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Silly newbie question concerning nutrient ratios.


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Durban? Fuck that shit!

View attachment 18949420

Roadkill skunk!

Maybe the Durban I smoked was grown under led.

Got a good chuckle out of this, is it skunky? Durban Poison that is, mine smelled like grapefruit, (almost exactly)... They were freebie seeds from Seedsman though, maybe it wasnt Durban...It had a really strong odor after curing but was not skunky at all.. Grapefruit, Incense and a fresh lime on exhale. It was delicous...

Ohh if your wondering what the big red thing is, its a photography lens cleaner. Perfect to get fresh air into a jar during cure... (burping with a squeeze)


Quite a few weeks before harvest, my second grow. I'm embarrarased to show the flowers at harvest as bloom nutrients burned all the leaves off. I barely made it to harvest.

Im still learning...


Hell with it, here they are all roasted up due to excess salts (and the wrong salts).. Careful with those bloom nutes !

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For decades I've grown pure sativas or sativa mutts. Growing pure indicas is new to me. Really like the high.

Im an Indica guy without a doubt. And I hit it very lightly, just a puff or two. I dont like being very high. Indica if used lightly gives me that head tingle ... (like ASMR if you are lucky enough to know how that feels)...

Unlike sativas though I've had to really stretch out the veg time and even then they're small plants. Am lazy on the watering and every time a pot goes dry I get some bronzing or other ailment on some of the leaves. Curling leaf tips mean nothing to me. If the leaf is green, it's producing....is the way I look at it.

This is HUGE and has helped me a lot. I'm so afraid of overwatering that I have a tendency to underwater during flower. I use the water when it feels light trick which is great for Veg, but I'm thinking its the worse thing to do during flower. So, I have been watering when its lightweight but still damp (not bone dry lightweight)--- a day earlier than I used to and my plants are perking up like you wouldnt believe. I think they can take the extra water in flower, but if they dry up things can go bad fast. My plant talks too, not sure if I told you this but shes been telling me she's thirsty (she gets sad) and she smiles and perks up after a heavy watering....
Got the seeds from Kwik Seeds FYI. I'm in a small space too indoors. Growing big plants like I used to is a thing of the past. Instead I grow 15' tall avocado and citrus trees, it's my Man Cave!

Nice cave ! Im jealous....
This is what I see from my easy chair that's backed up under an avocado tree. They are delish. The very sweet, strong smell of tropical fruit trees in blossom is so fine, especially citrus. Bees and other pollinators come and go thru big open vents, soon.

View attachment 18949327 .
I gotta try growing something else, maybe tomatoes. I love marinara with fresh Roma Plum tomatoes. Who knows, maybe my weed skill will tranfer over !
Diary is at the bottom of this page. Tag along friend.


Heading over now to have a peek at your Master Kushes now.

Thanks again, I'm listening and learning more than you can imagine,
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Is there any evidence that shows you need "bloom" nutrients? An in-depth analysis & discussion.​

Discussion 🗣️
To preface this, I'm new to hydroponics and am doing my research trying to learn as much as I can.
One point of contention seems to be the nutrients that are needed to grow plants that have flowers/fruit. One side says you need grow & bloom nutrients, and the other saying bloom nutrients are just marketing and don't actually help.
The principle behind bloom nutrients is that phosphorus is used when plants are blooming, so having a high P nutrient will help with that. The opposing side says that as long as your NPK nutrients are balanced, the extra levels of P in the bloom nutrients are not needed. There is also the effect that nitrogen has, with higher nitrogen levels promoting growth and lower nitrogen levels promoting flowering.
The line of thinking that bloom nutrients are not needed is backed by the CEO of Dyna-Gro who said 14yrs ago that:
"As you have noted, our Foliage-Pro does a great job start to finish. However, it is simpler to give the market what they think they need than to try to reeducate it. There is some evidence to believe that low N helps to convince a plant to stop its vegetative growth and move into its reproductive phase (flowering), but environmental factors are probably more important. P is typically 5th or 6th in order of importance of the six macronutrients. There is little scientific justification for higher P formulas, but marketing does come into play for the vast majority of users who lack any real understanding of plant nutritional requirements." (Source).
There are also several articles that share the same conclusion: