
  1. M

    Epilepsy and some questions.

    Hello, I am almost 23 years old and from a country where weed is ilegal and I would like to know more about weed and epilepsy. Sorry for my bad english, hope everyone understands. Well, when I was 20 years old I had my first seizure. That time I used a lot of hard drugs like ketamine and cocaine...
  2. M


    Salut, care e treaba cu iarba si epilepsia? Sunt fumatori care au epilepsie? Luati medicamente? Eu am prescris carbamazepina 300 dimineata si 300 seara. Iarba provoaca crize? Eu am crize de la 20 ani posibil din cauza drogurilor tari, am exagerat cam rau cu ele de la 15 ani. Momentan am inceput...

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