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Working with clay, planting hemp, first time, lots of questions


New member
So a little background, this will be my first time attempting to grow hemp and a lot is riding on it.

I checked my soil using a mason jar test to find out how much clay I am going to have to deal with. So I dug 1 foot down and use samples of 3 inch, 6 inch, and 12 inch filling the masin jar half full, added water and shook. In the first 24 hours I had 40% clay and 48 hours I had 25% clay.

My question to you guys is Why the huge difference in clay %?
One more question is how long does it take to get the permit to grow hemp?


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I'm interested in the feedback you get. Must say though, sounds like you just jumped from a plane and are texting the instructor on what you should know about the classes you skipped.

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