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How To Taste Beer



Red Eye Barleywine


Classification: barleywine, extract

12 Lbs 12 ounces, lite Liquid malt extract
3 pounds, crystal malt
1-1/2 pounds, wheat malt
1 teaspoon, gypsum
1 teaspoon, Irish moss
2 ounces Hallertauer Hops (boiling)
1 ounce Hallertauer Hops (finish)
2 packages of Champagne yeast
¼ pound - 1 pound of trim and bottom buds (little popcorn buds work well for this).

Put your crystal malt and wheat malt into a grain bag and put it in to a pot with 2 gallons of cold water and bring it to boil. Once boiling commences take out the bag of grain, and add the malt extract, then add 2 ounces of Hallertauer hops and boil for 60 minutes, add the gypsum during the last 10 minutes of the boil and the Irish moss during the last 5 minutes of the boil at that time add the Last ounce of the hallertauer hops and cool as quick as possible and add to 3 gallons of cold water to make 5 ½ gallons of wort.

Pitch the champagne yeast and let ferment for 10 days to 2 weeks at 70 degrees F.
Once the bubbling stops siphon it off into a secondary fermenter and add your Cannabis (put it in a nylon dry hopping sack) and let ferment until clear.
Siphon beer off into a sanitized 5 gallon bucket
Add ¾ cup of corn sugar to 1 cup of hot water and bring to boil, add it to your beer then siphon into bottles and cap and let set for 2 weeks. Beer should be carbonated in two weeks. Flavor gets better with age.

Brewer’s note:
Used 1 ½ ounces of Sweettooth x Peak Flo trim and 3 ounces of White Widow trim in Secondary fermentation.
Beer was in primary fermentation for 10 days, then siphoned off into glass carboy for 2 weeks beer was clear and had a nice copper color and was more malty in flavor Hops were not pronounced, but were there in the background like an English version of barley wine. (flavor reminded me of “Old Nick Barley Wine” from England)
The cannabis in this beer creeps up on you over about 40 minutes and then it hits you full force. Nice buzz to it.
Alcohol percentage is around 10% by volume.
Made 60 12-ounce bottles.

My conclusion, It is possible to put Cannabis in beer the THC is Alcohol soluble, to do this, You need a high alcohol beer so that you have more efficient break down of the THC.

Other Side note....
Upon reflection, The beer did have a bit of a green flavor to it.
To remedy this I would suggest that before using the Cannabis in beer, it should be water cured...
To do this and not lose any of the trichomes place the cannabis in a tight silk screen bag.
That way you can take the cannabis strait from the water cure right into secondary fermentation.
Once in secondary, the trichomes will melt and become part of the beer because THC is Alcohol soluble.
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Sweet! Thanks Dank. I'm going to try it out. It should roll nicely with the Weed Mead I am planning to make as well.


Brainstorm - To eliminate the green Chlorophyll taste one could substitute Kief/Hash for the weed. I guess one could simply toss the trichs in the mix after the cooking took place?


Yes you could either water cure the weed to get the Chlorophyll taste out or you could through in Kif/Hash in.... Kif would be better..... and I would do it in secondary fermentation (this would be after you have fermented it beer out and before bottling) and give it a week so as to make sure that it has all completely desolved and mixed into the beer and then bottle.(question is hiw much kif do you get out of a 1/4 pound or a pound for that matter?)

The next time I try this beer out, I wanted to go up to 1 pound of trim...

I forgot to memtion when you go to bottle this beer, mix 3/4 cup of corn sugar with 1 cup of hot waterand then stir into the beer and then bottle.... that way the beer has the right carbonation.


WeedWrapperMan, I would also go a little heavy on the Hops as well, and maybe change the hops all together. The only reason I used the Hallertauer Hops is because for some reason at the time I made up the recipe I was stuck on german hops.

I would change it to 3 - 31/2 ounces of Goldings boiled for 60 minutes for more of a hop balance. (that way is doesn't seem to be overly sweet)
and 1 ounce of Fuggles Hops in the finish (boiled for 5 minutes)


hey there dankdude, Sorry about telling you about my fav beer. Bell's only ships to 10 states , all yankee ones I think . How much would a small brew cost to set up? I use sugar water and yeast for co2 and heard fermenting some beer or wine would do the same . Thanx :joint:


try this place out.... they are pretty reasonable.
They also have some decent beer ingredient kits there as well

Hell yeah fermenting beer and wine will do the same.... One of the byproducts of fermentation is co2 gas, the other is alcohol, good thing in what we do, we can utilize both.

Well I'm going to bed for the evening.....



My favorite brew so far is Dead guy ale. Excellent stuff. I like this thread as I enjoy a good beer with my dank.


Rouge Brewery puts out quite a number of good extreme brews.
here is a link to their product line I think you could also find that there some others you may want to try in the future.
They have descriptions for all their brews in PDF format... I think you may also find this interesting as well.


mean mr.mustard said:
They make a great chocolate stout.

Yeah I have been thinking of looking for a clone recipe to make that one for myself.... Man I need to get a grain mill so I can buy my grain in 50 lb bags....

that way I can make beer every weekend :D


Well I'm happy to report on some other wychwood beers namely the Black Wych which I find to be a very enjoyable stout and also the Hobgoblin is a very nice dark beer and is my favourite from wychwood so far. I'm gonna look into this homebrewing eventually, thanks DD


Active member
There's so many flavors of brew out there like cannabis, it's always fun to try something new. I love ales & stouts myself. Wouldn't buy anything anymore from AB even if they paid me to, lol. For me taste is everything when it comes to beer, and if it wasn't for Dank opening my eyes to real beer, I would still be hitting the whiskey, as I could never drink the ordinary lagers that are out there, as I felt it was piss water, but I did use them on my BBQ :wink:


Well I just bottled 2 cases of Southern English Brown Ale.

I'll I am saving this up for a friend who will be visiting in January.
I'll be holding a class for that friend and hopefully this person will leave a great brewer.


It should, I still have two more cases of two different beers in a holding pattern :D


I drink one to one and half litres of beer everyday...religously!

beer is good and in moderation compliments the buzz from ganja...3 or 4 cans each with 2 or 3 shared jays gives a nice buzz after work.

and while Bud, Miller and other mainstream US beers taste light & sweet compared to the heavier UK beers..they do go well with US fast food better than most other beers.....a dark, heavy beer with a TGIF burger and fries would make you feel bloated but a light sweet beer with bubbles is right to constrast the salt and fat and fullness

much in the same way Japanese beer (Asahi is my fav) compliments Asian food...or a pint of Guiness is just right after a cold day at work....or an Aussie beer like VB swilled outdoors at a bar-b while munching on burnt snags (translation Aussie = sausages) is right too

beer is good!

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