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Seed depot closing

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Active member
I just dont like where it seems this conversation is about to go. seems like they are going to get to much into personal details. I have read a lot of b.s. on some other sites. I.C. has done a pretty good job not letting the site focus on all that b.s. Other sites have not. the other sites claim fee speech, and that is why they are not censoring, but all they are really doing is opening up the gossip flood gates for every new member that doesnt even know these people. Half the people gossiping wernt born until 1995. These threads are like reality T.V. to them everybody has a stupid opinion of some b.s 1/10th true story. it makes me sick. this shit is none of their business and this detracts from the actual business of the site which is educating growers in every aspect of the growing of cannabis. Not in the selecting of seed companies. If they are on icmag it is obvious icmag supports their own vendors. when it changes the site owners will tell you. Therefore you should feel safe buying seeds from one of the many awesome vendors here. why even bring up vendors from other sites. who cares about their b.s. over here? let's not waste server space with other sites lame problems.

lol this site has and will always be about sales or it wouldn't be here! lol those members that left here did so for a reason didn't they... I'm not going to get into seed selling/shilling as that's none of my biz, but the seed biz has been a seedy biz from the start it seems and looks like it always will be, if those sellers/vendors had been warned by the admin here instead of being fobbed off and then loosing $$$ then there would be no gripes...

but these comments:

JB STOLE a large chunk of Gypsy's biz (I guess he meant education?), and this person did a lot of harm too.

Good to see some ppl getting their just desserts.

Well some could turn that around and apply it to some in custody (not that i'm having a dig just pointing it out)... shit how would you feel reading that if you'd lost some $$$ that could of been prevented?


Genetic Resource Management
Hash I hear you, but this needs to be public. If people (myself included) had been open about not getting paid from the start, we could have all put the pieces together and more people would have avoided getting caught up on the mess. I myself have been threatened by JB with having personal info exposed if I went public about not getting paid, waiting ages and ages for stock to be returned as it was liquidated for cents on the dollar to customers and no payment ever made to suppliers... you should see the stories he would spin about why the seeds didn't ever show. Finally, the deck of cards collapsed.

Shifty rats hide in dark places where the light don't shine... go look up thigmotaxis... JB to a T. He's the only person I've ever seen repeatedly order the cheapest smoke on a menu be it in Amsterdam or a social club in Barcelona... don't trust someone that doesn't want the Dank, is all I can say!

JB, I know you are reading this... your ego can't help but follow the drama. That message on your webpage is a disgrace... you are a USER and a LIAR and no friend of the cannabis community. Yes we will persist without lying thieves like you.... but you will get yours, oh will you get yours...


Genetic Resource Management
Stickshift, seed sellers here were cautioned about JB... maybe not in as forthright a manner as could have been, nor were we made aware of the full extent of the situation, but vendors were cautioned. Everybody has to accept their role in what happened, and the vendors made choices and have to live with those choices.. myself included.

Clarence looked me in the eye and said 'be careful in dealing with JB'.... so to say they didn't say anything isn't fair or correct.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
theres a new day dawning and frankly its good that some of this "dirty laundry" is coming to light,its time for there to be far less shadiness involved with this whole business and for the entire community to act in a responsible way since everything we do is going to be under the public eye now with legalization.every little "ethical" breach is going to be endlessly hashed over by the 24hr news cycle,and they take ghoulish delight in watching us tear ourselves apart...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Stickshift, seed sellers here were cautioned about JB... maybe not in as forthright a manner as could have been, nor were we made aware of the full extent of the situation, but vendors were cautioned. Everybody has to accept their role in what happened, and the vendors made choices and have to live with those choices.. myself included.

Clarence looked me in the eye and said 'be careful in dealing with JB'.... so to say they didn't say anything isn't fair or correct.

yes but do it with just facts. leave emotion and name calling out of it. say things like. "I sent them this many beans. I was supposed to be paid this much. I never received payment. If you have had the same experience post here."

Bringing up instances of personal encounters from the past and personal associations, and name dropping is for big mouths that want "net cred" and to sound important to "the scene."


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
IMO Vibes and karma are hugely important factors to consider when choosing a seed bank to buy or offer from...
When buying a pack of beans you are not only supporting the breeder but the site offering the breeders wares...

So you took the time to find a breeder with the coolest vibes and great feedback that is all into his work with the highest of ethics which shines through in his genetics offered... Got to have all his/her gear and you find them at 2 seed banks...

1 has a huge base of support with a proven track record and a forum full of well educated grows of beautiful plants,where you can let loss and be "Goofy" or get real and have an "Educated"conversation.

The other has been around for a short time and is an off shoot of the first site... Un proven with a small base of support from like minded haters(for whatever reason) of the 1st site...
Full of, what could be and possibilities,they prop themselves up by trying to be the coolest kids on the block with promises of this and that...

Im all for supporting the new guy/site as a possible "Up and comer"
that needs support to reach good goals.

That's where TSD lost me...
Their goal seemed to be to screw another site and be "COOL"...

Not a great long term strategy if you ask me...
Some place to make a quick buck... Perhaps...
But a place to support your breeder... Not really...

As a student of the arts (Growing) and a (Micro~Breeder) member that offers my work done for others to enjoy or work with...
I consider Vibes and Karma hugely important as to whom I share 1/2 the proceeds with and there by support...

Buyers of seeds, should as well...

What if TSD had managed to pull enough support from the Bou and Bay and they had gone under.. Taking ICmag with it...

Then... TSD did what it has done and puffed...

Would suck to be over at Gass-city talking about how we miss ICmag and blaming each other for its demise...

One of the great things about ICmag is the drama allowed to the level it is... Drama can be Venting and Venting is important in life.

How ones Vents shows ones nature clearer than how one complements... IMO....

The mods seem to have found a good balance between "Freedom of speech" and "Freedom from your dumb ass opinion"

I like it...

Spend your $ wisely and support those that give back and we will all rise to another level,together...

2 cents...AD....


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor

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I really like the way that sounds,frank...

Found Exclusively at Seedbay... Solid...


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Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Their shop seemed legit. I bought bodhi and mota gear from them.
Problem was the shop wasnt paying the breeders

Also, Mrs Rare Dankness put the notion out there that they were selling fake seeds though so now every one is in an uproar. Its more likely she's just using tsd as a scapegoat for recent reports of quality reduction in RD stock.

It seemed to me that he was under-capitalized; that's one reason the breeders are not getting paid. I started to notice that breeders were not refilling stock; bad sign.

I don't know, but when RD raised their prices it was a concern; then I heard they outsource seed production? No bueno....

There were many breeders and posters here who let their egos get inflated when the Seed Depot guys came whispering sweet nothings in their ear and bailed on the ic. I wonder where the smaller breeders will sell their wares now - will the bou/bay take them (back) in, or leave them out in the wilderness to think about it for a while.

The former would be better business sense, the latter has a sweeter taste. Hubris begets Nemesis. Blessed are those who thirst for justice, for they shall drink.


3rd-Eye Jedi
the minute he told me he didn't smoke i considered deleting my account here

i went there once or twice and got a bad vibe and dipped out

you reap what you sow

my condolences to those who got the short end of it

there are alot of sick people in the community but among them are some stellar people as well

if only there were a better way to tell the wheat form the chaff
I setup an account over there once for the last big Reservation Labs drop. All HELL broke loose
and the servers crashed and I got cheated out the beans I had in my cart. I got that feeling this might not be a too legit spot. When the auctions shot ridiculous high I knew this was the place where you get a fresh pack of nothing. The truth always comes out and I'm glad it did. ICmag is the place to be for a real community. I'm stay around here because the grass isn't always greener in the next man's garden.

Hope everyone who is owed anything gets what theirs.
Between all the outsiders trying to come in and takeover and our own insiders sticking to the community, it is shaping up to be one interesting 2014.
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Spider Crab

I know this might not be welcome, but,

Could the missing mail issue that seedbay/ boutique has be possibly linked?


Un - Retired,
Chimera I'm glad you chipped in here, you know I am on your side
I will make sure your posts are not deleted
JB needs to be exposed for what he was, and the IC crew did try to warn people
we don't mind competition but we hate crooks

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
man look at these post ratings for both sides of the discussion. Me and Alien dog took an opposite stance and remained civilized, and people down rated us both, just proves my point. people want a soap opera and to treat real people's real problems as entertainment and call it free speech. They dont care about very valid points on either side of a discussion. PATHETIC.
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Jb is a pure thieving tramp!

I met the guy a fee years back in dam and he is such a tight ass he stays in the cheapest hostels you can find lol

As far as i know the tramp never spent money, so he must saved a big bag before he left.


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
man look at these post ratings for both sides of the discussion. Me Alien dog and took an opposite stance and remained civilized, and people down rated us both, just proves my point. people want a soap opera and to treat real people's real problems as entertainment and call it free speech. They dont care about very valid points on either side of a discussion. PATHETIC.

It takes all sorts to make the world go around...
Keeps this place interesting...

I find Neg Reps.... Tickle.... :biggrin:

Now back to our regular programming...

Seed depot closing ....

:smoke out:



Active member
Chimera said:
Drop the sanctimonious bullshit Skip, my Fucking gawd.

Gypsy himself is the person who brought JB into the fold- when I met him it was in Gypsy's London flat, whilst JB was the fucking Admin for this very site (talk about keys to the castle).... so let's drop the charade about "just desserts", m'ok?

When I asked why JB left the story from Your camp was that he had gone traveling for a spell... not that he was the lying rat bastard theif we've all come to learn. Had the story from your camp been more honest, many of us would not have had any dealings with the rat.... but you guys felt bent over and exposed and kept some details under wraps.

I don't fault you for my loss.... I'm a big boy and make my own choices... but to have to sit here and read bullshit about just desserts... makes me want to toss me Christmas biscuits all over the fucking screen.

So you don't wish JB gets his just desserts? That's all I said.

You going to insult the crew here now? When the subject of this thread is another website?

And you even admitted you were warned. So I don't get the insulting tone you used referring to us.

Many people were warned, and I was the loudest voice around from the very day I was informed about JB.

So get your facts right and be grateful this place is still here for you to vent.

As far as Gypsy goes, he's one of the most trusting ppl I know. The few times I was with him, I saw an endless stream of con-artists, scammers, wannabes all trying to take advantage of him, one way or another.

And concerning me, I've never had a direct connection with Gypsy's seed biz, never met JB, wasn't around when JB was, so don't blame me. I tried to keep ppl from going there.

Since I didn't know JB, no way I could publicly denounce him, only the tactics he used to steal biz from Gypsy and screw ICMag.

BTW, your hindsight is batting 1000%. If only everyone could see the future.
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