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sweet spanish black jack primeiro cultivo


flor caseira poupa na carteira-week 10 flowering

flor caseira poupa na carteira-week 10 flowering

:ying:cada vez acredito mais no karma da erva e em geral,
pra frente so levam agua até à colheita.:tree:com isto ja dei uns :kos:
hoje estive com o meu fornece que tambem é tuga e planta e disse-lhe que brevemente nao iria precisar muito dele por ai 2 semanas,não penso tirar muito mas todo sera precioso e fumavel e embora tenha levado toda a paciência de 26 + 74 dias hoje de flowering ,e o tempo que ainda vai levar/dou uma semana seca e o resto do tempo cura no vacuo(frasco ou taparw.)/4 meses e está a verdadeira cabeça curada,from seed.
Contudo resta-me aguardar um pouco mais ate la...
:clock watch:
Ei-las na semana 10 de floração:ying: :ying:
bons fumos e grows para portugal e todos os amantes da sagrada erva,é so plantar e ve-la :plant grow:e um dia mesmo que sejam anos os dealers deixam de existir...
um abraço
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Black Jack week 10 of flowering

Black Jack week 10 of flowering

boas Ov3r,Paulo73 e ricardopunx,gostava de os ter no meu :rtfo:de amigos aqui neste top site pela :trampoline:confiança e estimulo dado ,especialmente nesta minha primeira thread aqui... :yeahthats,porventura irei daqui em diante expressar me mais em inglês ou procurar traduzir o q achar + importante aqui ou ali..,isto pela consideração que penso ser devida à maioria dos demais users do site e tambem em procura de um pouco + de feedback e participação de mais gente na thread ..:ying:LET'S, see then how is goin me old ladies Black Jacks in it's last days at week 10 of flowering:watchplant: she couldn't keep alive a few leafs at top,think that was because nutrients burning,think, and mainly coz of kind of micro grow sistem i have implanted in my room bedside:smokeit:

WEEK 10 BJ at sensibly 100 days :canabis:started flushing in:underwater:

Leave my 40 days life, babes SLH da greenhouse till they have one thread of their own,have pinched them to better affluence of nutrients and water, and some foliar feeding under fan
:greenstars::laughing: that going to suffer some stress train and reviewing on kodiak and others threads about training and topping tecnics
the SLH :joint:
:dance013:thank you buddies and special appreciation to kodiak for his guides:ying:nice grows to all


BLACK JACK week 11and last of flowering

BLACK JACK week 11and last of flowering

Hi my frinds and visitors of my first grow,heres the pictures of week 11,they did get a bit burning on some of the top sun leaves but is not a prob to harvest ...
and that's it pretty much,thank you,obrigado to all:wave::thank you::ying:


Black Jack harvest 4 months from seed

Black Jack harvest 4 months from seed

hello folks ,that the way it is,:ying::smokeit:
think that this time pictures will speak by themselves:ying:
thank you to all that posted in here...
:thank you:


the end of black jack

the end of black jack

And the seeds now turned in a nice smoke and are weed in a jar,flowers mean,after all is just a flower for god sake...arrrh


THAT'S IT BY NOW NEXT-not less but SLH...

THAT'S IT BY NOW NEXT-not less but SLH...

That's it folks thank you once again to all you that resolved to stop an eye in this my first thread and just want to leave a note of appreciation to sweet seeds and congratulations for the quality of their seeds,mean black jack,thank you all
really see you in a next thread near you in a near future...cheers!
E assim,fica aqui a minha primeira apresentação,do meu primeiro cultivo caseiro,obrigado sweet seeds e esperem-me breve com uma nova plantas...valeu!Obrigado a todos!:smoke::canabis:
pics,1,SLH2an3 BJ