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Obama Declares All-Out War on Medical Marijuana

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No one that has any dreams of being elected for ANYTHING is going to get behind any laws to banish your precious guns.

This is Amurica goddamitt, and don't you forget it!

You crazy, they've been working to get rid of guns for a long time. The latest is this whole ATF operation fast and furious scandal.

ATF buys guns from gun shops on the border then gives them to the cartels so when they 'catch' them they can trace the guns back to the shops in the US in order to place the blame on legal firearms sales. Luckily this one attempt backfired on them when someone blew the whistle. It won't be the last though.


Everyday is one step closer to totalitarianism, i'm sorry if the progression has been too slow for some of you to notice. Get over the left right box they put you in to keep you distracted. We're all Americans and all on the same side in this.

"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." ~ James Madison


Active member

this is happening.
who are the morons who beleive this,that aterrorist is going to fly here to pay top price for a gun,when there are milions apon millions of kolashnikovs alone all over the rest of the world. get real. friggin fear mongerers. i dont own or want a gun but the freedom of the option is what im standing up for espeacially to see that americans dont go to jail over this dumb ass mayor.


It always comes down to money. Legalization debates aren't framed in being the right thing to do. Prop 19, vote yes because we need that tax revenue. Releasing CA drug offenders, we can't afford more prisons. And this, because we'll make a shitton in asset seizure boys.
government doesn't want these big grows and for people to make all this money because it could fund gangs and weapons and all (which IS possible). I'm talking multi-million. Since the government makes it illegal, nobody can get too powerful/rich without getting busted.

They don't want to fully legalize it, even when all the money is involved because as we know it hurts big pharma industry pocket and it does go against a lot of politicians beliefs/morals. I know they allowed alcohol, but they truly do seem to feel weed is worse no matter what people say and they don't seem to have it in their values.

This is also why they don't decriminalize it. They lose prison money, and they don't want it to become a normal part of society because they feel their kids will be doing it more. That's the argument, and they also argue "two wrongs don't make a right" ...........

it's sad and sickening. hard to keep the hope alive. Just gotta do our part and do it with pride.


Natalie J. Puffington
Delta9nxs: "Ron paul and barney franks bill, if passed, would remove the federal laws affecting medical cannabis and small personal users…"
I'm afraid that, like most of the legislation that is put before the House Re: Medical MJ, the Frank/Paul bill probably won't even make it out of committee, much less come up for a vote. :rolleyes:

Why don't people understand that we're talking about SICK people!! Many of those who need it the most, are not capable of preforming many of the physically demanding tasks that are required to successfully grow meds for themselves!! That's why we need what they call "facilitators"! :mad:
Can you read? Just in case I will repost what I said. Just for you. Look I even put it in bold so even you can catch it. Hell I'll underline it.

There you go.

Now take your "argument" to your own thread that way this one dont get binned.

And let regular folks have healthy conversation without the E-thugin.


E-Thuggin? Son, I'm too old for that. Here, I'll do the same bold, underline game you did...

"Im not in Cali or CO but from the outside looking in it seems like these warning's are for the folks making profit off something that was intended to be non profit. "

SO, what, exactly, are you saying?
You have a Phd in Economics correct? Can you explain to me what current federal Fiscal and Monetary policy are and how they interact? For good measure go ahead and graph it using the LS/Im model so that anyone more visually inclined can get a better idea of it as well?

I mean you know so much about economics and what would be right for this country that should be easy right? It is only entry level economics...

Can you explain to me a few things first? Since you are the one challenging what I say with nothing better than an assumptive jeering...

A. After he's spent Trillions, why are we still borrowing money, not passing a budget, or whittling away at our 14 trillion dollar plus debt?
B. Why hasn't he created 3-4 million jobs in 3 years like he promised?
C. Why hasn't he kept better than 5-10% of his campaign promises? That's the hope and change you voted for? MORE of the staus quo, spend, spend, spend, tax hike?, spend, spend, spend, lob missiles, spend, spend, spend?

I see your point now, the country is VASTLY different from what it once was, under GWB.... SO, MUCH, BETTER. I can finally breath. Come on, Mr. PhD, answer those and I'll explain anything you ask, graphs and all.

best -:wave:

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I'm afraid that, like most of the legislation that is put before the House Re: Medical MJ, the Frank/Paul bill probably won't even make it out of committee, much less come up for a vote. :rolleyes:

Haven't you heard? It won't even be heard in committee. Lamar Smith (R-TX) said he will not give it a hearing. Period. When people started posting on his Facebook page encouraging him to at least let the bill be debated, he shut down his FB page. When people started calling his office, he stopped answering his phone. What have we come to when an elected representative blatantly refuses to hear what voters have to say? He's not even bothering to pretend he cares about anything other than his own personal agenda. Gotta love democracy in action!


Natalie J. Puffington
blinkisback: "Fuck off, cop dick sucking asshole."
smoke1sun: "Can you read?"

Come on guys!
You know, usually there's a way to convey your thoughts...shall we say, diplomatically...you know, without being a jerk. :rolleyes:
There's no need for that kind of talk; we're all on the same side and we're all here for the same reasons: the love of a very special plant! :canabis:


Registered User
All of the arguments about his breaking promises is not unique to him... in my lifetime, that is every single US President... every single one of them.

And if we really want the laws to change, it's Congress that will have to do this... not Obama, not the DOJ, not even the DEA... it is Congress. Everyone else is supposed to uphold the laws of our country... despite their personal/private feelings. There are laws, and thier 'job' is to uphold them.

If we want the laws changed, for the DOJ & Obama to be able to actually let up on the weed, then Congress needs to reclassify Mj outta the Sched I.

It's Congress folks. And again, every US President is disingenous... this isn't unique to Obama.
E-Thuggin? Son, I'm too old for that. Here, I'll do the same bold, underline game you did...

"Im not in Cali or CO but from the outside looking in it seems like these warning's are for the folks making profit off something that was intended to be non profit. "

SO, what, exactly, are you saying?
When you speak of intentions, what exactly are you referring to? Prop 420? Medical marijuana broadly? I disagree with your perception of intent in both cases. "Medical" was all a ruse, and everyone knew it and voted in favor accordingly.

If you want to start a country of Marxists, I'll join. But I live in a capitalist nation; a materialist nation; a nation where your worth as a man and as a human being is not just correlated with your bank account, it is your bank account. This view is reflected in what attorneys I can afford (which is to say, whether or not I will be raped and tortured in a US prison), whether I can eat healthful food, etc.

The thing that I think you're not accounting for is the "felony variable," and the "broken economy" variable. Many of us picked up felony's for growing herbs for sick people and thus, cannot find work outside Burger King. We have to do this to survive. It's not about bling bling, it's about avoiding torture (you think I'm being over-dramatic? Watch a realistic prison show on television.)

The United States is a third world nation for the majority, and we all have to eat.

Show me how many meds big pharma gives away to the sick. Yet clubs and individual growers do it every day, in droves.


Natalie J. Puffington
MIway: "All of the arguments about his breaking promises is not unique to him... in my lifetime, that is every single US President... every single one of them."
Yeah, but I really wanted to believe things would be different with this admin... *sigh*
But, as they realize, who else will members of his base, like me, support? Although they certainly are taking a risk that they will drive turnout down.
And it's not like R.Paul will get the nomination. And if he ran as an Indpt., he would really just be taking votes from the Repub. candidate.


I'm voting Ron Paul no matter what.

If you're wondering why this is coming out now:

"Michele M. Leonhart Administrator Drug Enforcement Administration"
^There is your answer. Filthy ****.


weed fiend
Nothing new or surprising. Lol @ true believers

I get a laugh at interpretations of the same words I listened to and read. Break state law, make bank and/or carelessly word legislation (and risk existing, federal law.)

Nixon proposed merging other drug agencies into the DEA. Congress went along with it. This means it'll take an act of congress to force DEA to reform it's mandate. All Obama ever said was he wouldn't spend JD money going after state-legal operations.

Drug enforcement is it's own agency. When states started wording legislation such that large ops are possible, pointing the finger at any president misses many aspects. I don't expect you to like somebody you don't, just understand the basics of existing law and who actually pulls the strings.

The marijuana community might have millions of supporters. But outsiders constitute little compared to women and alcohol prohibition in the 1920s. Suffrage allowed a new and large block of voters to take on practically every moral issue of the day. We'll need the help of millions of non-mj users who aren't necessarily angry from unfair incarceration, they'll simply be tired of overcrowded prisons and useless expenditures.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
My state will have its day sooner or later. and when it does, I will do as I have been. Produce for myself, keep my 9-5, and do what i can to avoid relying on the Govt for anything.

And if a patient comes along that needs help, I will do just that help.

And not expect them to pay for my lights, nuts air and so on.

I love growing Erb. I do it for love, lets get back to that.


Active member
and one more state who wants MJ semi leagle for now. but may hit a brick wall from the feds.mabey if over half the states try, they may have no choice but to aknowlege the peoples intentions and conform to the peoples ideas.
the decriminalization of under a ounce has me thinking they will be the first fully leaglized state eventually but i think they need to keep the buisnuess/orginization endorsments to a minimum and make it about the peoples voice.

When you speak of intentions, what exactly are you referring to? Prop 420? Medical marijuana broadly? I disagree with your perception of intent in both cases. "Medical" was all a ruse, and everyone knew it and voted in favor accordingly.

If you want to start a country of Marxists, I'll join. But I live in a capitalist nation; a materialist nation; a nation where your worth as a man and as a human being is not just correlated with your bank account, it is your bank account. This view is reflected in what attorneys I can afford (which is to say, whether or not I will be raped and tortured in a US prison), whether I can eat healthful food, etc.

The thing that I think you're not accounting for is the "felony variable," and the "broken economy" variable. Many of us picked up felony's for growing herbs for sick people and thus, cannot find work outside Burger King. We have to do this to survive. It's not about bling bling, it's about avoiding torture (you think I'm being over-dramatic? Watch a realistic prison show on television.)

The United States is a third world nation for the majority, and we all have to eat.

Show me how many meds big pharma gives away to the sick. Yet clubs and individual growers do it every day, in droves.

For me, pot is pot. Medical or not, I could care less. At this point, with the way it's regarded legally by the federal government, the risks that people are taking to either provide the medical or recreational market, shouldn't they be compensated? What's wrong with capitalisim? I mean, if it's so damn bad, why do all the countries making something of themselves, emulate our supposedly broken concept, to the ultimately always beneficial outcome. Show me where capitialism has failed where socialism, comunism, facisim or any other form of government where the gov't has as much conttrol as they do currrently? If capitialism was allowed to flourish, without the care onlyy about getting elected politicans meddling in the affairs of the people they supposedly work for but actaully are full of contempt for, in our business affairs. Other than to take an appropriately low amount of taxes to run the government (i.e. - Education, Defense, infrastructure, perhaps healthcare if done right) and stop this over-reaching, over-spending, nany state sate bullshit current political organizational structure? It's my belief that capitilism without the the politicans, and the country would maintain it's spot atop the world's most influencial countrys.

I agree with you somewhat in terms of what a lot of people base self worth and the worth of other people on, however, you seem intelligent enough to understand that they can only value you by your bank account, if you let them. What's still cool about our country, is that if you do want to let them judge you by your account, you have the opportunity to go out and make something of yourself with little more than a good idea (new or borrowed) and an enthusiastic work ethic and there's a really really good chance you'll succeed in that endevor, where elsewhere in the world I'm sure you'd find the entrapenuraial spirit significantly more stiffled and much less supportive of new ideas.

I don't have any need to watch a realistic prison show, man. - https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=147499


weed fiend
You crazy, they've been working to get rid of guns for a long time. The latest is this whole ATF operation fast and furious scandal.

ATF buys guns from gun shops on the border then gives them to the cartels so when they 'catch' them they can trace the guns back to the shops in the US in order to place the blame on legal firearms sales. Luckily this one attempt backfired on them when someone blew the whistle. It won't be the last though.


Everyday is one step closer to totalitarianism, i'm sorry if the progression has been too slow for some of you to notice. Get over the left right box they put you in to keep you distracted. We're all Americans and all on the same side in this.

"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." ~ James Madison

LOL, let's separate what we know from the romance. You're ignoring the fact that gun dealers have been selling guns that end up in Mexico for years. Sometimes we have to play the game to catch the bad guys. Sometimes the good guys make dumb decisions and look like the bad guys. Some of the good guys become bad guys in the process. Boston FBI all but squashed the Irish Mob but not before a few of their own were compromised.

Your guns are safe. We can't even stop the NRA from lobbying to keep guns in the hands of no-fly-list inclusions. You can carry a concealed gun to church for Christ sake. Go to a gun show and grab whatever you can buy before the quick check comes back. And if you buy a used gun from an individual, you don't even have to go through a check. Untold violent felons have guns through this loophole alone.

You don't know the outcome of this investigation, at least until it's published. What few gun-sales restrictions we have are violated every day. Many departments and agencies are attempting to thwart illegal sales. At least some of these actions have collateral damage, some more than others.

To characterize this as legal sales turned illegal in order to charge sellers is nuts. Who's that marketing company that sells life-size celebrity posters? Maybe you can get Wayne.
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