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help my seeds!please


New member
Hi guys, I have a batch of seeds from about 3-4 years ago, I soaked them in water for 2 days (I saw 2 sprouts that were sprouting), then germinated the seeds in paper towels with hydrogen peroxide to ten times the water, but Four days have passed and dozens of seeds have not germinated. Is there any way to help my seeds? I have sent it for 4 days。 Thanks


Well-known member
不要将它们浸泡在水中。只需将种子种在带有良好盆栽土壤的小塑料杯中。给它们浇水,然后等待。 4天后它们就会发芽。第 3 天将它们放在灯光下。祝你好运。


New member
thanks for your help. Can an old seed from 4 years ago do the same? Put them under the lights from the third day? Even if they don't have buds penetrate the soil? Thanks, I'm going to try it now。But I use coco, is it ok?


Well-known member
I believe if you have soaked them for a total of four days, they would have either popped by now, or are too old or dry to. Soaking them much beyond that is likely to lead to fungus. I would put them in dirt and cross your fingers!


New member
I believe if you have soaked them for a total of four days, they would have either popped by now, or are too old or dry to. Soaking them much beyond that is likely to lead to fungus. I would put them in dirt and cross your fingers!
Thank you, the seeds are from four years ago and I just soaked them in water for two days, then started sprouting them in tissue paper. It's been 4 days now, but none of the seeds have sprouted. I'll try transferring them to coconut coir and see if that works.


Well-known member
Do not soak them in water. Simply plant the seeds in small plastic cups with good potting soil. Water them and wait. They will germinate after 4 days. On day 3 put them under the light. Good luck.


Well-known member
You need to be patient. 4 days is a short amount of time. Seeds can take over a week up to 14 days to sprout. Were the seeds stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator? If they were stored in the fridge they should be almost as good as new, 90% germination rate after a week. If they were stored at room temperature but properly sealed from air and kept away from light you should still be over 50%. Stored under poor conditions, left in a drawer for instance, more like 25-30%.

What temperature are you germinating the seeds at? Cannabis seeds germinate best at 72-78 degrees F/22.2-25.5 degrees C. Room temperature is on the cool side. I always use a heat mat, if you do watch the temperature and don't overheat. The convenient thing about the paper towel method is that you can pop a lot of seeds in a small space that can be easily warmed. For instance near a radiator, in a cabinet above a warm light, or near a heating duct.

Creeper's idea isn't a bad one, I prefer popping my seeds directly in a soil mix. I don't like commercial potting soils for starting seeds, they're usually too rich, too dense, and/or full of wood and other debris. I always screen my seed mix, remove all the large pieces that a seed could bump into. Cannabis seeds don't need to be fed for their first 2 weeks of life so a rich mix isn't necessary. You can find seedling mixes designed specifically for sprouting seeds but my favorite is 'pro mix' or 'sunshine mix #5', it's basically sterile peat moss and perlite. I'll had a couple handfuls of compost to a batch for moisture retention but that's it.

Once the seedling pops and puts out it's first two sets of leaves it's ready to be transferred to a richer soil and it can be given a weak solution of fertilizer, if needed. If the seedlings pop and look yellow they aren't hungry, there's something else wrong, usually too rich of soil that retains too much moisture.


New member
你需要有耐心。4天是很短的时间。种子可能需要一周多到 14 天才能发芽。种子是在室温下还是冰箱里储存的?如果将它们存放在冰箱中,它们应该几乎和新的一样好,一周后发芽率可达 90%。如果它们在室温下储存,但适当密封与空气隔绝并避光,你应该仍然超过 50%。在恶劣的条件下储存,例如留在抽屉里,大约 25-30%。

你在什么温度下发芽种子?大麻种子在 72-78 华氏度/22.2-25.5 摄氏度时发芽最佳。室温偏凉。如果您注意温度并且不要过热,我总是使用加热垫。纸巾法的方便之处在于,你可以在一个容易加热的小空间里弹出很多种子。例如,在散热器附近、暖灯上方的柜子中或加热管道附近。

Creeper 的想法不错,我更喜欢将我的种子直接撒在土壤混合物中。我不喜欢用于开始播种的商业盆栽土壤,它们通常太肥沃、太致密,和/或充满木头和其他碎屑。我总是筛选我的种子混合物,去除种子可能撞到的所有大块。大麻种子在出生后的前 2 周内不需要喂食,因此不需要混合喂养。你可以找到专门为发芽种子设计的幼苗混合物,但我最喜欢的是“pro mix”或“sunshine mix #5”,它基本上是无菌泥炭藓和珍珠岩。我会在一批中加入几把堆肥以保持水分,但仅此而已。


Thank you, I should be patient. I store them at room temperature in small, well-sealed bottles, not in the fridge. The temperature here is 25 degrees Celsius, can it germinate? do i need to warm them up some?


Well-known member
25摄氏度是完美的。 4 年对于储存在冰箱中的种子来说还很年轻,对于室温下的种子来说已经很老了。将它们浸泡在 10/1 的过氧化氢溶液中是较老种子的正确决定。它软化了外壳。将它们浸泡在水中 2 天比必要的时间更长。在过氧化物溶液中浸泡 12 小时就足够了。祝你好运,我希望在我写的时候有更多的萌芽……


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
There is no need to use H202 to germ seeds. 4 years is not old. .. I soak in water to germ all my seeds with no issues. It lets me know which seeds need help.. Not all seeds germ the same even the same batch of seeds. After 3 day soak most should have tails, pot these up.. Any that do not pop have not cracked their perianth. I will crack it myself and usually get a tail the next day. The longer a seed sits in anything wet without germinating will rot!.

H202 is only used for seeds that are hard to germ and only soak for 8hrs or less. I've never used H202 to germ seeds.

Why reply in Chinese?. Did I miss something lol?
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Well-known member
If they are fresh I put them directly into a soil like Foxfarms OceanForest potting mix, same as Creeperpark uses. That works very well. If they are rather old I soak them no more than 8 hours in water sitting for 48 hours beforehand. If you put them in water and see them sink that is time to stick them in soil then. Don't keep in water too long. They want moisture and air combined, and water only gives them maximally water, and minimal air. Don't drown them. I never use the paper towel routine, though I see some that have and do. Seeds prefer to sprout their long tails in dirt.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Never let them sink.. This is a mistake. Seeds will drown.. They still require O2 to germ.
Place the seeds on top of the water, and leave them be. Do not disturb them until a tail is present.. If you can't get a seed to float when starting it's most likely not good. A seed is like a bubble with air/moisture inside. Water or getting them wet soaks into the perianth over time cracking it open letting tap root swell and grow out.

Descent how to vid. I do some thing different but for the most part its OK
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Well-known member
I remember Chimera posting his protocol for germination of older seeds and if I recall correctly they only should be rinsed for a few seconds in the peroxide. Not hours or days.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
An 8 hour soak is fine. The goal is to crack it as quickly as possible. H202 adds more O2 which speeds up germination. IMO there's no need to use it at all as there are other better methods to get it cracked open faster. Once it's soft enough I can crack it with my fingers.


Well-known member
An 8 hour soak is fine. The goal is to crack it as quickly as possible. H202 adds more O2 which speeds up germination. IMO there's no need to use it at all as there are other better methods to get it cracked open faster. Once it's soft enough I can crack it with my fingers.


Why reply in Chinese?. Did I miss something lol?



Well-known member
Never let them sink.. This is a mistake. Seeds will drown.. They still require O2 to germ.
Place the seeds on top of the water, and leave them be. Do not disturb them until a tail is present.. If you can't get a seed to float when starting it's most likely not good. A seed is like a bubble with air/moisture inside. Water or getting them wet soaks into the perianth over time cracking it open letting tap root swell and grow out.
Just to clarify i did not advocate allowing them to sink. Since the OP was allowing them to sit in water for days I wanted to advise to the contrary, and inform him that if he saw them sink, that was definitely time to get them in soil pronto. And, seeds sink at different rates. It is not an exact science. Even seeds from the same strain and age and pack will behave differently. A good rule of thumb, which we both practice, is not more than 8 hours. I have gone shopping and come home an hour later after having them soak in water for 4 hours only, and found that half of my seeds had submerged. I put them in soil and they are fine. I get 95+ percent germination rate. And, to be clear, when I discussed having water sit, I was talking about allowing the water to age 48 hours, before putting seeds in. And, seeds don't always remain floating. That is a misnomer. Sometimes they submerge quickly, in my experience.
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Well-known member
I remember Chimera posting his protocol for germination of older seeds and if I recall correctly they only should be rinsed for a few seconds in the peroxide. Not hours or days.
The hydrogen peroxide will kill any spores or fungus that's on the outside. That's why it is a good idea to wash them.