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US government using teleportation in 1940s history channel documentary

joe fresh

Active member
the thing about teleportation is...it involves bending space(like bending a piece of paper to make the corners touch) and the speed of light...

there was a very interesting series about time travel and teleportation on discovery channel not too long ago hosted by stephen hawking...interesting stuff

conclusion...time travel and teleportation are possible, but youn eed to be faster that the speed of light, even if its 0.0000000001% faster, but untill we can harness the speed of light we will not be able to test any of this

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
... and lets see you tell me them towers are just for the "submarines" ...

During the Cold War and probably still, it was the job of "Boomers" to secretly slip out of port, run a long series of evasive maneuvers, and end up hidden in some canyon deep under the ocean waiting for the signal to launch all of its ballistic missiles in retaliation for a Soviet nuclear attack. Communications with these submarines is very important and very difficult. Methods have involved sound and radio frequencies with unusual wavelengths. An unusual array of antennae towers for submarine communications sounds perfectly appropriate.

I have training in the earth sciences. The notion that we are controlling the weather is simply ludicrous.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
During the Cold War and probably still, it was the job of "Boomers" to secretly slip out of port, run a long series of evasive maneuvers, and end up hidden in some canyon deep under the ocean waiting for the signal to launch all of its ballistic missiles in retaliation for a Soviet nuclear attack. Communications with these submarines is very important and very difficult. Methods have involved sound and radio frequencies with unusual wavelengths. An unusual array of antennae towers for submarine communications sounds perfectly appropriate.

I have training in the earth sciences. The notion that we are controlling the weather is simply ludicrous.

dude if the defense secretary in 97 even stated that WE have AND ARE CAPABLE of weather modification then how can you believe the notion is ludicrous? we might not be controlling it 24/7 but im pretty positive we can if and when we want to. theres an international treaty that states how weather modification is not to be used in warfare but says nothing about using them on our own lands. its been going on since the 60s ...just because you were taught something in an American school system doesnt mean its true.

Shit if science class told you the moon was really pink would you believe them cuz you have had training in moon sciences? they tell you what they want you to know remember that.. im not trying to convince you to believe something i just want you to open your mind to the idea that weather modification does exist technology has been around for it since the 60s... i managed to pull up some pictures from inside the base when it was first constructed. some of this shit just doesnt look like its ONLY for listening to submarines lol check these pics out...



Looking over a schematic of the helix house equipment you see what looks like a simple matching network consisting of a few coils called variometers and something called a reactor. A variometer consists of two coils, a stator and a rotor. The rotor is located inside of the stator and is connected in series with the stator. When the rotor is rotated the mutual coupling either aids or reduces the effective inductance of the variometer. Since the antennas are operated below their natural resonance their impedance is capacitive and must be tuned by a series variometer. However, when looking at the equipment inside the helix house you see nothing familiar. In reality, this is a link-coupled antenna matching circuit, but that is where the similarity to familiar low powered equipment stops. The helix house is jammed full of giant coils and openly wound transformers, most larger than a large truck. The inductor wires are about 4 inches in diameter consisting of multiple strands of Litz wire. The antenna itself is tuned with a series variometer while a shunt variometer couples the signal into the antenna tuner from a coaxial feed line leading from the transmitter through a long underground tunnel.
just seems like theres more to it
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joe fresh

Active member
theres actually a theory by a nuclear scientist of ukraine or russia or something like that...he strongly believes that the usa used haarp to control the weather over the fukushima nuclear power plant to create rain and a certain atmospheric pressure to keep the radiation from hitting the usa....


heres the vid


theres actually a theory by a nuclear scientist of ukraine or russia or something like that...he strongly believes that the usa used haarp to control the weather over the fukushima nuclear power plant to create rain and a certain atmospheric pressure to keep the radiation from hitting the usa....


heres the vid

That's some heavy shit right there

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Here is the wiki section on VLF radio. They also use Extremely Low Frequency transmissions which can be detected round the planet.

From Wikipedia;

Very low frequency

VLF radio waves (3–30 kHz) can penetrate seawater to a depth of approximately 20 meters. Hence a submarine at shallow depth can use these frequencies. A vessel more deeply submerged might use a buoy on a long cable equipped with an antenna. The buoy rises to a few meters below the surface, and may be small enough to remain undetected by enemy sonar / radar.[citation needed]

Due to the low frequency, a VLF broadcast antenna needs to be quite big. In fact, broadcasting sites are usually a few square kilometers (or miles). This of course prevents such antennas being installed on submarines. Submarines only carry a VLF reception aerial, and do not respond on such low frequencies. So a ground-to-submarine VLF broadcast is always a one way broadcast, originating on the ground and received aboard the boat. If two-way communication is needed, the boat must surface and communicate on other, higher, frequencies (such as UHF or VHF).


ELF transmitters require their own power station and an antenna array around 50 km long.


Earth's weather is mostly determined by large scale forces like the heating of the sun and Earth's rotation. Our storms travel across the surface pushed by the jet stream. Check out this composite satellite image from today showing the atmosphere's water vapor content. These are immense atmospheric rivers which flow around the earth. Look at the scale of the satellite image and then imagine the relative size of this imaginary weather transforming power dynamo somewhere down there on the map. Anything humans try would be overwhelmed. We aren't capable of harnessing these forces. We're lucky to accurately predict the weather.


Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Tesla FTW

Tesla FTW

HAARP is some seriously scary shit, who the heck is keeping an eye over it for our safety? Hell they are pushing our atmosphere/ionosphere 60 miles out into space every time they fire it up and that's just one of the many outcomes of their program.

Tesla was a genius and a lot of his work is still secret, literature says that he created a machine that picked up the resonance vibration rate of an object, steel, concrete, iron, etc and exploited that frequency to shake the mass until it was vibrating so hard that it would take down buildings and cause earthquakes, the same technology is used today to locate oil and other minerals. They tried to re-create this machine in mythbusters with no success but they aren't exactly on the same level as Tesla. His wireless energy idea was way ahead of his time and we will be going down that road in the future.



The HAARP array at the Clear AFB here in Alaska gets quite a bit of that conspiracy stuff. High energy atomosphere research.
I used to ride the 100 mile roundtrip from Fairbanks to Clear and sit in on the classes my father was lecturing at when I was 8 years old and the crews were still doing minor finishing work on the structures.
Needless to say I have quite a different opinion on what goes on, from the construction in the '50's to the ionization feedback going on today. I won't be insulting as no one is really to blame for lack of education. But the gap between what is real versus misunderstood fantasy is growing and is scary.

It's not a conspiracy if it is true.


And I'm sure HAARP is up to much more than they would ever divulge.

With the state of our intelligence and technology, I think it would be naive to assume we did not know how to modify the weather- at least a little bit.

The gov't has a lot of secret technology that they don't want the people to learn about. Contrary to your opinion, and what I find to be the most scary- or interesting (however you want to look at it)- is that the divide between fantasy and reality has already grown thin. Today many of our wildest fantasies have come true. Science fiction becomes science fact. Anything is possible once you understand consciousness and what we are capable of.


The HAARP array at the Clear AFB here in Alaska gets quite a bit of that conspiracy stuff. High energy atomosphere research.
I used to ride the 100 mile roundtrip from Fairbanks to Clear and sit in on the classes my father was lecturing at when I was 8 years old and the crews were still doing minor finishing work on the structures.
Needless to say I have quite a different opinion on what goes on, from the construction in the '50's to the ionization feedback going on today. I won't be insulting as no one is really to blame for lack of education. But the gap between what is real versus misunderstood fantasy is growing and is scary.

Why not help educate us then? I would be interested to hear your point of view. Not extremely familiar with HAARP but I know there is a lot of conspiracies about it, from weather manipulation to the spiral in the sky when Obama was getting his nobel prize.


During the Cold War and probably still, it was the job of "Boomers" to secretly slip out of port, run a long series of evasive maneuvers, and end up hidden in some canyon deep under the ocean waiting for the signal to launch all of its ballistic missiles in retaliation for a Soviet nuclear attack. Communications with these submarines is very important and very difficult. Methods have involved sound and radio frequencies with unusual wavelengths. An unusual array of antennae towers for submarine communications sounds perfectly appropriate.

I have training in the earth sciences. The notion that we are controlling the weather is simply ludicrous.

egyptologists have training in earth sciences too, but they still claim the sphynx was built after heavy rain cycles stopped happening in egypt 10000 years ago, even tho the extreme amount of water errosion indicates otherwise. why pay attention to physical evidence when theres a nice convienient story to tell instead?

In The Wind

New member
Again, remarkable. Control the weather, secret prisons, and contrails.

While I've no doubt that one could make it rain ( more like increase The probability that it will rain), it's a limited local event, certainly not control from halfway around the planet. Even when shown the shear scale of this planets heat systems, they'll argue.

No doubt tesla was ahead of his time, but you have to keep the reference of the time he was in. Electricity was just opening up, conductive materials were just newly understood, and the ends of the spectrum of light and its relation with electricity had just barely benn uncovered

The government certainly has its secrets, but they are so far away, and so far ahead of anything in this thread. Teleportation? Of course... At the quantum. It's a different thing at macro scales.


Active member
Again, remarkable. Control the weather, secret prisons, and contrails.

While I've no doubt that one could make it rain ( more like increase The probability that it will rain), it's a limited local event, certainly not control from halfway around the planet. .
You should try pulling your head out of the sand. Very different view with your eyes open.

Nature does not make perfect squares and circles... certainly not repeatedly and in the same locations, up to thousands of times a day. I've seen radar video showing exactly this... and weather patterns changing toward these areas. In fact, most of the really severe flooding in the midwest this summer was influenced by this. I watched this over and over and over and over again.... circles and squares, followed by weather systems hitting that area.

I actually saw a perfect cookie-cutter style circle appear in a cloud myself. Out here in Colorado. Perfectly straight walls, straight up and down through a thick cloud bank. Held for several seconds and then began closing up (like a normal cloud). Never seen anything like it before or since... just on radar weather maps. (Edit: Oh yeah... forgot to mention that the storm that passed over us that afternoon... turned around and came back across us, straight to that point in the clouds. Same as all the other radar vids I've seen.)

Halfway around the world? Yeah, if it's satellite based. At least a portion seems to be that way anyway... the other half is planet based, at specific locations around the u.s..

Weather control? Yeah... it's there. It's in use. It's caused billions of dollars in damages, in our country alone.

Nature does not make perfect circles and squares. Period.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


The Tri Guy
commercially available to you. It's not secret, it's not just the military, but if you're throwing an outdoor party, you can clear the skies for it, for a price. Old tech now, those things are prob just what they say they are, for talking to subs. Go poking around though, and they may just disappear you.


Active member
Geez, guys weather manipulation does exist, theres plenty of science papers that provokes its existence.
