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Growing Cannabis in Holland

johnny depp


What's growing cannabis in the Netherlands like?
What happens if you get caught and how easily do you get caught?
If a "typical" dutch neighbor suspect you of doing something illegal will they more likely confront you first or do they go straight to the police?


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ICMag Donor
Up to 5 plants are allowed outdoors. The police will usually not bother you unless they receive a complaint. Neighbors, in my experience, will usually call the police first unless you know them well. The penalties vary depending on the size of the grow. You will usually receive a fine and your plants and equipment taken away and/or have to go to court. Probably the worst thing is that you get reported to the housing association, they could kick you out of your apartment and this can affect you being able to rent another place.


It depends which region you are as well.
In the south Holland is not allowed almost everywhere (to grow)..


New member
they try to make it harder for every body to grow in the future and than they start by there one to grow(the gouverment) , because they cant deny mariuana the medicijn of the future

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