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martial law in nevada!

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Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Something doesn´t sound right in here.
At the same time that the Feds are trying to save the Desert Tortoise, the Desert Tortoise Conservation Center, with a budget of 1mil $ of tax payers money, is planning to euthanize hundreds of the critters...wtf?!
Of course that they invoke financial issues mainly the low income coming from the fees charged to the farmers. That doesn´t surprises me because it were those fees one the main cause to put most of the farmers out of work. And my guess is those were the only ones paying those fees.
This is just too confused for me, but that´s expected i´m just one uneducated foreigner.

Bingo. You appear to have a far better grasp of the situation than many of our US-born contributors.

Hank Hemp

Active member
Taxpayers have no right of animate domain. That's very necessary. As a land surveyor I've been as while surveying a new or existing road to move it. As if I had the power to. If you had to go my what everybody wanted know what you would have? Exactly what's there now. I've had to explain this to property owner over and over again. When I do and tell them they would have the very same road they have now they understand. We usually have a good laugh after they see what they are asking for. New highways are built to different codes then in the old days. That's why new roads are less curvy and steep.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

doesn't sound like it's over by a long shot, the govt wants the money that Bundy still owes them.......

New BLM Director Neil Kornze made the following statement this morning:

"As we have said from the beginning of the gather to remove illegal cattle from federal land consistent with court orders, a safe and peaceful operation is our number one priority. After one week, we have made progress in enforcing two recent court orders to remove the trespass cattle from public lands that belong to all Americans.

"Based on information about conditions on the ground, and in consultation with law enforcement, we have made a decision to conclude the cattle gather because of our serious concern about the safety of employees and members of the public.

"We ask that all parties in the area remain peaceful and law-abiding as the Bureau of Land Management and National Park Service work to end the operation in an orderly manner.

Ranching has always been an important part of our nation’s heritage and continues throughout the West on public lands that belong to all Americans. This is a matter of fairness and equity, and we remain disappointed that Cliven Bundy continues to not comply with the same laws that 16,000 public lands ranchers do every year. After 20 years and multiple court orders to remove the trespass cattle, Mr. Bundy owes the American taxpayers in excess of $1 million. The BLM will continue to work to resolve the matter administratively and judicially."

Gov. Brian Sandoval reacted to the BLM decision with a statement.

"The safety of all individuals involved in this matter has been my highest priority," the email said. "Given the circumstances, today's outcome is the best we could have hoped for. I appreciate that the Department of the Interior and the BLM were willing to listen to the concerns of the people of Nevada."

so Bundy's not out of hot water yet, the govt wants their money & when it's that much owed they'll start taking your shit to get it.

Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
It takes one match to light the fire.

People that do not have experience dealing with our government really have no idea.

I have had the jackboot of tyranny on my neck! It will never happen again!


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor

doesn't sound like it's over by a long shot, the govt wants the money that Bundy still owes them.......

so Bundy's not out of hot water yet, the govt wants their money & when it's that much owed they'll start taking your shit to get it.

Their calculation of what they are "owed" is remarkably different than what my math comes up with. Three years ago, they both agree that that the figure was +/- $300,000. The fees since then for 930 head at $1.35/month are just a hair over $45,000. What accounts for the other $700,000? Even the government couldn't levy or justify penalties of that nature. From the history on this, I'm willing to bet that Bundy's case will be found to be significantly different than the other "16,000 public lands ranchers".

Even if the case is deemed no different, then this is the avenue that the government should have pursued in the first place. The way that they were going, although it appears to have been very popular here with those of you who have issue with "heathen Mormon" conservatives, was destined to get people killed in addition to a bunch more animals.


Active member
There is so much fail in that one press statement.

New BLM Director Neil Kornze made the following statement this morning:

"As we have said from the beginning of the gather to remove illegal cattle from federal land consistent with court orders, a safe and peaceful operation is our number one priority. After one week, we have made progress in enforcing two recent court orders to remove the trespass cattle from public lands that belong to all Americans.

"Based on information about conditions on the ground, and in consultation with law enforcement, we have made a decision to conclude the cattle gather because of our serious concern about the safety of employees and members of the public.

"We ask that all parties in the area remain peaceful and law-abiding as the Bureau of Land Management and National Park Service work to end the operation in an orderly manner.

Ranching has always been an important part of our nation’s heritage and continues throughout the West on public lands that belong to all Americans. This is a matter of fairness and equity, and we remain disappointed that Cliven Bundy continues to not comply with the same laws that 16,000 public lands ranchers do every year. After 20 years and multiple court orders to remove the trespass cattle, Mr. Bundy owes the American taxpayers in excess of $1 million. The BLM will continue to work to resolve the matter administratively and judicially."

Gov. Brian Sandoval reacted to the BLM decision with a statement.

"The safety of all individuals involved in this matter has been my highest priority," the email said. "Given the circumstances, today's outcome is the best we could have hoped for. I appreciate that the Department of the Interior and the BLM were willing to listen to the concerns of the people of Nevada."

It belongs to everyone ? then why cant he use it ? i certainly don't care if he does he's not hurting anything in fact he's improving it. Also if it belongs to every American why is Harry Reid and his son and the BLM giving it to the Chinese ?

Stealing while caring i never knew there was such a thing. The safety of the public ? is that what those snipers are there for ? I think its more for their safety. The job of someone who steals does get awfully dangerous.

The tax payers wont see on cent of bundies money because its for the government.Not you or me .So that is complete BS.

Statist logic.
"Hey those people take money and property from everyone do you honestly think you were going to get away with not being robbed, harassed and beaten or killed, i don't think so buddy."

Why are there are adults who love victimizing people. Im not sure weather to laugh or cry. They don't like it when it happens to them ,but they rationalize it and identify with their abusers.

Does the lesson we all learn at a young age of don't hit people except in self defense or don't rob people enter anywhere ?

Shit , i must be losing it.



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
That would be me y'all!!!!!!!!!! Right rives?

Amongst others, Hank. Incidentally, with your mindset, exactly why is it that you have the Confederate battle flag in your sig? Interesting paradox......

Hank Hemp

Active member
Paradox I'll have to look that up with my, what was it slipped gears. Gees what a name caller. People can still disagree with you and be your intellectual equal you know. Well I guess you don't think so huh?
It's the flag of my ancestors you know the people who stood up to the feds first, after the Whiskey rebellion of course.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Name caller? Yes, I think that you had probably better look it up.

Yeah, I know exactly what that flag represents - state's rights, minimal government intervention, things like that. That was why I was curious that you would want to "fly" it.


Active member
Some pics of the events.I think we know why they left. They were facing people with spines ,bullies don't like that.






Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
quote & replies said:
There is so much fail in that one press statement.

It belongs to everyone ? then why cant he use it ? i certainly don't care if he does he's not hurting anything in fact he's improving it. Also if it belongs to every American why is Harry Reid and his son and the BLM giving it to the Chinese ?

Try going out there and building a house on that land bentom, you'll get a lesson in how every American owns it.

Improving it??? you must live in the city man, you have never walked in or smelled a cow pasture in your life, I can't imagine the damage they do to that river as it flows downstream from their particular watering spot. Cow farts alone are tearing the shit outta the ozone layer, now imagine what they leave behind in bulk. I have never heard of anyone requesting a couple of cows from a neighbor so as to improve his property in any way, no way bentom.

the Chinese energy farm??? this was one of about 50 locations under consideration, but good fodder for the Bundy team to latch onto and a reasonable concern for the Bundy's to consider.

Stealing while caring i never knew there was such a thing. The safety of the public ? is that what those snipers are there for ? I think its more for their safety. The job of someone who steals does get awfully dangerous.

of course it was for their safety, Bundy wouldn't comply with court orders, and so resistance had to be anticipated.

The tax payers wont see on cent of bundies money because its for the government.Not you or me .So that is complete BS.

oh boy. do you pay any taxes yet? When the govt & Bundy come to terms on an amount he'll pay it to the govt, it is for the govt, but it will lighten the burden of the rest of the taxpayers. When fees or taxes are expected to be paid it goes into that particular budget, when those monies go unpaid the govt 'borrows from Peter to pay Paul' as the saying goes, the BLM budget has been shorted by 300K and efforts for them to collect including this debacle just add to the debt that Bundy has cost us, the citizens of the USA.

let's remember, there were 16,000 other ranchers mentioned that are in compliance elsewhere in the usa, Bundy didn't do this for the benefit of the other ranchers, he did all of this for himself alone.

knowing that he straight up screwed the govt from '93-'98 does not sit well with me. He owes, you can bet that 300K grew to 1.1M via interest, fines, court cost assessed against him etc.


2 Legal Co

Active member
Weeeeelll, ya'll may think it's over.......

My guess is they'll show up in a month or so,,, well maybe a year, with a court order and be evicted from the dirt they do own.

One or two will go away in cuffs. About now they are trying to figure out where all the money is, as well.

I'm done here.

mojave green

rockin in the free world
It's the flag of my ancestors you know the people who stood up to the feds first, after the Whiskey rebellion of course.
you seem sure that your ancestors stood up to the feds 1st. my reading of history contradicts that. my ancestors stood up before your ancestors!
The Utah War, also known as the Utah Expedition,[1] Utah Campaign,[2] Buchanan's Blunder,[3] the Mormon War,[4] or the Mormon Rebellion[5] was an armed confrontation between Mormon settlers in the Utah Territory and the armed forces of the United States government. The confrontation lasted from May 1857-July 1858. There were some casualties, mostly non-Mormon civilians, and the war had few notable battles, generally being resolved through negotiation.


Active member
Fuck yes. Go moapa. You people need to learn from this. Men stand up slaves lay down. Get it fucking strait this ain't about fees. Do your homework.


Rubbing my glands together
So Hank and Stoner4Life. I'm assuming that you two have paid tax on every dime you've ever brought in. Even money made under the table and maybe from selling a sumin sumin now and then? If not, what makes you any different than the guy your demonizing? If you need me to define demonizing for ya just give me a yell.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
It's the flag of my ancestors you know the people who stood up to the feds first, after the Whiskey rebellion of course.
My great grandmother was full Cherokee. I believe my ancestors would take issue with that statement.

Taxpayers have no right of animate domain. That's very necessary. As a land surveyor I've been as while surveying a new or existing road to move it. As if I had the power to. If you had to go my what everybody wanted know what you would have? Exactly what's there now. I've had to explain this to property owner over and over again. When I do and tell them they would have the very same road they have now they understand. We usually have a good laugh after they see what they are asking for. New highways are built to different codes then in the old days. That's why new roads are less curvy and steep.
I believe you mean eminent domain? I must not be as smart as the taxpayers you explain "this" to because I can't discern what you are trying to say. Grammar is too poor for me to translate.

Try again?


Uneducated Teabagger


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Could this be true?

View Image
So this shit was an executive order by none other than the fascist Reagan? That makes it even more illegitimate and worth fighting against. How does this contradict the base philosophy of the group you espouse so much hatred for?

That was a rhetorical question. It doesn't.

You aren't making any sense bro. Contradictions, paradoxes, inconsistencies, and frankly ignorance is all I'm picking up from you.

You picking up what I'm putting down?


Active member
pretty much all of the above... they are selling fracking rights..

Yeaaaa republicans...

And dirty harry is selling out solar farms to the chinese

Yeaaaaa democrats..

we are all fucked if we cant get out of this 2 party 1% er
system we are in..

USA is on its way down and the only thing that will save
it is #1 Term limits #2 a small minority of independents
or constitutionalists to get things done in washington...

Im too tired of the bullshit to go any farther then this...

I have not debt.. I am not rich by any means...

But an 18 trillion dollar deficit seems a bit too big to me
to get out of without some seriously tough times which will
probably result in some form of resistance or hopefully not

I wish people would realize this is not a party affiliation thing..

This is a 1% ( corporate/lobbyist) problem..

The elitist have infiltrated both parties and there is very little
difference between them.

Especially when it comes to economic power broking, bailing out
wall street, bailing out GM, Not recovering big corporate off shore
taxes, given away medical care and obama phones, bailing
out FNMA/FHA...

They act like they are different in the publics eyes but behind closed doors they laugh/snicker and make deals and say to
themselves... "If only the ordinary american citizen knew how
bad we are fucking them"

This would have been a great grand standing opportunity for any
democrat or republican... but they hunkered down because they
knew the democrats stand to profit via Harry Reid and his sons
lobbying corporation for the chinese solar panels and then you
have the real estate developments and fracking rights going
to the republican 1%,,

But neither party stood up...

Anybody have an explanation???
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