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Rubbing Alcohol


New member
I have read in certain site 's that using rubbing alcohol is a good mite killer if used diluted my question is . How safe for the ladies is this method ?

Keep goin

I have seen this also...haven't tried it personally. Apparently it dissipates quickly, and doesn't damage the ladies.

If your space can take it (smell is a bit rough)...I can tell you burning sulfur in a greenhouse vaporizer WILL kill the mites for you. It's unusual (not very well known as a mite killer), but it works EVERY time, NO problem, NO moving plants, NO needing to spray every surface...NONE of that shit.

Works like a dream...ask if you need the "full" instructions. I'll tell you you'll never spray again.

Good Luck


It's very safe. You can even use the iso straight. Does not melt trichomes (unless you keep them continually saturated, maybe), does not burn. Must be used on a schedule, every three days for two weeks at least, to achieve full eradication.


Alcohol works but dries plants out and thc is alcohol soluble so your product will be less quality.

Add dish soap to water and spray on, it's as effective as anything like mitey wash for like 1/1000th the price


New member
Hot Shot Pest Strips will wipe out the mites. Available at Home Depot and I think even Walmart has them. Not sure how large of an area you're working with but the addition of one Pest Strip in my 4 sq. ft. grow box killed them off.

I had tried the soap and water mixture and a couple of different commercial sprays, used as directed, but they just weren't working. Years ago I had wiped out an infestation with the Pest Strips and they didn't seem to be working at first this time, either.

I was being careful and only putting them in for one day, twice a week. Finally I just put one in and left it for a couple of weeks and that did the trick.

My understanding is it's better to use them during veg. I'll let others chime in about the risks. All I know is I've got a mite free garden again.

Those little buggers were really wreaking havoc! Weak growth on the plants and I could barely get anything to clone--they were sucking the life out but now they're all dead!!


Seed Killer No More
ICMag Donor
Hot Shot Pest Strips will wipe out the mites.
Doubtful. Pest strips are a way of seeing how bad your pest problem is. They are used along with whatever treatment so that you can see if the population is dwindling.


New member
USing soap ?

USing soap ?

What would be the best ratio for the water and soap and is there a soap that is better than another > >??


New member
I guess there's no going back to the classiness of the people at OG. I was curing mites when these guys were still soiling their diapers.

Easy enough. Try soap for a while and then try the No Pest Strip. You can correct these idiots when you're done!

I think I'll try Rollitup.Org. Low class kids here.


I guess there's no going back to the classiness of the people at OG. I was curing mites when these guys were still soiling their diapers.

Easy enough. Try soap for a while and then try the No Pest Strip. You can correct these idiots when you're done!

I think I'll try Rollitup.Org. Low class kids here.

I've tried everything under the sun for mites-
Some work, some don't.

soap or alcohol or mitey wash works.

No pest strips won't rid you of mites.
Avid and floramite will.

Neem azatrol etc only control them.


New member
Cured mine.

You're wrong.

Sounds to me like you haven't found ANYTHING that works if you keep getting them back. Either that or poor quality growing techniques.

Do yourself a favor Squid9r and don't waste your time with someone like macdiesel. He's obviously unqualified to give you advice. Search the site for people reporting actual results. Not idiotic, lame opinions. And definitely not from someone who has the same problem and hasn't cured it!

You started it macdiesel. Grow up and quit hurling insults or you'll get a spanking.

cravin morehead

Active member
first things first, NIMBY's rep and experience speak volumes. second, you done know what no pest strips are. look them up. and yes they work great for spider mites and tons of other pests. I put one in my mom/cloning cab for 1 week twice a month. never even seen a critter in there. they have fixed mite problems for
e and others, in mid flower in 2 days. caution should be used when used in flower though.
as for rubbing alcohol, Idk, never tried it. but if SeaMaiden says its OK, I would ask her about how to apply it.


joe guy

Doubtful. Pest strips are a way of seeing how bad your pest problem is. They are used along with whatever treatment so that you can see if the population is dwindling.

In order to keep a civil discussion I believe he is speaking of yellow sticky traps the ones that tell u if ur fucked or not.
Not the no pest strip WE know and love give him a break I guess.. From reading his post this is what I get out of it..

joe guy

And for the ISP deal I soaked a few cuts in dixi cups of 91% ISP for few hours all it did was seem to piss them off.. It wasn't mites but root aphids (arrrggggg) so it may work as a root drench in a plug but I would never spray in flowers that strong If at all.. Sounds like qwiso on a stick to me to spray it.. And no offence mrs Madain I fowllow u your recommendations always but I'm afraid of straight ISo in flower.
I would do it in veg as it would seem to clean the residew of foiler feeding followed by a RO water wash to keep any residue of the ISO. But keep in mind my green horns don't even have fuzz yet October will be 2 years gardening. So take it for what it's worth. About 2 cents pol

joe guy

And another thing you are aware there are bennifical mites rite? Not all bugs are bad unless ur sterile hydro guy a lot of bugs are good... Have you correctly identified the said pest? I never saw I pic of the invader

joe guy

So soap doesn't work but pest strips do?? Hahahaha, you're on crack.

Friendly advise buddy don't take your 2 reputation bars to the head there are a lot of people on here I'm sure could Mexican swag bag seed and come with elites we don't fuck with them because we want to know our lienage of the strain we are growing...
This is normally a very peacefull site unless you poke the bear then you will just be shot down by gurus that say words you have never heard of and are not in webesters dictionar. A lot of these guys hold botany PhDs . Mrs madaine is very smart and versed in the can ibis culture so mind your mouth when you speak to a lady that goes for everyone and not just mrs Madain but all women period
Thank you rant over......
Back to the thread sorry for he public service announcement

joe guy

Doubtful. Pest strips are a way of seeing how bad your pest problem is. They are used along with whatever treatment so that you can see if the population is dwindling.

And this you obviously don't know what a no pest strip is this post proves it I was sticking up for you , re read it.
Are you sure what a no pest strip is? It is pesticide that is time released not a sticky piece of paper that shows you dead bugs...
It kills anything that crawls or wiggles above the soil line. Google one its easy.. And yes they do tell you your pest problem is dwindling by seeing dead bugs around your garden-so I suppose your rite in that aspect...

NO PeSt STRiP uSer ChImIn iN I don't need sticky traps only thing alive in my garden is mycos and dope....