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Is it to late?


IS it too late to grow outdoors?
I Finally just got my seeds
and i was wondering if its to late to grow outdoors?
i start germin today! so excited
using the wet paper towel meathod :woohoo:


I cough up honey oil
in SoCal you can get away with it even though I wouldn't wait any longer where I'm at unless I was growing a late flowering sativa. What are you growing? Are you in a place like socal?


I cough up honey oil
Orale! Your good. Now I'm exctied. Get your post count up so you can post pics. I wanna see an outdoor grow in Durango! Aye te wacho!


I cough up honey oil
It's not too late. I put a few 2 week old sativa seedlings out last week and my older plants haven't started flowering yet (except AG13 and the Arcata cut and only barely) and your farther south than me. Of course they aren't gonna get as big but they they should still grow a bit before they start flowering.