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Boron defeciency??


Active member
Hope someone can help. Noticed this on the leaves when I moved the plant from the veg tent to the flower room the other day.


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personally id guess ph issues or heat stress is causing the serrations to curl up, and potassium deficiency would probably explain the loss of color in the margins.


Active member
what medium are you useing ? what's the PH of the runoff after watering ?


Pagan Extremist

Boron Deficiency:

Plants deficient in boron exhibit brittle abnormal growth at shoot tips exemplified by small gray or necrotic patches. One of the earliest symptoms is failure of root tips to elongate normally. Stem and root apical meristems often die. Root tips often become swollen and discolored. Internal tissues may rot and become host to fungal disease. Leaves show various symptoms which include drying, thickening, distorting, wilting, and chlorotic or necrotic spotting. Another sign of a boron deficiency is abnormal or thick growth tips. New leaves may display chlorosis (yellowing of leaves). Stems may become rough or hollow. The plant may look like it has a calcium deficiency because boron is needed for the plant to properly use calcium. New growth is affected the most, and may look like it's been burnt or scorched. Boron deficiencies will show up first in younger leaves (they may turn yellow), then moves up the plant. Boron deficiency plants are easy to tell, because of the spotting the leaves show like a strawberry mark and or splashes of the marking.



Looks like PH.... check your runoff water.


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