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14w LED Vs. 130w CFL. Which is better?


Hi friends,

Have been growing in a small grow tent (2.6 H x 2.6 W x 1.5 D) for a few grows now and have only been using 1x 130w CFL so far with some pretty good results.

I have just started a new grow and have decided to make the switch to a 14w 225 Bulb LED panel. Just wanted to get your opinions on what I should be expecting? Will this panel be as powerful as a CFL bulb?



Active member
Heya penguin....is this the same light I am thinking about which can be bought on Ebay? 14w 225 light with just red and blue leds?
If so, the draw is only 7w on that...

I'll include the images of the test I did so you can see......

You can see, I have the tester plugged in and drawing 121V, then 'zero'ed' out and set to watts, finally, the 7w draw.
Sorry about the glare but I think it's still quite visible,, If you need a better picture, PM me and I'll get one to you.

Good Luck


Hey Vukman!

Thanks for stopping by and for the helpful info. So basically there's a significant difference between this LED panel and a 130w CFL? If so, I will swap back to CFLs.


the 45 king

Active member
I believe you mean 32 watts fluorescent the 130 watt is just a marketing ploy. Stick to the fluorescent if you can control it's heat.


Active member
Hi Penquin.......as the other two people mentioned (45 king, grow_right), stick to the fluorescent. I cannot vouch for a 130w being 32w but the marketing ploy is right on. I've never used them so I have not tested them although it's common knowledge that a cfl or led never draw what they are 'advertised' at and as grow_right says, if you want to run an led light, save up for one which is at least 'advertised' at 90w. There is a whole other avenue of knowledge you need as well. Wave lengths and the numbers of each wave length also play a huge role.
The way I got my big whopping '14w' led was I seen it on Ebay as well and no one had bid on it so believe it or not, I bid $2.00 and I got it!! I have the papers to prove it!! LOL.....
I still have to see if it will work for cloning but I don't even know which wave length those are so I don't know. I'll find some sort of use for it.........

Good Luck


Thanks for the very helpful tips everyone.

You'll have to forgive me but I'm not very experienced when it comes to lighting as you can probably tell! From all your advice, I think I will swap back to a CFL set up for now until I can afford a decent LED panel.

Thanks again,


Active member
pengy my mate used that very LED light... absolutely terrible.. plants barely even grew.. his now got the 130w cfl with some plants in flower and his got that led mounted on the side for extra lighting in flowering.. his not getting great results tho.. kinda bummed me out.. i wouldnt bother with anyless than a 400w HPS tbh from what ive seen. just my two cents


Hey Joeski!

Long time no speak, hope you're doing well. I definitely hear you that an HPS bulb is the only way to go to get any decent results. Debating going HPS but just concerned about controlling the resulting heat in my tiny grow space. Will definitely do what your friend is doing and use the 14w LED panel for side lighting instead now.
