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Phantom's 2012 outdoor, partly swamp


Northern lights - just for the record this plant should finish by mid. September, but I've planted her more for fun.

My buddys ShamanxV99 and Durban poison

SV99 - has a wonderful smell, similar to the Purple Maroc


Swamp update probably tomorrow.


Active member
Sorry to hear you have problems, continuously.. My place has not been touched by neither humans or any big eating animals considering its inside of a gigantic thornbush, guess it was worth the sweat and pain clearing up inside making my spot from ground up.

I really do hope you find a spot you can use year after year, because you are doing really fine with step-backs. Best regards

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Opiumo: This is just the way guerilla is. I don't think that I will use the backup spot again for full season plants. Maybe for some autos next year. We'll see. The Swamp on the other hand is doing great.

One thing that makes it worth growing on the backup spot is the security. Even if you know you won't get much you can be sure you will get something.


That Durban poison in the last shot is the bomb! when will it be finished?


bajangreen: Probably in a month or so.

Today I took some trichs pictures of the passion and it looks like I could harvest it already, so she has to fall next weekend.


Swamp update.

I found some mold and bud worms. This year the whole country has a invasion of them, but beside that all plants are flowering now.

Frisan dew



And this is one of the reasons why I thought the swamp isn't a secure spot. When the farmer is mowing the grass he has a nice view on the St.

I'll probably harvest the P1, Fd and PM next week. PM and Fd because of mold and P1 because it'll be ready for harvest.

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Looking good dude, it's a bummer the mold and bud worms... make sure to spray some BT next year to get ride/prevent them. I had some of them in on of my plants, I sprayed BT once and they disappeared! Def worth the $10 investment! Not much to do with mold tho, try to find some earlier finishing strains next year. It's hard to grow on the swamp, only few strains are able to finish without rotting away.

But anyways, things looking great as usual! Hopefully the weather will cooperate with you and you'll be able to finish these beauties properly! :)

Best vibes on the end of you season bro!



Buddah watcha: I won't spray anything, there aren't that many bud worms anyway. The P1 at the Backup spot has many more of them. I think that the bud worms have caused the mold because they damage the buds so that they get infected easier. The rest have done the humid mornings in the swamp and we had one rainy week, but this alone probably wouldn't cause mold on the Frisian I guess. I know that I should grow only early plants, but everything I want to grow is late :D the strains are selected for mold resistance tho, otherwise I wouldn't dare to put them into a swamp.

chromeo: Thanks!


Well-known member
i am feeling ya phantom. i am totally with you on post #274, those caterpillas in the buds are no good... even little slugs got in some of my buds and of course... got glued to the sticky part of the plant and died... and caused the bud to rot, in many cases :(

it rained half day today and is continuing to rain tomorrow and the day after for a bit... :/
i will check my biggest spot tomorrow.. might need to take the bigger heads off... lets hope they are ready for it...
lots :ying: to the fellow outdoor growers :tiphat:


I visited the swamp yesterday to check for mold, because I didn't have the time for harvest and it seems the rain has done a pretty big damage. Trainwreck, the plant I cared about the most is gone. Also the church and P1 was lying on the ground but I could fix those two. I also harvested the P1 on the backup spot. Here are the pictures


Harvested passion



September storms were very rare here. Global weather's def. ficked up.
Sorry to hear about your loss Phantom. Good luck with the rest of the plants.