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*The K.I.S.S. Method*


Active member
MB, V&B or Jacks, I think the point of this thread is that you don't need to spend a fortune for good simple nutes.



Active member
from all of these threads ive read, jacks 3-1.8-1 sounds like the best simple low cost recipe. ive only tried kiss with mb 7g and gh microbloom 6/9. both of which i watered to 1.0 in veg to get tip burn to stop. plants are looking pretty damn good though. took a while to find the sweet spot. i oscillated between yellowing and burning til about a week ago. i think i can see how to do it now though. now im going to do one veg room in jacks to compare. ill let yall know.


Active member
It's some pretty juvenile shit to try and ruin this thread with V+B hype.

What's juvenile is treating this like it's some kind of nutrient gang, and what's ruining the thread is people trying to dictate what is and isn't allowed to be discussed in here.

If V+B is a one part feed, it's simple. Even if it's got a bloom booster that comes with it, it's simple. If it's simple, it belongs here.

I've always ran a basic nute line. I've used two parters from canna and plant magic, I've used the GH 3 part, but at the time I was using bottled nutes I went back to hesi for it's simplicity, because contrary to what I'd been told, there was no difference in quality between that and the other brands.

This was all grown with hesi 1 part at 0.8ec with 0.2 pk on top



Active member
from all of these threads ive read, jacks 3-1.8-1 sounds like the best simple low cost recipe. ive only tried kiss with mb 7g and gh microbloom 6/9. both of which i watered to 1.0 in veg to get tip burn to stop. plants are looking pretty damn good though. took a while to find the sweet spot. i oscillated between yellowing and burning til about a week ago. i think i can see how to do it now though. now im going to do one veg room in jacks to compare. ill let yall know.

Keep Dialing! I only run single strain crops. It usually takes me a round or two to figure out what the plants like. I usually mix at a gallon less ratio example: Per 5 gallons of water, use a 4 gallon ratio.


Question for you guys. I'm getting ready to start an outdoor crop in my backyard. Can I use the maxibloom with a standard bagged soil. I'm trying to make this as easy as possible.

Res with tap water and maxibloom, garden hose with drips coming off, timer. All on a raised bed.

Let me know if you have any thoughts on it.



Active member
Question for you guys. I'm getting ready to start an outdoor crop in my backyard. Can I use the maxibloom with a standard bagged soil. I'm trying to make this as easy as possible.

Res with tap water and maxibloom, garden hose with drips coming off, timer. All on a raised bed.

Let me know if you have any thoughts on it.


Yes, you can. Just remember that soil has nutrients, so you will not use full strength like you would in coco. You will have to experiment to find the right levels. Start slowly. Don't over feed.


Active member
:yeahthats:^^^^^im currently doing some feeds of mb in soil and i agree with retro.start low like .8 and work up. i think 1.2 is a good number for my soil andd situation but i could see it being much higher or lower depending on some variables..


Active member
from all of these threads ive read, jacks 3-1.8-1 sounds like the best simple low cost recipe. ive only tried kiss with mb 7g and gh microbloom 6/9. both of which i watered to 1.0 in veg to get tip burn to stop. plants are looking pretty damn good though. took a while to find the sweet spot. i oscillated between yellowing and burning til about a week ago. i think i can see how to do it now though. now im going to do one veg room in jacks to compare. ill let yall know.

Jack's works, and so does Dynagro one part. Jack's is the cheapest, then Dynagro, then Maxibloom. It's fertilizer. They all work when dialed in. The main difference between them is cost. Despite Dansbuds BS post to the contrary, the cost of V & G is many times the cost of Maxibloom. It's so much more, that it falls into the category of "snakeoil".
Cost of 25 pounds of V & G (dirty): $499.95, http://www.hydroponic-research.com/our-products/#products
That's $20 a pound in bulk!!!!!!! Too funny!!!
Cost of 54 pounds of Maxibloom: $189.65
That's $3.50 a pound.
For the intellectually challenged, V & G costs about 6 times as much!!!!!!!!!!
So you are paying SIX TIMES as much, for some silica, one of the most plentiful substances on earth, some cal/mag (which I have never needed), and some humic acid. Florilicious has humic acid and lots more for pennies.

"Floralicious is an organic based bio plant enhancer made from a highly concentrated blend of plant, seaweed and mineral extracts. Guided by the latest scientific findings, our unique fermentation process creates a potent blend of phytostimulants and biometabolic precursors that enable Floralicious to bring out the best in your plants.

Floralicious stimulates Krebs cycle metabolism, facilitates mineral transport and aids bioconversion, all which are natural performance and quality determining functions. Floralicious contains a perfect balance of vitamins, phytohormones, humic acids, plant sugars, protein builders and flavor enhancers. Floralicious adds quality to the flavor and colors of all plants and can be used for all plants in prepared soil/soilless mixes, coco blends and hydroponics."
Floralicious Plus is a vegan bio plant stimulator & nutrient additive. It is everything that is Floralicious except it has been formulated to be utilized in both the vegetative and regenerative, or the flowering, stages of growth. Floralicious Plus stimulates microbial activity in the plant’s root zone. This metabolic fuel solution is packed with powerful vitamins, complex plant sugars, protein building amino acids, seaweed extracts, carbon building blocks & aromatic oils all in a fulvic acid base.

So basically, those buying V & G are getting ripped off.
The old snake oil routine that Papaduck is always railing against. Too funny!!!!
But don't let the facts get in your way when you are posting BS.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Retro, let's have a little balance here......

Because I grow only for myself, I use relatively low quantities of nutrients. A 1 pound tub of V+B RO formula is $20, a 2.2 pound sack of MaxiBloom from Amazon is $15.25 or just under $7/pound. No doubt it can be had cheaper, but I get Amazon shipping for free. So, V+B actually costs a shade under 3x as much as MB. Yes, MB is cheaper in bulk, but I use +/- 4lbs a year - I don't think that I will live long enough to use a 54lb tub.

My records showed that I was getting around 96 ppm of mixed nutrient from a gram of MaxiBloom. V+B gives me 118 ppm of mixed nutrient per gram, or 23% more nutrient mix per gram than MB.

As I mentioned earlier, my tap water is very close to RO in composition, and has always needed Ca & Mg supplements with any nutrient other than V+B. According to the nutrient calculator in my sig line, adding enough CalMag to MB to bring it's Ca up to equivalent levels with V+B triples the cost of the mix. Yes, that single addition to make them have equal levels of Ca also makes them the same cost!

Now, when you factor in all of the other things that come in V+B that you don't want (but I do), it becomes a bargain. It also doesn't need a closet full of shit to get there - the only thing that I add to mine is DripClean for my Blumats. It is pH stable, doesn't drop out of solution and works fucking great.

KISS, according to the OP, is a philosophy and not a specific product. Like it or not, V+B personifies the KISS principle.


Ripped since 1965
What's juvenile is treating this like it's some kind of nutrient gang, and what's ruining the thread is people trying to dictate what is and isn't allowed to be discussed in here.

If V+B is a one part feed, it's simple. Even if it's got a bloom booster that comes with it, it's simple. If it's simple, it belongs here.



Not KISS Pimp V+B+Dirty+Plus thread. Of course this means nothing to you because you are also on every other thread pimping your nute schedule (with pics). V+B+Dirty+Plus users must feel left out because someone stole the old military term Keep It Simple Stupid and used it to describe their Maxibloom ONLY use. "Hey guys V+B+DIRTY+Plus is KISS, it is, it really is, we're KISS too, we really are, honest:tiphat:


Active member
Retro, let's have a little balance here......

Because I grow only for myself, I use relatively low quantities of nutrients. A 1 pound tub of V+B RO formula is $20, a 2.2 pound sack of MaxiBloom from Amazon is $15.25 or just under $7/pound. No doubt it can be had cheaper, but I get Amazon shipping for free. So, V+B actually costs a shade under 3x as much as MB. Yes, MB is cheaper in bulk, but I use +/- 4lbs a year - I don't think that I will live long enough to use a 54lb tub.

My records showed that I was getting around 96 ppm of mixed nutrient from a gram of MaxiBloom. V+B gives me 118 ppm of mixed nutrient per gram, or 23% more nutrient mix per gram than MB.

As I mentioned earlier, my tap water is very close to RO in composition, and has always needed Ca & Mg supplements with any nutrient other than V+B. According to the nutrient calculator in my sig line, adding enough CalMag to MB to bring it's Ca up to equivalent levels with V+B triples the cost of the mix. Yes, that single addition to make them have equal levels of Ca also makes them the same cost!

Now, when you factor in all of the other things that come in V+B that you don't want (but I do), it becomes a bargain. It also doesn't need a closet full of shit to get there - the only thing that I add to mine is DripClean for my Blumats. It is pH stable, doesn't drop out of solution and works fucking great.

KISS, according to the OP, is a philosophy and not a specific product. Like it or not, V+B personifies the KISS principle.

Not knocking the product which I have never tried. I'm sure it works fine. It's fertilizer. They all work when dialed. However it's way more expensive, as pointed out. I don't see how cal/mag can triple the cost of the mix. You also are buying, as you said, small amounts, so I can see how the cost would not be an issue for you if that's what you like. Cal/mag is cheaper in bulk too. So anyone using larger amounts, like buying a whole bucket of Maxi, is going to save a large amount of money, by also buying the cal/mag in bulk. Remember: $500 for 25 pounds vs $189 for 54 pounds. Less than two fifths the price for more than double the quantity. Also, Maxi & Botanicaire Cal/Mag are available in stores. Remember, in bulk, it's six times as much. $500 for 25 pounds is insane, IMO. To each his own. As long as you are happy with it, that's all that matters. For me, the high price makes things a lot less simple. Also, don't forget, Botanicaire cal/mag adds even more nitrogen, which I personally don't want, especially in flower. I believe they are the only makers of cal/mag, so they have the market cornered. I'm sure you can compensate by slowing your feed down, or flushing for a long period. I don't want nitrogen in my final product, but like I said, it's fertilizer, and they all work when you have it dialed in.
I'm sticking with Maxi, on a cost basis, and because my tap has plenty of calcium, making that additive unnecessary for me or anyone else using tap that's high enough in calcium. Also, I really like Florilicious Plus for an additive, if I am going to use one, although it's not necessary. I would also look at Dynagro, or Jacks, both cheaper than Maxi.


I think you are focusing too much on which is cheapest and less on which is easier to use.
I know the dirty V+B has everything maxi bloom, floralicious, and cal/mag have and more....in one product. I've run GH and Jacks and it was definitely more complicated and didn't produce as good of results. I fill my 50 gallon reservoir with RO, add 200-250 grams of dirty V+B, and check my ph every other day and get this;


edit, I did run +SIZE from weeks 3-6 @ 50grams per 50 gallon reservoir.


Active member
Before getting too bogged down by the economics, please, have a look here.

So now the argument is about cost of nutrients and snake oil.

And it's a being made by someone using Bloombastic....

... At $231 per Liter.

Last edited:


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Not knocking the product which I have never tried. I'm sure it works fine. It's fertilizer. They all work when dialed. However it's way more expensive, as pointed out. I don't see how cal/mag can triple the cost of the mix. You also are buying, as you said, small amounts, so I can see how the cost would not be an issue for you if that's what you like. Cal/mag is cheaper in bulk too. So anyone using larger amounts, like buying a whole bucket of Maxi, is going to save a large amount of money, by also buying the cal/mag in bulk. Remember: $500 for 25 pounds vs $189 for 54 pounds. Less than two fifths the price for more than double the quantity. Also, Maxi & Botanicaire Cal/Mag are available in stores. Remember, in bulk, it's six times as much. $500 for 25 pounds is insane, IMO. To each his own. As long as you are happy with it, that's all that matters. For me, the high price makes things a lot less simple. Also, don't forget, Botanicaire cal/mag adds even more nitrogen, which I personally don't want, especially in flower. I believe they are the only makers of cal/mag, so they have the market cornered. I'm sure you can compensate by slowing your feed down, or flushing for a long period. I don't want nitrogen in my final product, but like I said, it's fertilizer, and they all work when you have it dialed in.
I'm sticking with Maxi, on a cost basis, and because my tap has plenty of calcium, making that additive unnecessary for me or anyone else using tap that's high enough in calcium. Also, I really like Florilicious Plus for an additive, if I am going to use one, although it's not necessary. I would also look at Dynagro, or Jacks, both cheaper than Maxi.

Regarding the cost of CalMag, I did the analysis on my veg mix of 4 grams/gallon of V+B. This will yield 110 ppm of Ca in my water. The cost of 4 grams of V+B RO formula is 18 cents.

4 grams of Maxibloom is 6 cents in the quantities that I would buy it, but it only has 53 ppm of Ca in it. That would require the addition of 7ml of CalMag to bring the total Ca up to 112 ppm. CalMag, again from Amazon, is $18.36/quart or .017/ml.

7ml of CalMag costs 12 cents. When added to the 6 cents for MaxiBloom, it comes to 18 cents for enough of each to mix one gallon of veg mix.

So, at least according to my math, the cost for the two fertilizers is exactly the same if you need the higher level of Ca.

If I was growing commercially, I would probably be using Jack's. I'm not, and after 30+ years of growing, I find V+B to be the simplest nutrient for me to use. It's stable for weeks at a time, works well in Blumats, etc, etc - all of the things that I require at this point in my life. It costs me about $80 a year. I think that I can handle that.


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