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Test grows for illegal therapy on tape...

Hi all,since Italy seems to be going to criminalize cannabis more than cocaine or heroine with a nazi law that counters people will expressed by a referendum in 1993 i had to stop,take a minute and think about keeping on gwrowing or not...
Actually if you are caught with less than 2 grams (or even more if you can demonstrate it was personal use only...) you only risk driving licence suspension,as well as aspeak with a doc...
With the new law there will be strict levels of susbstance you can carry without risking to be arrested:
0.250 mg Cannabis
0.500 mg Cocaine
0.300 Heroine
0.500 Meth
If you carry more than this you risk to serve 6-20 years of jail...obviously if the law will become effective in the next month...

Once stated this,i took the decision to rip off my grow,wich was a 400 watt ,1.2x.12 meters room with 380 cfm3/s exhaust and all the shit...
So,according to the new political prohibitionist tendence,i bought a couple of new lamps,new fans,new seeds,new will in growing cannabis.I setted up a 250 watt mh in a closet door for the mothers,then a 150 watt hps in another room of the same closet (all rooms being 90x60 cm,130 cm of height),this one for a scrog that will start as soon as i have the mothers...
Also ,in the middle of the same closet,i setted up 36 watts of neon and all the needings for the clones...
Also the closet as 2 more empty rooms,that i will probably use one day...
In another room of the house i'm sctually setting up my 400 watt grow,wich includes an acqua system as well as a 25 plants drip system...
All plants are grown in canna coco,a great medium IMHO,and they are five Super Skunk (Sensi Seeds),a couple of Shiva Shanti,and a Master Kush.You can see in the 150 hps room a very little superskunk and a 20 days veggin' Shiva Shanti,in the 250 watt mh room you can see a Shiva Shanti (the bushiest and oldest plant of the back line),a master kush (the biggest one in the front line) as well as the other four Super Skunk (the little ones...).
Ph is 6.00-6.05 actually,RO water,Canna Coco ferts,Cannazym,Rhizotonic,Ph+ Cellmax,pk 13-14Ripen for the finishing.
I bought a new digicam that can also do little videos,so here's the link to download my mini free-grow-tour avi (no sound) to show off how the grow are actually.I'm planning to do the last works on them (mylar for the internal walls,and maybe a little more fans as it's getting hot early here...) in a few weeks,i will make a good video (maybe with sound next time...) to show you the updates...
It's always nice to share your grow with other growers,so i hope you will enjoy this!Have a nice joint!Sorry if i am off topic,i didn't post any pics but videos are still a slideshow of pics so...i hope you won't mind!!!

Sorry,but it has been removed (tripod...) ...hehehe prohibition...will find new hostings :D..
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New member
just talking about MJ in italy ...

just talking about MJ in italy ...

my mother in law is born/ raised in sicily as are all her kids, my hubby included. she still owns a house there and goes to live each year for several months. my father in law was buried there 5 years ago. i kinda speak italian but understand it more. im shy to speak italian because i would be embarassed if i miss-spoke.

anyway, i was asking about MJ use and she says that its consumption is rampant. she even had a story about a young man who killed his grandmother over needing money for MJ. we think it was money for cocaine but she remembers it as being MJ.

no wonder the laws are so strict ... bummer! keep up the good work growin ... just be smart and silent!

I'll try to be smart for sure,but not silent ;).
In fact,all the "scene" here in Italy should scream instead of hiding...
We can't count on media's here to fight against prohibition/misleading fakes about cannabis,so we have to use other ways,and the net is the one that offers more potential...
I try to keep up both my privacy and my will of being heard...not easy,but not so hard also...at least till now!
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