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so sick......of my fucking neighbor



Wise words Nite Tiger!

I still wouldn't call po-po though, that's me though. Everybody to their own....I like how your neighbour has learned his lesson and utilises your olive branch to drive him to his destination when he's drunk. Top notch!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I mean that in other way and I use it wrong. SRY for that. With "white gloves" I was pointing to "don't let your mind get dirty". Think, then react and act responsible always be aware of what could come next.

Ah, I see what you mean. I saw 'white gloves' as in 'white glove treatment' or 'handling with kid gloves', indicating special or gentle care.

Yeah, it can be tough to not react instinctively. Especially for a younger guy. But, that separates us from the animals - we can overcome our instincts. I would even go so far as to say that is what separates adults from children.


Active member
my next door neighbor was an alcoholic and a real loud mouth asshole. but also a female with an extremely nice body. every so often id pick up some beer or wine, get drunk with her, and then stick it in.


Active member
nothing wrong with calling cops long as ur not snitchign on him for weed and obviosuly alcohol is his drug of choice, maybe even tweekers by the way u describe them, i would just tell the cops they are sitting around all day drinking and driving

callin the piggies is just a bad look man, something i would never try to do. i swear theres some database that logs your info when you call lol. i just dont trust them, only time i called the cops was this one time i was with my girl and some of her square friends in SF, this car fulla mexicans kept circling around and harassing us, when i told them to fuck off dude pretending he had a gun and yelled at me he was gonna "let 14 thangs fly" at me LOL. needless to say my GF and her suburban friends were scared so we had to call the piggies on those immature wannabe thug faggots...


Active member
What the fuck.

Once again the topic of police comes up again, and the members of this forum amaze me with their ignorance and disregard for others.

If someone is driving drunk, call the fucking police. They are a danger to themselves, and to every other person that is on the roads. It's not snitching, it's reporting extremely dangerous behavior. I hope none of you live in my neighborhood.

If you think you can't make an anonymous report, you're wrong. Go to a fucking payphone, and tell them there's a guy driving around town in X car that has been drinking for the past 8 hours.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
callin the piggies is just a bad look man, something i would never try to do. i swear theres some database that logs your info when you call lol. i just dont trust them, only time i called the cops was this one time i was with my girl and some of her square friends in SF, this car fulla mexicans kept circling around and harassing us, when i told them to fuck off dude pretending he had a gun and yelled at me he was gonna "let 14 thangs fly" at me LOL. needless to say my GF and her suburban friends were scared so we had to call the piggies on those immature wannabe thug faggots...

So, it's okay to call the cops when your ass is on the line, but if someone else is threatened, fuck 'em?



What happens if he gets busted for a DUI. Will he turn his life around quit drinking and concentrate on doing whats right for his family and himself. I don't think so. If he drinks that much im sure it wont be his first DUI. I have not met too many drunks that will let the loss of a operators permit slow them down. Tag the car in the wife's name and keep on trucking.
My whole problem with the deal is the welfare of the children. I grew up in the same environment. I drank like him and was the same way until I lost my dad and little brother to alcohol. Believe me anything he does will have more of a adverse effect on his family for generations than on himself. Child welfare is my concern. You said nothing about the wife. If he goes to jail then will you have his drunk buddie over consoling her every night. The SSA frowns on disability payments being spent to feed addictions.
As a disabled person that can barely survive on the government payment I frown on the abuse of the system Child welfare and the SSA may be the solutions to his and your problem. Peace


Active member
I know you said you won't call the cops but you need to call the cops. Do it anonymously and tell them you watched him drink all day and then drive off in his car. Will you call them when he kills someone? (hopefully not your wife or kid)
im from the streets an mother fuckers like that fuck up everything property value already then went to shit an for assholes who never grow up deserve it alcoholics are the worst call the cops we live by the code no snitching but within reason


............... what a lush

I hear you.. i'm not going for my license again hopefully I can quit drinking somehow or learn how to manage it but if you're a drunk you shouldn't drive.
I'm sorry your neighbor is bothering you sir I read stuff like this and I feel bad. fortunately i've never been involved in an accident but i've driven under the influence before and I get your anger.


Active member
I have sent anonymous "complaints" to police departments regarding more pedestrian issues. I E: illegal parking, barking dogs, etc. They did act upon them and the problems were addressed and corrected with the violators.

Heyllo LazLo!
Quick question...from somebody who has had the cops come to there house (with a room full of plants) due to barking dogs.

My mother was gone for a 3 month "vacation". It was me, and my two dogs. Usually, somebody is home with the dogs.. My mom has been unemployed the past 2 years and I've had the dogs for the same amount of time.

While she was gone for vacation, the dogs were left alone at home with the backdoor open for them to go in/out as the please...

One day I come home, and I have a very nasty message on my garage door from a neighbor, as well as a note from the Sheriffs department regarding "barking dogs".

I think to myself...my dogs barely even bark?? Once a day they will bark for like 45 seconds..anytime this lady walks past the greenbelt with her dog behind my house..but no other humans/dogs passing by...This was because she was spying in mine and my neighbors backyard because while spying in my neighbors backyard she apparently noticed my outdoor pot plant...my dogs dont like spying bitches.. anyways..getting off track.

I assume my dogs rarely bark, because I never here them...

Well, apparently, my dogs were barking in my backyard when nobody was home (no mom, no me) protecting the yard i'm assuming.

Supposedly this went on for 2.5 months, neighbors all ganging up and having meetings with each other, losing sleep (supposedly one lady works weird hours), calling the police (this is the first time I even knew there was a problem, to go along with the dirty note) ETC ETC ETC...before anybody ever contacted me to let me know there was a problem!

A simple knock on the door would have done the trick after a week of barking while I am working (usually 4-9 at night), instead, these fools lost precious sleep and were have a riot and calling the police...

So I ask, why not just knock on the door and address the problem with the neighbor??? Seems like it would be the quickest, most effective way to get a point across..

Sorry for ranting, im stoneddddddd


I know you said you won't call the cops but you need to call the cops. Do it anonymously and tell them you watched him drink all day and then drive off in his car. Will you call them when he kills someone? (hopefully not your wife or kid)
I aree 100%