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lost in a sea

taking multivitamins is a dodgy one,,

everything has a selection of specific roles it is needed for in the body and if you are overdosing on one thing then it may send that mechanism awry eventually..

easiest way is dont take multivitamins everyday so that somethings can level out instead of regularly being too high.. or specifically take certain suppliments depending on what you are doing and how your body is feeling, that is what i would recommend..

good food is the best practice though..


I'v been researching body building/weighthloss,etc for a few years now..it's SIMPLE but at the same time its not.In order to understand it,you have to learn anatomy,and nutrition etc..its not as easy as doing pushups every day for SERIOS bodybuilding.

Theres two stages the human body can be in,a catabolic stage (losing body mass) and a anabolic stage (gaining mass)..whether this is losing/gaining fat or muscles,depends on what you eat and what's your activity level.

To lose weighth (catabolic) you HAVE to eat less than what your body burns everyday..find out your BMR (calories you burn just by being ALIVE)....add your activity levels...then subtract your total food intake per day.

So lets say 2000+500-1700=800 DEFICIT per day..so your losing 800 calories worth of bodymass per day,a pound of fat is 3500 calories...once you udnerstand this its VERY easy to lose weighth.

I recommend the Atkins diet,it WORKS,yes it has its controversies,but it WORKS..Iv seen people lose 20 pounds per month..in the first 14 days I lost 10 pounds..I love Atkins.

Now for GAINING mass (anabolic)..same thing..except you HAVE to eat more than your body burns per day..a surplus.In addition to this surplus,a good lifting routine will turn those excess calories into LEAN tissue (muscles).

I would stay away from isolated workout,stick to compound,or routines that use mroe than one muscle system..the best ones are SQUATS,deadlifts,pullups,benchpress,etc...the old school classics.Train one body system differently..ex,legs monday,back/shoulder tuesday,chest wednesday...

Muscle "rips" eevrytime you overexceed its limits,lifting a really heavy object.When it repairs itself,ot makes NEW tissue over the "ripped" ones,this is called muscle building.Its how you get stronger.The body usually needs about 2 days to repair the muscles,which is why you cannot train the same part everyday,this is counter productive..

You SHOULD be lifting NO MORE THAN 10 reps of any exercise...Ideally it would be 5-7...maybe ~3 to really build STRENGHTH...6 is the average.Doing alot of reps does NOTHING and is a silly myth,so when you see those idiots doing 20 reps at the gym thinking theyr bad,theyr NOT.

To find this amount,setup enough weighth that you can ONLY do 6..you cannot do 7 at ALL,without anybody's help..if you can still make it past 6,add more weighth.

Now on to supplements,this is a multibillion inductry,forget what you read in magazines and shit.Half of those products dont WORK.Here are the basic and recommended supplements.Its the ones I use.

protein: you need a gram of protein per lbs of your weighth.whey protein is fast acting,so best afetr your workout.CASEIN digests much slower,so its good to take at nighth.I take both..protein is a MUST if your into serios bodybuilding

l-glutamine: this aids your body's recovery,and is an overall good thing..take ~5 grams per day.glutamine is given by some surgeons to recover from surgery faster.it works

creatine monohydrate: a very popular one,this adds "water" molecules into the muscles,making them appear much bigger,you can add 10 pounds in a few weeks with the FIRST time use.this is mostly water weighth,but it will make your muscles bigger overtime.another one highly recommended.


there are alot of GOOD safe natural testoserone boosters..some work for some people..ZMA...terrestrius tibulis....different roots,etc..I take some of these,I cant remeber the name and I dont want to go check for them lol..but they WORK..they can cause acne breakouts though,and can make you irrtable..BUT theyr 150@ safe and natural..its not steriods.


i love the dumbbells too. they are great if you don't have a bunch of space!

i wanted to use something like the Powerblocks to save space. i could never get comfortable using the things, they just seem bulky to me ....... then there might be something to that "old dog and new tricks" thang. i hope they work for you!

There are definitely some difficulties working with them, especially when you're trying to spot someone who's lifting more with each arm than you can lift at all. Try spotting THAT!

Also, the PowerBlocks have these rings that keep the cotter pin attached, and they tend to catch on your workout clothing, especially if it's a microfiber or similarly fine yarn or weave. That's a pain in the ass. Also, the increments are often too large for me. I need 1-2lb increments when we're talking about my upper body/arms, and depending on where you're at with the PBs you may or many not be able to go with a 2lb increment, you might have to go with a 5lb increment and for me, that's huge.
Who has buds drying on there gym? I DO!!!

Ill post pics today...
Who's lost their tree drying and curing area to a home gym?
<raises hand>
I need a drying barn and a curing area/barn now, because that guy up there needed the space in the basement.

By the by, dear.... my indoor growing area, I'm thinking this winter I should fire it back up seeing as how we're now on full solar power. I need the vegging area at least so I can keep some moms and I'm DEFINITELY keeping those crazy-ass African Sativas I've got growing in the back. I bet you haven't looked at what they're doing, it's fucking CA-RAY-ZEE, man! It's gonna be some wild shit to smoke, this I *know*. I'd really like to try running some of them indoors, since that's what they've been selected for.

Can you guys imagine, a pure African sativa hand-selected over 15 years simply for flowering time? Down to 56 days indoors from what I was told by the grower.

Oh, and sweetheart? Just imagine me whispering in your ear, "Yoo poosh too leemeet, EVERY TIME!"


Who's lost their tree drying and curing area to a home gym?
<raises hand>
I need a drying barn and a curing area/barn now, because that guy up there needed the space in the basement.
**Looks around while whistling** Who? Me? **giggle**

Oh, and sweetheart? Just imagine me whispering in your ear, "Yoo poosh too leemeet, EVERY TIME!"
Umm....In more ways than one darlin. *grin**
Just don't say that while I'm lifting cuz you know when you say that I start giggling and then I can't lift!!!!


By the by, dear.... my indoor growing area, I'm thinking this winter I should fire it back up seeing as how we're now on full solar power. I need the vegging area at least so I can keep some moms and I'm DEFINITELY keeping those crazy-ass African Sativas I've got growing in the back. I bet you haven't looked at what they're doing, it's fucking CA-RAY-ZEE, man! It's gonna be some wild shit to smoke, this I *know*. I'd really like to try running some of them indoors, since that's what they've been selected for.
Sure thing baby. And no, I haven't been down to the "back 40" in a few days since I fixed the irrigation issue(s). Guess I need to.


All the Sativas are STRETCHING and setting bud like mad. The Indica dominant gals are just getting thicker and bushier, too. They're all loving it, no one's scorching like the cole crops.

Oops! Getting too off topic, I have the whole rest of the site to discuss this in, don't I?

Btw, I think I/we should mention that toughmudderdave and I are married.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
cissus quadrangularis proprietary ketosteroid extract

Please to everyone that takes supplements...please take this stuff....give it about a month b4 you pass judgement on it...all I can say...is this stuff regenerated my torn ligaments and made a sharp pain in my shoulder that was there for years go away forever!

Im pretty scared of using needles..dont ask why....so many years ago I got a major hard on when I realized you could create transdermal steroids...God I love you Balco....Only Steroids whos Molecule weight is under 300 Daltons will pass through the skin... No ester attached...it has to be Pure Base...another problem is ...you can only get this from manufactures in CHINA... 100 grams of Pure Test 100$ shipped to your door...Pure Tren no Base $500 100 grams... 100 grams of Anavar 500$...etc..its cheaper then shit to get your powders from China and do what you like with them... I made mine into lotions and I wont lie...not the most convienet thing to do... but my goodness...Im feeling like Wolverine in the GYM and like Teen Wolf on the Basketball Court....Agression and Ability not to wear out are amazing...

You have to take time off the roids....if im on for 3 months..then im off them for 6 months until next cycle...this isnt set in stone for everyone... our bodies all react different..but I find this to be nice for proper recovery and keep your receptors nice n fresh


Congrats SeaMaiden,msut be fun having a partner in crime lol,can you show me a link to your grow?You use organics righth?


cant re Member
pro hormones are basically untested steriods. its really stupid to take them, stay with the steroids which have been used for years.

erectile disfunction is caused by misuse of steroids. not by steroids in general

do some research before you ever use. and im talking about subcribed websites for serious bodybuilders/strength trainers.


Sifted, I think my husband would agree with you on that, especially after our experience with the young man who's killed his libido and fucked up his body by misusing steroids.

TLoft, I've never heard of magnetic weights. I'm sure Dave will be happy to add them to our gym. Nothing like kettleballs for me, medical patient for a reason.


Trying to stay thin and pretty

Trying to stay thin and pretty

Embracing my feminine side, plenty of aerobics and cardio... Don't wanna appear butch homies !!


Embracing my feminine side, plenty of aerobics and cardio... Don't wanna appear butch homies !!
View Image


dude you look like a dude!

brother your posts have given me so many good laughs i could never rate one as "unhelpful" ....... but that one is close.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
pro hormones are basically untested steriods. its really stupid to take them, stay with the steroids which have been used for years.

erectile disfunction is caused by misuse of steroids. not by steroids in general

do some research before you ever use. and im talking about subcribed websites for serious bodybuilders/strength trainers.

I agree 1000000% AAS are proven and side effect well documented...PH's are for the most part not very good...but...\

Superdrol, PheraPlex, M1t, 1AD,4AD..... These were some of the best Designer Steroids ever made..and on Par with any AAS...They were all banned years ago with the exception of Superdrol ....

Combining the wrong Androgenic to Anabolic Ratios in your gear can really mess u up...dont take steroids based on Bro Science ...educate yourself first...so u can have alot of fun when ur on Cycle!


Steroids are steroids..I leave that shit to the guido "juicehead monkeys"...a real man doesnt have to resort to steroids.If people knew the FOUNDATIONAL BASICS of why and why not bodybuilding works,if they knews the science behind it,then they would not need steroids.

Instead theyre lifting 20 reps and thinking theyr bad,then they wonder why theyr not gaining.Same people that buy 70$ supplements at the vitamin store thinking theyr gonna get RIPPED DUE.more like ripped OFF


cant re Member
I agree 1000000% AAS are proven and side effect well documented...PH's are for the most part not very good...but...\

Superdrol, PheraPlex, M1t, 1AD,4AD..... These were some of the best Designer Steroids ever made..and on Par with any AAS...They were all banned years ago with the exception of Superdrol ....

Combining the wrong Androgenic to Anabolic Ratios in your gear can really mess u up...dont take steroids based on Bro Science ...educate yourself first...so u can have alot of fun when ur on Cycle!

most steroids are androgenic and anabolic. for example testosterone is both. theres not really any measure of one or the other as its down to the individuals body as to what will or wont appear androgenic or whatever.

all steroids wether pro hormone or not, are basically just sythetic testosterone. they have a different effect to each other because they are different on a molecular level. pro hormones are basically untested steroids. thats all. theres nothing designer about them they are just a new synthetic compound resembling testosterone.
tbh any oral steroid is a waste of time unless you are using it in conjunction with and injectable cycle.