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5600w Basement Jungle


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Don't transplant this far into bloom. They are not really rooting more at this stage

For your pics, open before loading and fix it in photoshop. Rotate image

TB Gardens

Active member
hey - yea i guess im just going to monitor them close over the next few days, if the yellow continues to increase im gunna do it. so far they look alright from over the past few days, it hasnt sped up or come on anymore

and in regards to the pics, thats exactly what i did. they show up right way up when i open them on desktop

mmm just tried burmese kush for the first time, its fantastic. had some waiting as i heard it was good for pain, i've had this damn migraine all day and the burmese erased it :)
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TB Gardens

Active member
And it Continues...

And it Continues...

So the yellowing has definitely gotten worse since watering last night. the leaves are just turning lightening in color and turning yellow. there are no spots, burns, or curling occurring.

what could be happening if root growth shouldn't be affecting them at 30 days? especially since it get worse right after a watering? the pH of the water being fed to them is 7. our tap water was 6.2 out the faucet, but we were experiencing pH problems early on. so we upped it to 7.0 and they took off, and the yellowing occurring is not any pH burn or anything.

it isn't root rot.. this soil mix is SO light and airy, the buckets are ALL light as a feather every 3 days MAX after each watering. i am going to transplant them into 7 gallons anyways, even if it is another problem. i just dont think it is, these are the exact same symptoms i already experienced twice on this grow .. which were all easily remedied with a transplant.

but if you do think it could be something else, possibly some sort of N def, please let me know.
remember that you are putting alot of stress on the girls when you transplant them. And yellowing definitely could be an N def but I dont know if thats what you are having. If you are set on transplanting them I would only do half of them and leave the other half alone. Thats what I would do at least. Hopefully more people chime in on the problem. You should try to get some clearer pictures up that isn't under hps light if you can. Either way good luck and hopefully you figure it out.

TB Gardens

Active member
yea i am going to get better pictures, ill take the bad ones out of the room and snap some shots, but i wont be able to get them up until early hours Tuesday morning though. some nice folk in the infirmary have been helping, suggesting bringing my feed pH down to 6.5-6.8. i was getting pH burn at 6.2, so i adjusted it and it was running FANTASTIC at 7 for many many weeks. since the feeding of the molasses is when the yellowing has really taken off.. has anyone ever experienced yellowing as a result of maybe too much molasses?


passing the gas
Hey I like the look of your fat leafed plants, are your plants topped at all?
mine were yellowing and in the beginning I was freaking, but I started adding ferts too late to my grow and in time I realized that some leaves are always dying somewhere on every plant and not to stress on it so much. but my plants have responded better to ferts with every watering. in in week 10 now and the last watering was no fert but the buds I harvested early and I'm smoking not taste good with no flush.

I brew my tea from scratch every other watering and alternate using biobizz @ full strength + liquid karma. I have 4 strains going and one of them has showed tiny tipburn. I wanted to alternate the compost tea with a commercial product in case I screwed up the compost tea so I figured an organic commercial product would fill in anything that I might miss sourcing the guanos and castings and kelp and such.

anyways this is my 1st grow so I'm mostly lending moral support, I doubt that you need to transplant though, i have plants in 3gal 5gal and 7gal and they are all working.

maybe you can drag one out under normal light and take a pic?

you got a great looking space man, good luck!
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TB Gardens

Active member
Hey thanks for checkin out the thread everyone.. stay tuned, picture updates late late monday night... and the buds are bUrSttttInG out! haha!

@GiG - thank u very much kind sir

@Chunky - thanks i like them too ;x .. no none of my girls are topped or trained, probably going to regret it somewhat, but i couldn't resist just letting 'em grow being my first real opportunity to grow a large room of trees. i've had big girls before, and i am a firm believer in root mass.. but they aint ne'r been this biig! that sounds like a nice tea/nute mix you are using.. and yea not flushing usually tastes blagh

@Sandnut - you sir, are a gentleman

EDIT: Oh yea, i haven't really mentioned the aromas yet since they havent been too distinct.. well until the beginning of last week anyways ;-) there are some AMAZING fruit/citrus smells coming out of the room. and since my dumb friend lost all the labels ;\ i guess this will help me start picking out the strains. i am assuming the fruity fruity citrus aroma i smell is the Lemon Skunk, the citral x coming thru no doubt. and of course there are a number of plants with just a skunky skunky smell, assuming they are sk1. the white widows will prob be easily picked out by their resin production.. but does anyone know what they smell like? i have read it is rather pungent. okay, time to rip this 2 footer.. mmm burmese kush
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Hey TB just found this thread, nice grow you've got going. :joint:

I think you're right in that your plants are hungry for some N. There's probably none left in the mix.


Grower of fine herbs...
TB, damn buddy things are looking great in here.. TREES!!! Ill be tagged up on this one from now on, always good to see old heads back on IC:wave:


TB Gardens

Active member
Hey VADO & N.Kronic! good to have u guys around to let me know when im messing stuff up too much :D

okay, so tonight is day 34 (i was 1 day off) and i am heading up. the girls are stacking up into 2 foot colas :) so thats the good news.. on the other hand, setting the pH to 6.5 has accelerated the yellowing .. or atleast it hasnt helped at all. my buddy says some of the girls are almost all yellow ;\ so i am going to take some real good pictures tonight so we can get these girls back on track!

they are getting a dose of Mother Earth Tea which has some N in it, i can't remember the NPK, its listed above somewhere. still no pH burnin, no def spots, just even yellowing. sigh, hopefully this doesnt mess with them too much.. they were doing so well for months!

so stay tuned, ill have bud & infirmary pics up in about 16 hours :D


Grower of fine herbs...
Have you flushed them and checked the ph of the runoff water? Your Ph could be way out of wack and even feeding with a solution at 6.5 its still going to lock out all of the N in the medium. Used to have very similar problems back in the day.

I agree that it could be lockout from bad ph, even if you are putting in nutes at the right ph the plant might not be able to absorb any N if the soils ph is way out.

I would flush each pot with a lot of clean water and then test the runoff before resuming feeding.
It could be root problems because you said that it is familiar to the last time they exhibited these dramas but more likely a ph problem imo.
At this stage of the game they won't be growing much new root mass.

Looks like a very nice little garden you have there anyway and I'm sure you'll get it sorted soon.

Keep it coming,

Jimbo :gday:

TB Gardens

Active member
Flower Update: Day 34

Flower Update: Day 34

Hey Everyone, got lots of pics!

@N.Kronic - We haven't flushed b/c they didn't receive any teas or nutes until a week before the yellowing (1 very very light feeding of Budswel, Nirvana, Mother Earth Tea, and Blackstrap Molasses). Everything was pH'd to 7.0 -- so I was told our soil mix would be pH'd at 7.0 since thats what they had been getting for 2 months, plain water at pH 7.0 -- we currently have them receiving 1 gal each of nutrients at pH 6.5 on Tuesdays, and 1 gal each of plain water at pH 6.5 on Fridays. Do you recommend that we still flush everything? If so at what pH?

@Mindful - Hey thanks for stopping by bud, yeah lots of ventilation.. but having no a/c is starting to catch up with us! as spring time creeps in our temps are creeping up ;\ so we may have to start flip flopping the lights here soon.

@Jimbo - Hey thanks for the advice buddy


Onto The Update...

So I arrived last night at the spot with a few things, a slew of soil mix, nine 10gal Rubbermaids, a drill, and 2 stand up oscillating fans. The yellowing was reportedly getting worse, so I came prepared to transplant.. and a transplanting we did go. I had pretty mixed emotions when I first opened the door to the room. A few things were going on, of course the yellowing was of primary concern, now I see that we are starting to have a heat problem, and lastly suppper resinous buds are stacking up everywhere! haha!

After assessing the yellowing, we decided to attempt a transplant.. if we could do it and cause minimal stress we decided it would be the best choice. So a three man team very carefully and slowly got the girls outa the 5gals, and into 10gals.. and BOY am I glad we did it! 7 out of the 9 girls we transplanted were EXTREMElY root-bound. They had enormous root mats completely bound up on the sides and bottom, so after loosening them up we moved them into 10gals to give them some breathing room. Not necessarily to continue to grow, but just to relieve the pressure of the roots smacking up against the walls. I really don't doubt that this will help rather than hurt the girls, but we will see. I will watch the 9 transplanted compared to the 9 that are not transplanted, and see how they do.

The room is just so stinky its amazing, absolutely pungent skunky and fruity aromas! And I was dumbstruck with how much resin production, and all around growth, they had in week 4.. I can't wait to see what week 5 does to them.

Okay so on with the pictures.. I am still having problems with them showing up with the incorrect picture orientation. I found out it was due to the orientation being removed during the exif data removal.. so I went through each picture one by one and edited the exif data to include the correct picture orientation, and nothing else. As you may gather, this took fucking forever, but I was stoked when I opened them up on my desktop and it worked! So I have exif data clean pictures saved under the correct orientation on my desktop, but for some reason when uploaded to icmag galleries it loses the orientation information again! I don't understand how this is happening, if anyone could please help me beat my computer I would greatly appreciate it. Enough excuses, I have selected some pictures with the correct orientation below, the rest are in my forum album.. there is a whole mess of them if anyone is interested. Some pics are still sideways/upside down below b/c they had crazy resin :D























TB Gardens

Active member




One of the girls has a deficiency apparently different from the others. Other girls are just straight losing pigment, this one is different:


On another note, we decided today to purchase a house in time for next fall, or find some land and put a nice post and beam up. so I am happy to say that by next fall we will have a 7000w perpetual setup up running full time. We talked about dedicating a basement with atleast an 18'x30' foot print to 3 rooms; a 4000w Light Mover flower room, a 2000w Light Mover veg & mother room, and a 1000w breeding room. Everything will be in framed out, sealed rooms with co2 & a/c - although we probably will only run the veg/mother room during the summer months to keep a/c costs down. we go outdoors during the summer, so the basement works well with minimal a/c from early autumn thru late spring.

I can't wait for this upcoming year, some exciting things happening! Thanks for stopping by!
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Active member
nice grow! not enogh 5kw+ grows here...super skunk is some good stuff my buddy used to grow a bunch of that. real smelly strawberry fruity funk with big frosty ass colas...


Pow, BAm, Cazmao that rooms freakin stellar man:) Im sure you will get the nutrient thing on lock, I hate "naming the nutrient problem game", its right up there next to "what is this little tiny bug game" I got a problem just starting as you saw.. well i am subbed for this for sure.. best wishes !