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Ear Cleaners


Active member
Q-tips work best right after the shower. The wax is moist and soft. The proper technique will make all the diff. You can push the wax deeper and watch out if you touch your eardrum.

That is some of the worst pain I have ever felt and I have been burned 3rd degree over 50% of my body. Watch out sticking those in your ears. my doc says you should never put anything in your ear that is smaller than your elbow.

Ha Ha!
I once ruptured my ear drum cleaning with Q-tips when my dog jumped up to greet me, hitting my elbow and jamming the Q-tip through my ear drum.
But heals.....
My friend and his girlfriend tried them and told me they worked great. I tried it out, didn't work. It doesn't 'pull' the wax out of your ear or anything. People think it works because they see waxy residue but that's just from the candle itself.


A round loop seems to work best for me. It is similar to a tool used by the doctor. actually the same tool used by the doctor I got it from my uncle and ENT surgeon. They sell plastic ones at the drug store that work about as good


Oh my fucking god, forgot to pick up q-tips for like 4 months. I'm like chronically addicted to fucking with my ears, I don't know what it is. I know I produce more earwax than someone who doesn't fuck with their ears too much, and I've had ear infections like once a year my whole life, but FUCK I can't stop. So I forgot for 4 months, got an ear infection, just got a box this weekend... So perverted and satisfying seeing a q-tip covered in dark orange earwax.

I don't give a fuck, I have an ear fetish for sure.


Active member

I tried this before.My brothers wife worked at a spa,and she went on and on about this ear candle thing.So i bought some off the interent for like $5.00 for 4 .

Anyway ,i couldn't believe it,but it works,Ya light the end on fire and ,Somehow it creates a sizzling vaacum that sucks the wax out if your ear and puts in the small tip of the cone.My buddy had huge amount in thei,worked for me too.Ya just can burn it down much lower than 2 inches.

see, that's how they sell it. with the sizzling smoke vacuum and all the wax residue left behind.

if you burn one and just hold it with your hand in thin air it creates that same bunch of waxy grossness that you think just came all out the side of you face.


Active member
Yeah Q-tips are not meant to go in the ear, read the box they even warn against doing it. They say to use on the outside of the ear only.

It leaves (mostly) microscopic fibers that help reinforce wax build up. Like rebar in concrete. You can use a mild solution of hydrogen peroxide. Turn your head to the side, pour it in and you will hear popping noises, then tilt your head back out and it will all drain out.. I think doctors use a high pressure hose with hot water, sometimes use hydrogen peroxide.

With that said, I use Q-tips LOL.. I should go to the doctor and have them cleaned.

He told me NEVER put anything smaller then your elbow into your ear..

Big City

im hard of hearing so im really "in tune" with the human ear/ audiology (its not my chosen profession/study however)

Cleaning your ears with Q tips are actually counter productive to a certian extent.

the proper way to clean your ears actually if you go to a doctor they will squirt warm water into your ear and flush the wax out... this is the safest way.

Quite true. You can also give them a good wash with hydrogen peroxide instead of water.

Q tips are bad.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Q tips are bad.


Ignore my advice on this issue. :comfort:



Active member
Been doing this since I was a kid. Get some Hydrogen Peroxide and pour it in your ear..it will bubble then gently you can use a Q-tip and go around inside of your ear without going deep.It usually picks up the wax that way.It just loosens it up and foams to the top.The more it bubbles,the dirtier your ear,,,clean it!

Fill it up and tug and pull your ear lobes and wait a few minutes.Wax floats...lol

I told a room mate this..then one day he was using rubbing alcohol and I went ,"YIKES !!! Not Rubbing Alcohol !! Use Hydrogen Peroxide man!"

I've heard of the candle thing...Even was told it works..I don't see how the heck how..by the way,the girl who told me it works is stupid..lol


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I prefer the pinky. Thumb for the nose.


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ICMag Donor
see, that's how they sell it. with the sizzling smoke vacuum and all the wax residue left behind.

if you burn one and just hold it with your hand in thin air it creates that same bunch of waxy grossness that you think just came all out the side of you face.

No Mista Diggity,,,itwas definitly earwax in their no candle wax im certain of it...:ying::ying:
earcandles r the best...fereal once your done and cut them open you can see all the yeast and wax that was in there and feels like you can hear fer miles:tiphat:


i hear that when you get this ear candle stuff done, you are supposed to have some jelly or something put in your ear afterward because the candle removes so much wax it can hurt your ears not to have it, idk if it is true. Sad to say i am the hard of hearing type that lets the way build up till i can just pull .5 gram chunks outta there.ewwwwwwww


didnt read all the post but the cone and wax thing WORKS!

When I was a kid my grandma used to do that stuff to me...WW2 methods....she like dipped 1/2 of a piece of cloth in hot wax and then rolled it i a cone arround a stick. Then she put it in my ear end lit it up...I dont know how but it takes all the shit outta your ears...also the hard nasty stuff....And it doesnt hurt in any way and wax doesnt get in your ear....


Active member
Let me reiterate what I said before, because there's an amazing amount of bad info in this thread.



Let me reiterate what I said before, because there's an amazing amount of bad info in this thread.


Look man...Used them for 15 years....and if before using them I heard shit and my ear hurt, and after that Ive seen the brown shit out and everythin was ok...then for me works...well...at least it didnt hurt anymore. And for me thats enough. people have been using them for centuries...its not somethin new.

I mean....for me it works...everyone can say it doesnt...i dont give a fuck...same shit when doctors tell my weed is dangerous...

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