
  1. Uncle Iroh

    On a rescue mission :)

    Hey fellow growers, My first report here, so here a short introduction of myself: Had a huge over-watering problem (my girlfriend took care of...) with my plants while I visited the Spannabis in Barcelona. Before I show you the...
  2. M

    Hydroponic needs your help

    What pot size should be for 3-6 plants in a 1.50x1.50 tent and how big the nutrient tank should be? I have 90 liters in mind but I think that is too big for 3-6 plants in 7-11 liter pots or am I wrong incorrect ? It will be a hydroponic NFT and drip system hybrid where I also need help with how...
  3. Bones

    Ionic Bloom/Boost - Confused

    Hey all, I have bought the ionic range of nutrients for my nft, and I am having difficulty working out the correct way to use the boost. I've done lots of searches and can only find this information: "Make up IONIC BLOOM in the nutrient tank. Add IONIC BOOST at 1 ml per litre of tank volume...

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