not that old but old enough! :D


ICMag Donor
I might be that old.

Remember the Comet that crashed in 1954 in the med when I was at school , took four months to find and recover from relatively shallow water , and people saw where it came down with bodies in the water.

There were conspiracy theories in the newspapers even then about bombs and American competitors but it was eventually found to be a structural design fault , no flight recorders or pings in those days to help.

With MH370 lost in water miles deep over a mountainous sea floor with no witnesses am not surprised its taking this long , even with modern equipment.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
This is really getting freaky, well at least I have never seen a plane remain gone without a trace this long! And I am not that old but old enough! :D

Ever hear about Amelia Earhart? Then there's my granny's favourite, Glen Miller. It took a year to find Steve Fosset, and he wasn't even over the Ocean, although I will say that he wasn't flying a jumbo jet.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Plus lets not forget that where they're looking is just a "best guess" based on very limited data and that the location they were "sure" it crashed in, changed 2 or 3 times.

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
Did they ever find the 2300 missing vials of SARS virus the french lost? Isn't that an airborne disease?

My bad wrong thread. Wouldn't want to start any conspiracy theory.


if it smells like fish
have they offered a reward yet??????? hell they found a plane in the lake I used to fish after all these years...otay resevoir

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