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Cannabutter In 7 Easy Steps!


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
Just a detail.



Active member
i dont want to open new thread just for one question, so i'll ask here...

so i frozen my cannabutter about 1 week ago, did that right after i cooked it, now its almost unfrozen and its BROWN colored, it was baby green before, smells ok, but im kinda insecure about color... its probably ok but i need some one to confirm, because i've never frozen cananbutter before :)

EDIT: top layer, when frozen was baby green, like 0,3cm of it, underneath it is brown colored... kinda strange isnt it?



pure dynamite
does it look dehidrated? do you get another shade of brown/green when you cut into it?


Active member
ok its completely unfrozen now, i can see that butter(butter is more or less solid) is baby green, but what is brown is liquid, i used a little milk when i was cooking, so it wasnt dry(well known procedure), maybe milk tied all the dirt or something, i can also see little cannabis parts, looks like they evaded sieve, maybe brown color came out of dirt(by dirt i mean little cannabis parts:))? so if i simply decant that brownish thingy away, all i have left is baby green butter. i hope i wont lost much in that ''crap'' :p

so if my theory is true, that means that always when i made cookies, they had this dirt thingy in them, and i can separate dirt from pure butter by simply frozen it :)

YES, ive seen that exact same thing in avi's post about making butter... so im cool, yea
For people questioning whether this works with males here's a report; I used 100g butter and three '1 to '2 males which just had shown sex (bagseed), I only used leaves since I want to use the stems to make hemp fiber. I made seven cupcake brownies with the butter. I ate two early afternoon and got pretty whacked after about 45 minutes. I had five in total during 12 hours and I stayed slightly too stoned to act normal during the evening. So yes it works very well I tell you!


East Coast, All Day!
sorry if this has been posted already but what is the reccomended ratio of trim to butter...

QP of trim to one lb of butter?

or would you need more butter then that?


East Coast, All Day!
thanks I appreciate it but I was asking about trim because it is obviously less potent then buds... but I did 3 oz of trim/stems to 1lb of butter.


East Coast, All Day!
let the butter separate from the water overnight and baked some brownies and cookies up today... only ate one cookie so far but it was nice not too strong though... think I could have cooked the trim in the butter for longer... was a bit rushed...


mmm some butter I made from the leaves from two 4.5 month old sativas :D I had to stuff the leaf to get it all to fit. The butter is STRONG! If anything, the more leaf or popcorn buds you can fit into the saucepan, the better!!!


Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Does anyone have any insight into making cannabutter from hash. I'd buy some more weed from SR to make it easier , but I've just had to clean myself out to buy my Dad a special chair and literally have no money.
Long story short, my Dad has terminal Kidney Cancer, doesn't want to hit the Diamorphine (Heroin) that they have given him as he isn't in much pain yet. He can't sleep but he doesn't want to take sleeping tablets because a) the docs will only prescribe them for 2 weeks max in fear of addiction (WTF, the man is dying and they've already prescribed him Smack FFS), and b) he doesn't want to be left feeling even more shitty when he is awake which I know is the case with any sleeping tablet worth a fuck.


New member
Ok, so I have about a 1/2 lb. of trim that I am attempting to make into butter. I am going to try a couple of different methods, the one posted here and a different method using a crock pot.

For the crock pot method I will first seperate the butter from the butter solids by melting and then refrezing the butter. I will wrap the trim in cheesecloth and tie it up in a quid. Then I will cook the good seperated butter and the trim (I'm thinking 2 oz./ lb. of butter, I'd like to use 3 oz. but I'm afraid the weed wouldn't be completly submerged) for 24 hrs on low, then refrigerate.

Any thoughts??
I've been making it for years. No water just put butter in mason jars use a crock pot as double boiler that's the only water. When the butter is half melted start adding your trim or fluff. Keep the lid slightly open while boiling and tighten the lid and shake every now again. After 5 hrs squeeze thru cheese cloth and then throw in the fridge. It's ready to go. Hope this helps someone!
Just cooking up my 3rd batch. Ive always used wet trim. Not quite sure on the correct ratio but im currently using:

138g of Pure AK trim (wet frozen)
4.5g of vaped bud
1.5kg of butter.

Il let you know how they turn up in a few weeks....


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
I took close to a LB of GSC,Lambsbread,Kong & BATF trim and ran it once through Bubble bags= Hash.

I then added everything (minus the hash)to a slow cooker and added 1.75 lb butter...
Cooked a few hours and let sit over night.

Got me some cake and brownie mix and made me some
German chocolate Swiss brownie canna cake...

OMG... lol

The 1st piece knocked me out...
The butter has a really strong Orange Zest flavor to it.
Comes through in the cake really nice...

The GF is a none smoker and she had a piece... hahah...

Knocked her out as well... But... She woke up with a dirty plate and half a cup of milk next to her in the morning....

Said she got up and ate more at like 2 am...
Best sleep she has had in a minute... Whee....

Tells me to eat it all or she is going to get fat...

I can only eat 1 large piece at a time and im baked hard...
Im a 30 year daily smoker,so that's
saying something about the potency. Nice!!!

I just followed the info on page one and bam...
What... Where... Oh my.....zzzzzz...



once I had a neighbor in Belmont, CA (SF Bay Area, Silicon Valley) give me a 2 1/2 pound chunk of deep green butter.

The original recipe was 10 pounds of butter & 1 1/2 pounds of bud trimmings.

Anyway, it was FANTASTIC. I would put some on toast.

I remember going to the gym on the Cybex type weightlifting machine. The one that works your Trapezius.

I would go and sit on that for literally a half hour (I remember it as 40 minutes - but, I was stoned !) doing the machine version of lat pulldowns. It felt good.

The neighbor who gave it to me was pretty cool, He was a chef.

I guess sometimes butter can be sort of "speedy" (give you lots of physical energy) in a good way.