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I can't clone for shti!!!!!'


30+ clones cut at 45 degree angle, rapid rooter rooters with humidity dome not a single fucking root. GDP is the strain. A whole month no roots. This hobby is not easy by any means. Clonex hasn't gotten me shit either


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Cloning is so simple

The key is massive bubbles to create a DO rich area between the water and the bottom of the net pots

I use a 35 liter/minute 4 head air pump + 4 large oxystone cylinders.

Water < 200ppm

Lights ~ 5000K I usually mix 3000/5000K @ 1:2

Dome definitely helps

Takes 7-14 days

I then trim the longest ~ 1" to force more lateral roots

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Well-known member
we need WAY more info to help you at all. Do you make sure the bottom of the cut goes to the bottom of the rooter? Do you have water at the bottom of the dome? Do you mist? How much leaf do you leave? Do you pH your water and if so what is it? Do you make sure to cut the base LAST? etc. etc.


Active member
Try soaking your rapid rooters in ec 0.6 ph 5.5 bloom nutes for a few hours before using them. I got this advice from a guy that solely grew and sold cuts for a living and I rarely lose clones these days. As for lighting I just place them in the corner of my veg room so they get indirect 600w MH light. No need for a dedicated cfl setup for them imho. I do use clonex gel..

Oh, also make sure ur 45 degree cut is directly below a node.. Remove any preflowers that are there.. And hold the knife/scalpel 90 degrees and run it along the lower part of the stem (anything going under the rooter) gently to scratch it a bit, not enough to strip the stem.. This will help in the root formation too.. Don't expand the rapid rooter holes, and if the holes are too big make a smaller hole of your own with a toothpick and use that. You want full contact between rooter and stem.

I usually get my roots showing in a week.. in rare cases in like 5 days..

I dont like aero/bubblers because they have parts that can fail. Can't go wrong with rapidrooters in a plastic tub (I don't even have a 'cloner' I just use a foodgrade huge ass transparent tub that costs 5$)


we need WAY more info to help you at all. Do you make sure the bottom of the cut goes to the bottom of the rooter? Do you have water at the bottom of the dome? Do you mist? How much leaf do you leave? Do you pH your water and if so what is it? Do you make sure to cut the base LAST? etc. etc.

I don't ph the cuts. I mist until the dome is foggy. Always cut the leaves. Crazy part is the leaves are growing back lol. Cut the base last thanks for that tip.


Well-known member
Cut the base last thanks for that tip.

no problem. And by last I mean right before you put it in the rooter. IME with people having cloning problems, air embolisms is a big one; if a bubble gets trapped in the base it's gonna die. Think of it like a diving bell with the heavier water forcing air to the top.

I don't use a bubble cloner personally but one of the reasons they work so well is active bubbles will draw any air embolism out as the bubbles are drawn into each other.

good luck


One trick I learned was using a box to fit my dome into. I attached a small single strip T5 to the top of the box, just a few inches from the top fo the dome. The box trapped heat inside the dome, which kept my temps around 85-90 while my house temp was around 60.

I have had good success using a cheap cloning gel with rockwool squares and a basic humidity dome inside the box.
I dont know why people say this...
I very much prefer rockwool to anything an ive tried it all.

I don't know why you prefer rockwool. Bubbler has got to be the cheapest easiest method of them all.

No buying medium, no clone gel, no dome. Just cut it, stick it in the puck, and wait... for less time than rockwool or any other dry method.


Well-known member
after years of 95 - 100% cloning success i have had real problems getting any cuttings to throw roots...can only put it down to increased silica use during veg which is making to stems harder. trying some new techniques and found mini coco hempys did the trick...got a few more under way to see if i can replicate my last results (95%)..

if i cant get consistent outcomes will look at getting a fogger...and used a sealed container with pucks...


Active member
The best way of cloning, is the one u dial in, just like when growing strains. What works for some won't for others. Ur best bet is grow big mom, get shit tones of cuts, root them using different techniques, see which one give u the best result, and work with this one, tweak it until u reach 100% success. Simple.


I hold mine in the clonex for 30 seconds pop it in the rapid rooter, shazam. last time I lost a clone was when I was away for a couple days. I have no dome no tray nothin, I put em in a gladware container about a foot away from the 42w cfl and let em start to dry out, giving em a shot of tap water when the rooter starts turning lighter. When you see the first root pop out go ahead and dip it in a light solution of whatever you use for veg nutrients and watch em explode. Glad I dipped one that one time when I was feeding the ones in cups. Didn't feel like potting it that day so I dipped it in the veg water went from 1 root to 20 in 24 hours it was a root explosion if I ever saw one.

what's your lighting situation?
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I don't know why you prefer rockwool. Bubbler has got to be the cheapest easiest method of them all.

No buying medium, no clone gel, no dome. Just cut it, stick it in the puck, and wait... for less time than rockwool or any other dry method.

I can pop in rockwool just as fast as your cloner.
and thwy arent all water roots.
water cloners r cool for hydro systems but I use coco.
yea you gwt huge rootballs oit of a cloner but half of em die when you put em in any other medium besides hydro.
I also think that clones in rockwol transplanted seem to take off faster an have less initial shock.
They work better for me...
I don't mind buyin a lil rockwool an clonex if it makes my life easy an my babies happy.


Well-known member
If it works, it works. roots=roots. Notice I mentioned the benefits of bubble cloning even when I don't use it. There is more than one way to skin a cat my friend. I'm glad that Rockwool works for you, and that bubble cloning is there for anyone that wants it. More delishus rockwool roots for you, right?

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