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Scientists Discover How Marijuana Creates Memory Loss



Memory loss from pot is exaggerated so damn much. You should see my friend who has a xanax prescription. His doctor has him wiped the fuck out on that shit, he can't remember a fucking thing.


Active member
Interestingly, of all the people I know, the one with the best memory is the heaviest potsmoker. He smokes weed because it increases his concentration and memory! Cannabis is a hypnotic drug and it's effects can be mediated heavily by our behavior and thoughts.
Cannabis affects everyone differently but I'd be very surprised if this person preferred heavy indicas.

Personally I find that sativas sharpen my focus and improve my memory as well. I actually forget things a bit more often but I remember them in seconds instead of the usual hours to a day it takes when I'm unmedicated. The more indica in the strain, the longer it takes me to remember.


pot memory loss seems harmless to me, the only real negative I have encountered from it is losing pot that I put some place and can't remember it.

That then leads to a great side effect of finding random pot all over my house at completely random moments, that's like x-mas morning.

I have some long term memory loss from the hard stuff I have done in my life, I don't really remember a whole lot of high school or the first 5 years of college(lol), now that really sucks to run into people and them say "remember that time?" and me just playing along with zero memory of what they are talking about.


all praises are due to the Most High
My memory lost comes from being to busy enjoying my buzz to worry about some bullshit someone just asked me to remember.

it all boils down to what JoJoDancer just said...

The short-term memory loss is a Perceptual phenomenon, not a medical one.

and it is not even a valid argument when it comes to discussing the legality of cannabis.

short-term memory loss is a concept that only makes sense within a context that assumes that people are always remembering everything that just happened and holding all that in their thoughts in order to function. and OBVIOUSLY this is bullshit.

we can function without holding a single thought in our minds.

and in that state, at will, we can all call back to memory anything that would be needed if the case arises.

that is just the natural capacities of the human mind.



from what i understand, an earlier study showed that MJ makes rats forget useless memories--like the no-longer-accurate old path through a changed maze--much faster, while keeping the relevant memories (ie the correct path through the maze). Apparently this applies to human PTSD victims too; MJ helps them forget the traumatizing but relatively useless (and awful) memories. So hell yeah, MJ creates memory loss, but aside from the short term "what were were talking about?" it seems to help clear out unuseful memories, which sounds badass to me. Time to fire one up and forget all the negative studies about pot i have ever read.


Active member
i find different strains can cause different degrees of memory loss. i can switch up to a new strain and after a few days find myself trying to recall a word a little more difficult in a conversation, or 'uh, what's that called again..blah blah' and it fades away about a week or so after changing strains. some strains also seem to effect quick recall of long term memories.. like if watching jeopardy or something, right after the question, it's on the tip of your tongue,and then.....memory block. no recall. you can stop the program, and sit there and ponder for a while, it just won't call up from long term. when you start thinking about something else, the answer just pops up. i know this happens to everybody, but i can notice when it's effect is a little more exagerated then normal..



Mabey thats why daily users (terrence mckenna would be a perfect example) tend to focus more on distant concepts and theories based on humanity, opposed to take a job as an accountant, or perhaps an mechanical engineer.
Philosophers and artists can afford to be whimsical, where as a straight forward detail oriented job, any diversion from the specific task at hand is a setback.

I find when im high , i remember different things, and think about things differently; Distant, sometimes random but often philisophically important things that ive heard read or experienced.

Then again, some types of bud(80-100% indica dom), i can really feel the effect it has over the creative, social and other process, and is more of a medication than a daily recreational use type cannabis.

When im sober, i remember things that are more specific to what im currently involved in.


When I play guitar stoned I'll forget simple chord inversions that I know, but will come up with on the fly solutions that I wouldn't have thought of ordinarily when straight, unless I did a "lets see here" moment. I think pot may cause rote memory malfunction but I swear it produces a non quantifiable "intuition" enabler that allows a more fluid jazz or jam type process to take place. The best way to describe it is "nuance enhancement". I can "feel" where a free form is going more than think about it. Thinking clogs the process and makes it clumbsy.
Maybe I wouldnt notice the difference if I was a guitar god, but I do hear a difference when I record. It aint always better but it is always different. Then it wears off and I still suck playing guitar....lol


from what i understand, an earlier study showed that MJ makes rats forget useless memories--like the no-longer-accurate old path through a changed maze--much faster, while keeping the relevant memories (ie the correct path through the maze).

I'll have to try out the theory at a corn maze this fall. No wait - it makes me too lazy to go to the corn maze. Never mind... What?


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
when making edibles, I'm quick as a whip. also I become smarter then ever when using cannabis

also I think people are forgetting to realize, most people don't remember shit, test someone to recall what they did last week and see if they can tell you..


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
memory loss my ass, people with memory loss from pot were already stupid in the first place. i have a much better memory than 90% of the people i know that DON'T smoke. and im medicated 100% of the time.
I don't think cannabis causes memory problems, it's that people are in their own world...and don't enjoy caring. Tobacco helps memory since it makes you care and really puts you in other peoples world (Hell).


All this talk about long and short term memory, i thought i'md let you know, IIRC short term memory is up to ten seconds in the past anything longer and it's long term
I have short term memory probems....but so does my dad, and he doesn't indulge. I do know that I'm twice the chess player buzzed.:joint: