
  1. C

    Vital Garden Supply-Organic Nutrient Questions

    Hi, Hope that isn’t too repeated a question that it’s annoying. In the past I’ve run Cutting Edge with Netafim drip in 3 gallon coco pots. Over the past year I’ve switched to fully organic, in soil (still running 3 gallon pots, but fabric instead of plastic). I’ve tried a variety of nutrient...
  2. socialgrow

    Day 70 Organic Auto Jack Herer Deficiencies

    Hi everyone, first time poster on IC Mag. Help! My day 70 ILGM Jack Herer Auto(on the left) is having some issues!! It’s run in 10 gal organic soil (alongside a Green Crack Auto) w worms, top dressed regularly primarily with BAS worm castings. I use happy frog all purpose 6-4-5, rainbow mix...
  3. V

    I need some pro tips for runoff EC. (Not first grower)

    Hello everyone! I think its my 12th grow so far, I've been trough many deficiencies, bugs, fungus and other enviromental problems. I have a situation that confuses me and feeling in a dead-end. Maybe some experienced growers can help me. Before the pictures, some background: I have my first...
  4. Kimes

    Would these cheap garden nutes work for cannabis?

    Been thinking of cutting the costs and not hauling water with nutes, so came across these.. Would these work for cannabis as they are, or should I mix them up, if so in what ratio? Or should something be added to them for optimal effect? These 3 powders are readily available locally and are...
  5. ExNavyInSTL

    Check My Math: Adding Disodium EDTA to Your HydroBuddy Nutrient Recipe?

    I would like someone who makes their own fertilizer to check my math. I've learned Hydro Buddy and I have created my "ideal" nutrient recipe (in theory). However, I want to make sure I understand the formula for adding Disodium EDTA to chelate my Fe, Mn, Zn & Cu. From what I have extrapolated...

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